The entrance ceremony has ended, and club recruitment of the freshmen has begun. Amidst the competitive recruitment frenzy, the Robot Research Club and Motorcycle Club were getting in a heated stare off over a freshman that both clubs were aiming to recruit. Kasumi, from the Disciplinary Committee, and Shippou, from the Extracurricular Activities Federation, intervene. However, now the two who had come to break up the fight begin arguing amongst themselves over who should have authority over the situation, and were on the brink of initiating a physical fight. Meanwhile, Koichi, the head of the Saegusa Family, was devising a plan to mitigate the Yotsuba Family's power through a false anti-magician campaign that the USNA's Humanist Extremist group was drawing up for the media.
El movimiento antihechiceros tiene un inesperado aliado en uno de los Diez Clanes. La opinión pública parece estar moviéndose y cierta institución educativa será su objetivo.
Après qu'un mouvement anti-magie est désigné comme étant à l'origine de l'attaque de l'Offshore Tower, Kôichi Saegusa apprend que les médias seraient manipulés pour retourner la population contre les mages.
Die Klubs suchen auch in diesem Jahr wieder nach neuen Mitgliedern. Robotertechnik-Klub und Biker-Klub geraten beim Werben um einen neuen Schüler aneinander, woraufhin Kasumi vom Disziplinarausschuss und Shippō von der Leitung des Klubverbands einschreiten. Allerdings entbrennt ein Streit darüber, wer die Verantwortung übernehmen soll, und die Situation spitzt sich zu. Unterdessen plant das Oberhaupt der Saegusa-Familie, die von den Nichtmagier-Befürwortern der USNA begonnene Medienmanipulation zu nutzen, um die Macht der Yotsuba-Familie zu schwächen.
Na escola, é possível ver Shippo mostrar seus ressentimentos em relação à Família Saegusa. Enquanto isso, há conflitos políticos acontecendo.