The Torres family show their pirate-themed Caribbean Christmas display, featuring a two-story handcrafted castle that covers the facade of their house, a life-sized pirate ship with cannons and a 35-foot mast in Henderson, Nevada; the Murphy family, with the help of their art class students, transform their house into Christmas art with over 400 precisely cut figurines, 75 extravagant scenes and a massive 25-year-old Cinderella castle in West Frankfort, Illinois; the Howard family show their incredible light show that incorporates a giant multicolored mega tree and a violin playing as if it’s floating in the air in Fillmore, California; and the Taylor family show their magical forest display spanning across three acres, including over 50 beautifully lit trees covered in 500,000 lights and a 90-foot tree with 23,000 lights brightening up the massive wonderland in Kennesaw, Georgia. Judge Carter Oosterhouse decides the winner.