It begins... The show begins with a carrot appearing and a ferret cackle. After a while Scritch explains to the audience what the "stage" is made of and asks for video equipment donations to put something in the blue screen, well his bedsheet. Herbie uses the sheepdog puppet for the first time, and says, “This show will be on every Sunday UNTILL YOU DIE!”
It continues... Yappy calls it XFOX-Internet TV. Among the voices heard off camera someone says "Well, Someone's gotta do something!" Bad Word Hour starts with "Piece of Sh-t Car" and The F-word speech done again. First mention of the infamous drink Beverly - and also the Beverly Challenge. Tigress and Raini puppet for the first time to the song "Walk Like An Egyptian". A performance of “sledge hammer” includes several real hammers.
POOT! The show starts with Speedy talking and whishing everybody a nice evening at the "Sunday Puppet Show" and mentions fungus. The channel is called upon, to come up with the name for the show and Mutt wants the name “POOT” - “Puppets Over Orlando Tonight”, as suggested by TerriKat. Yappy states: "This show cost us nothing to produce... as for time: we got too much of it!"
New Stage! Scritch mentions a lot of technical improvements. TerryKatt donated an honest to goodness puppet stage! Doodles says “it looks like a bad opera house” - it is still all black but has the typical gold ribbon already. Stanley D Lion donated a VCR. Mach enters, recovering from last night's Aqua Marine Orgazam Screams. Fuzzle mentions the “Funday Night Pawpet Show” by name.
An epic New Years Special 8 hour marathon extravaganza! Highlights include the cast attempting to wear party hats, shot glass checkers, live video from Pawpets West, call in and New Years countdowns around the world.
Half a Thousand Shows!
Pawpet Broadcasting Network - III Segment 1: The Trans European Happy for Living Sunday Show Segment 2: The Gopher Hole Segment 3: Cyber News with Todd Segment 4: Advanced Abstract Physics Math with Mutt Segment 5: Mutt's live report from AC Segment 6: The good word with Poink Segment 7: PPRM Garrison and Hobbes productions: All your Mutt are belong to us Segment 8: I love Blitzy Segment 9: As seen on TV with Todd Segment 10: Star Wars
The show of a million and one laugh. Mutt bought a wand at the wizarding world of Harry Potter… swish and flick! Bandit is about to get surgery and Mutt discusses whether dogs have boobs or nips. Yappy asks "How many people think he's like Sheen" and shows some pictures of mutoscopes. The cast discusses crypto-currency and the problems that head shops have in dealing with banks. The "Leaky Con" gets plugged... errr... mentioned. The Fox Amore song "Remember Me" is premiered. The cast discusses the pros and cons of cloning and rule 34 of it. BraceBear plays "Are you smarter than KP?"
Multicam. Yappy Fox Multicam. Mutt gets a free dongle and doesn't know what to do with it. Todd lost his beaney hat. Movie-Talk: The Nut Job and the upcoming Oscars. Yappy presents the new cameras he installed around the house, including the bathroom-cam, featuring JackRabbit and a stick-cam; as in stick-it-into things. Mutt looks up “brown crayon” on urban dictionary.
No chit chat! The Tirrel intro video has slightly changed... Ezra and KP love the "Happy" song... and Yappy doesn't think he'd survive a road trip with him. The situation surrounding the "Flappy Bird" game is discussed. Mutt asks Siri... and is bored Several Beatles songs are played due to the 50th anniversary of the Ed Sullivan show.
What does the Fox Amoore sing? Blitz runs with the olympic torch... or match. Ezra got a makeover! Fox Amoore gets interviewed and plays a song from his upcoming album "Come Find Me", some requests from the audience and "What does the fox say". The cast sings the “silent-e” and the “l-y” song. Cosmik sings the paw-tweets. Spits or swallows: Haggis Fox Amoore, Rhubarb and Cosmik perform "Piano Fox" for a closing song.
Meme Much? Flappy Birds - MMO! Poink T. Weasel tells of his adventures at the airport and on the plane. Movie theater and plane memories; about fat people and double seats Mutt tells about lowering rules for love. JackRabbit tries out a sheepdog for a change... and likes it! Scorch sent in some more stuff. Jelly Beans with weird flavors for one. Dantee gets interviewed This weeks subservient sees the long overdue return of "Guy on the Couch". SparkyGShep's death is mentioned and Yappy goes through KP's twitter.
The Fourth Annual(ish) Arthur Awards. The cast collects the new categories for the Arthur awards by asking the channel. Amongst others there are "Best running gag", "Best “Ding” moment", "Best Call-in", "Best technical difficulties moment" and "Best OrlandoFox".
2 Gryphon and 2 Landos The cast wonders if OrlandoFox would be able to draw animation in real-time. Mutt got a new laptop and opens it. Grumpy Cat makes an appearance! Mutt wants a Firebird, and everybody is surprised what craigslist has to offer… What would you give up for lent? Skin diseases are discussed Movie-Talk: Sherman and Peabody Mutt gets washed (including his mouth!) and put through the spin-cycle. Poink tries to give the phone number to the call-in Combination subservience/interview with Nall Call-ins: 2 Grypthon, OrlandoFox and Momlando Interview: Rhino
Back from the contrack! Movie-Talk: Muppet Movie: Most wanted, Frozen and Mr. Peabody & Sherman KP does a quiz with Mutt, deciding on his next car. Mutt visited Dollywood and shows some pictures. Yappy Fox checks out some other furstreamers. Crappy Doo is now the dirtiest of the sheepdog cast. The Megaplex mascots are presented.
EMERGENCY PANTS! Poink tells the story about his arrest three years earlier and discusses why he (dis)likes comedians. Ezra tells about one of Kuddlepup's dogs going into heat, which brings up the subject of “doggy diapers”. Emergency underwear… and JackRabbit models them! Yappy shows off "weird things found in people's a**es". We find out how child stars look now.
Rule 34: explored Scorch has sent in some more stuff, filling up Yappy Fox's garage. Mutt finds out that his watch beeps. Mutt calls Cinnabon to find out if they have doughnuts Yappy Fox flips through Furstream, landing at the Funday Pawpet Show, creating instant-dub-step! Rule 34 and Olaf. Favorite restaurants are discussed. Movie Talk: Wolf on Wallstreet Disney Stores and their marketing strategy for different movies are discussed.
Easter 2014 A discussion about "e-cigs". Yappy visits furstream Mutt Barker transforms into a creeper and the Easter Bunny calls in and plays "Are you smarter than KP?"
We are live...nowait...again! Poink talks about picking fights… and the conversation quickly centers in on drag queen fights. The stream crashes at 0:40, 0:45 and several other times… Meekrat, Ruby Canine and EagleBeagle get interviewed Yappy got a reply from a company on twitter… The "Inchworm" song puts half the channel to sleep
Happy 2017!
Visit from "Paws in the Park"
Glitch and Subservients
The show that almost was the PBN show...
St. Patty
Back to bi-monthly
Easter 2019
Cinco de Mayo
Ezra's first fart!
Home alone 2
Yappy 50
Post Megaplex 2019
Welcome to Technical Diffuculties Weekend!
Halloween 2019
20 year anniversary
Still twitching!
Christmas 2019