Welcome to the Game Garage! A series of three new, experimental quizzes and games. Thanks today to Evan Edinger - https://youtube.com/naveregnide - and Luke Cutforth - https://youtube.com/lukecutforth - for being the guinea pigs for Game 1: Weight For It. Sure, we could have spent a fortune on a massive studio, huge props and a giant seesaw: or we could get a garage, some GoPros, and some boxes of sand.
Today in the Game Garage, it's not about what you know: it's about what you can do. Pull down the description for the full cast and links to everyone's channels!
The final episode in this run of the Game Garage gives us a Proper Quiz: complete with all-or-nothing questions and a prize of FIVE THOUSAND PENCE. That's pence. It's £50. We didn't have that big a budget.
We're back! New games, same garage. Thanks to the crew from SOME LOVELY BOARD GAMES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeCp...
This game turned out a lot more stressful than we thought it would. Thanks to ASHENS and the POLYBIUS HEIST crew, you can watch their first movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Tf2A... and Ashens' channel here: https://www.youtube.com/ashens
I'll say this about this week's Game Garage: we definitely had fun. Thanks to Toby: https://www.youtube.com/birdkeepertoby and Inés: https://www.youtube.com/drawcuriosity !