Six friends from the Cotswolds take part in what they think is a documentary series that morphs into an outrageous game show, in which they compete for cash prizes in mock games such as 'Banging Headache'; a stomach churning version of spin the bottle; and a hangover hell game involving a head shave.
Three builder mates from Wallsend face the challenge of completing outrageous games on a hangover when Matt wakes them up after a very big night on the town. Can they fight off their hangovers enough to remember events from the night before or face a professional paintballer shooting at them, and a gross drinking game called Rough as a Badger's Arse? And tonight's Hangover Hell involves a stomach-churning spinning cement mixer.
The Hangover Games rolls into Leeds, where comedian Matt Richardson is once again waking up an unsuspecting group of friends the morning after a big night out. Will the hungover mates be able to down a liquified kebab, remember who snogged a drag queen, and face the challenge of sucking a granny's toe to win the cash prizes on offer?
A group of friends from Plymouth travel to Essex for a big night out.
A group of friends in Croydon wake up to hideous hangovers and some harsh party games to play for cash prizes - including running away from angry bouncers, a stomach-churning version of beer pong, and the smelliest journey to work ever.
Three glamorous club hostesses from Brighton take on the Hangover Games challenge. Comedian Matt Richardson wakes them at the crack of dawn after a big night out, challenging them to engage with marauding seagulls and a boa constrictor snake.
In west London five local friends take part in what they think is a documentary about partying hard. However, comedian Matt Richardson breaks the news that the real TV show is about facing outrageous games with their hideous hangovers. There's a game with a coffin, a truth or dare version of spin the bottle, and some revelations concerning secret snogging.
Matt Richardson challenges a group of friends from Barrow to play The Hangover Games - but things don't go to plan. After just a couple of hours sleep, can the pals shake off their hangovers enough to play Ratted - which involves a live mousetrap - or participate in an intimate waxing?
The Hangover Games is in leafy Canterbury, Kent, as Matt Richardson challenges an all-girl group of local friends to play some outrageous games for cash prizes while suffering from terrible hangovers. The girls must face dirty pints of chilli and fish sauce, as well as a twerking challenge, and a head-spinning ride on a beer bike.
The Hangover Games heads to Birmingham, where an all boy group of flatmates have been out partying hard to celebrate their recent holiday in Magaluf. If the lads make it to the pop-up studio they face electrocution pads, a huge tarantula, and a game of poker shots.