Brotherhood Of The Best follows the occult careers of three American Presidents, and exposes for the first time on film the Black Magic Seances performed by Doctor John Dee for Queen Elizabeth the 1st in the 1500s - These seances summoned demons described in the ancient 'Book of Howling', otherwise known as the 'Goetia' - the demons prescribed a method of controlling the hearts and minds of all peoples on planet Earth - and recommended dividing our planet into a series of regions and states - what we today call 'THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Today, President Obama sits at the desk of the Oval Office - this is a place where members of various secret societies, witch covens and masonic lodges have weilded power over the minds of millions... They are following a Master Plan called THE WORK OF AGES... It all seems like 'politics' to the unintiated - but the wholesale destruction of planet Earth - with the poisoning of the soil, poisoning of the sky and poisoning of the seas has been the gameplan of a Satanically-inspired Luciferian cabal since the dawn of history. It is a classic battle between the forces of Good and Evil. There is no question that many world leaders are following this master plan - and those who disobey are ASSASSINATED. This Master Plan was inspired by Elizabethan magician, alchemist and spy - Dr John Dee who maintained a huge library of books about demonology. Spirits spoke to Dr John Dee - and these phantoms dictated a New World Order - dividing the world into various regions over which a particular Dark Angel would rule. Dr John Dee's communications with demons took place within the Royal Court of England, using books known as Grimoires which summoned the Hierachy of Hell. These demons promise riches for those who follow their plan - and curse those who fail to obey with disease and early death. A documentary with documents, diaries, photos, paintings & writings from the 1500s.
If you only watch ONE documentary about the UFO and alien phenomenon then this is IT! 10 million people have tuned into THE ENIGMA CHANNEL to watch this TV Special directed by CHRIS EVERARD who has personally interviewed ALAN BEAN (4th man on the Moon), DICK GORDON (Apollo Command Module Pilot), WALTER SCHIRER (pioneering astronaut from the early days of NASA) and Dr. EDGAR MITCHELL - who is a veteran Apollo Astronaut and one of the growing number of NASA employees who are now voicing their opinion that UFOs ARE REAL and that ALIENS could potentially be numerous in the cosmos. Directed by CHRIS EVERARD, this two hour documentary exposes the fact that the NASA space program is actually a continuation of the Space Projects funded by the Royal-Bavarian Elite, who, under the custodianship of Hitler and Himmler planned to voyage to the Moon and create a LUNAR BASE. Project Paperclip, the Van Allen Radiation Belts and literally dozens upon dozens of UFO clips filmed from aboard the flight-deck of the SPACE SHUTTLE by NASA astronauts makes this motion picture documentary a special collector's item. It is still the only documentary which explores the contacts and eye-witness testimonies of RUSSIAN COSMONAUTS - Mr Valery Uvarov explains that the Greys have made contact with members of the Russian Space Program.
If you only watch ONE documentary about the UFO and alien phenomenon then this is IT! 10 million people have tuned into THE ENIGMA CHANNEL to watch this TV Special directed by CHRIS EVERARD who has personally interviewed ALAN BEAN (4th man on the Moon), DICK GORDON (Apollo Command Module Pilot), WALTER SCHIRER (pioneering astronaut from the early days of NASA) and Dr. EDGAR MITCHELL - who is a veteran Apollo Astronaut and one of the growing number of NASA employees who are now voicing their opinion that UFOs ARE REAL and that ALIENS could potentially be numerous in the cosmos. Directed by CHRIS EVERARD, this two hour documentary exposes the fact that the NASA space program is actually a continuation of the Space Projects funded by the Royal-Bavarian Elite, who, under the custodianship of Hitler and Himmler planned to voyage to the Moon and create a LUNAR BASE. Project Paprclip, the Van Allen Radiation Belts and literally dozens upon dozens of UFO clips filmed from aboard the flight-deck of the SPACE SHUTTLE by NASA astronauts makes this motion picture documentary a special collector's item.