Experience the breathtaking journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb encounter the Resurrection and Pentecost. Gain a deeper appreciation for our Savior and the price He paid for our salvation. All of this in a fast-paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study rolled into one remarkable adventure!
Discovering the Mary of the Bible will help you know and love her Son. You'll clearly understand Mary's Immaculate Conception, her role of intercessor, her Assumption into Heaven and more.
Follow Peter from Galilee to Jerusalem to Rome. Along the trail you'll discover answers about the infallibility of the Pope, papal succession, the truth of Catholic teaching and much more! And you'll see why Jesus chose this simple fisherman and his papal successors to be the Keeper of the Keys and the Shepherds of the Church.
Fall from a horse in the desert and dangle over the Damascus Wall in a basket. Cling to driftwood in the sea and stride along ancient Roman roads. You'll better understand the life, ministry, and sufferings of Paul the Apostle.
Steve Ray takes you on an incredible journey of discovery through Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. Together you'll discover how Moses, the Exodus, and the Hebrew experience in the wilderness beautifully point to the coming of Christ and our salvation. Retrace the journey of the Israelites, and discover the roots of our Christian Faith.
Join Steve Ray as he takes you on a face-paced adventure through the mountains and deserts of Israel to discover not only where David and Solomon lived and reigned, but also the meaning of their lives and kingdoms.
An exciting journey to the Roman Empire and the world of the first Christians. You'll sit at the feet of the apostles, celebrate the Eucharist in hiding, and tremble at the suffering they endured for Jesus Christ.
This amazing saga sweeps through the Book of Genesis from creation to the journey into Egypt. All this in a fast-paced, entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics course and Church history study rolled into one remarkable adventure.
You'll witness God's power demonstrated through Elijah and Elisha, the conscience of the kingdom, as they confront the powers arrayed against them, preparing the way for Christ.