A pair of post-90s besties have chosen very different paths in life. Upon graduation, one stayed in Shanghai to focus on her career while the other returned to their hometown to get married. In recent years, they encounter unprecedented difficulties. For many years, Yuan Ge has been married to her job and hasn't bothered investing in relationships. As her health takes a hit, she starts to make changes in her life. For eight years, Gu Qiao has made constant concessions for her husband only to be given divorce papers in the end. This time around, she's determined to restart her career. While both ladies have completely different personalities, they are equally tough and brave. In a metropolis full of opportunities, it is easy to lose your away. Not afraid of falling, they are persistent and join hands in overcoming difficulties to complete the transformation of youth and usher in a new chapter in their thirties.
一對90後閨蜜選擇了截然不同的人生道路。 畢業後,一個留在上海發展事業,一個回老家結婚。 近年來,他們遇到了前所未有的困難. 多年來,袁歌一直埋頭於工作,從不費心去投資感情。 隨著她的健康受到打擊,她開始改變自己的生活。 八年來,顧喬不斷為丈夫讓步,最後卻給了離婚證。 這一次,她決心重新開始她的事業.
雖然兩位女士的性格完全不同,但她們同樣堅韌勇敢。 在充滿機遇的大都市,很容易迷失方向。 他們不懼跌倒,執著執著,攜手共克時艱,完成青春蛻變,迎來三十多歲的新篇章。
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