2001: A dismembered corpse is found floating in trash bags in Galveston Bay, Texas. Police trace the body back to a grisly crime scene, and arrest Robert Durst for the killing of his neighbor, Morris Black. Durst, scion of New York’s billionaire real estate family, makes bail and goes on the run. After months of eluding authorities, he is arrested again and assembles a dream team of lawyers to prepare his defense in the extraordinary case.
2012: Filmmakers Andrew Jarecki and Marc Smerling are preparing for the theatrical release of the feature film “All Good Things,” starring Ryan Gosling, about the life of Robert Durst. Shortly before the premiere, Jarecki is contacted out of the blue by the reclusive Durst, who asks to see the movie. After seeing the film, Durst – who has never spoken publicly about his life or the crimes of which he’s been accused – expresses his willingness to sit down with Jarecki for an extended interview.
Introduced along the way are Durst’s second wife, the inimitable Debrah Lee Charatan, and his brother, Douglas, with whom he has a lifelong rivalry.
Texas, 2001: Die Polizei findet eine zerstückelte Leiche. Sie verhaftet Robert Durst - der Spross einer New Yorker Immobilien-Dynastie war bereits in Verdacht geraten, seine Frau und eine Freundin ermordet zu haben. Elf Jahre später meldet sich Durst bei den Filmemachern Andrew Jarecki und Marc Smerling, die einen Spielfilm über sein Leben ins Kino gebracht hatten. Zum ersten Mal will er ausführlich über die Verbrechen reden, die ihm vorgeworfen werden
A bizarre 2001 murder in Texas resurrects public interest surrounding NYC real-estate scion Robert Durst, who sits down with filmmaker Andrew Jarecki for an exclusive one-on-one interview.
סיפור חייו של רוברט דרסט, יורש נדל"ן ניו יורקי שנחשד בקשר להיעלמותה של אשתו הראשונה ב-1982. כעבור כעשר שנים, הוא נחשד ברצח וביתור שכנו בן ה-71 בגלבסטון, טקסס.
Een in stukken gesneden lichaam dat in 2001 in Texas wordt gevonden is mogelijk gelieerd aan Durst. In 2012 neemt Durst contact op met regisseur Andrew Jarecki voor een interview.
2001: aparece un cadáver y la policía detiene a Robert Durst por asesinato. 2012: Jarecki y Smerling se preparan para estrenar la película All Good Things sobre la vida de Durst. De repente, Durst se pone en contacto con Jarecki y le pide ver la película.
A curiosidade em torno de Robert Durst está de volta após um assassinato e o milionário procura Andrew Jarecki para uma entrevista.