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  • S01E01 adieu - ナラタージュ

    • November 15, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、 鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 記念すべき初回は、adieu(上白石萌歌)が登場! 映画『ナラタージュ』の主題歌となった「ナラタージュ」の初となるライブパフォーマンス披露。

  • S01E02 Rude-α - It's only love

    • November 23, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第二回は、沖縄出身の新世代ラッパー Rude-αが登場! この夏は、AbemaTVの超人気恋愛リアリティーショー「オオカミちゃんには騙されない」へ出演でも、HIP-HOPファンのみならず、多くのティーンエイジャーの間で大きな注目を集め話題となり、自身最高のヒット曲となった「It’s only love」を披露する。

  • S01E03 Cö shu Nie - asphyxia (piano ver.)

    • November 29, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第三回は、声の表情で魅せる切ないボーカルと、繊細でカオスなバンドサウンドで2018年のデビュー以来、アニメ「東京喰種:re」、「約束のネバーランド」、「PSYCHO-PASS 3」などの主題歌を務め、満を持しての1stアルバム「PURE」のリリースを控えるバンド・Cö shu Nie(コシュニエ)から、作詞作曲とボーカル、ギター、キーボード、マニピュレータと多彩な才能を見せる中村未来が登場! アニメ「東京喰種:re」OPテーマにもなった「asphyxia」をピアノの生演奏とともにここでしか見られない一発撮りで披露。

  • S01E04 adieu - 天気

    • December 4, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第4回目は、 adieu(上白石萌歌)が再び登場! 11月27日に発売となった「adieu1」より、小袋成彬書き下ろしによる、新曲「天気」のライブパフォーマンスを初披露。 メランコリックでメロウな美しいサウンドに溶け込む、秘めたる想い、恋愛の始まりを描いたリリック。adieu の感情表現が際立つ1曲。

  • S01E05 LiSA - Gurenge (紅蓮華)

    • December 6, 2019

    Our 5th episode features LiSA, a popular singer who is well-loved in both anisong and rock circles, and who will make her first appearance at NHK's Kouhaku Uta-gassen (one of Japan's most prestigious year-end music programs) this year. She will sing a special piano rendition of her 2019 hit song, ""Gurenge (紅蓮華),"" which was the opening theme song for the popular TV anime series, ""Kimetsu no Yaiba.""A microphone and a white studio. And 1 rule. You’ve got 1 TAKE. Perform anything you like. Show us everything you’ve got for that 1 moment.

  • S01E06 Rude-α - wonder

    • December 11, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第6回は、沖縄出身の新世代ラッパー Rude-αが再登場! 公開後半年でMV再生回数200万回・ストリーミング再生回数も230万回超え、 ライブでも観客の大合唱が巻き起こるメジャーデビュー曲「wonder」を一発撮りでパフォーマンス。

  • S01E07 石崎ひゅーい - さよならエレジー

    • December 13, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第7回は、シンガーソングライター石崎ひゅーいが登場! 菅田将暉へ提供し話題となった「さよならエレジー」のセルフカバーを、ギター1本今回だけのアレンジで一発撮りでパフォーマンス。

  • S01E08 Cö shu Nie - inertia

    • December 18, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第8回は、Cö shu Nie(コシュニエ)から、作詞作曲とボーカル、ギター、キーボード、マニピュレータと多彩な才能を見せる中村未来が再登場! 2020年1月10日に劇場公開となる安達寛高(乙一)の初長編監督作品「シライサン」に書き下ろした主題歌で、リリースしたばかりの1st ALBUM「PURE」にも収録される新曲の中でも、バンドサウンドとは打って変わった空間のあるトラックと、緻密に配置されたコーラスワークの中、中村未来の妖艶で美しいウィスパーボイスが際立つ新曲「inertia」を一発撮りで初パフォーマンス。

  • S01E09 Little Glee Monster - 愛しさにリボンをかけて

    • December 20, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第9回は、5人組女性ボーカルグループLittle Glee Monsterが登場。クリスマスを前に、5人の美しいハーモニーが際立つ「愛しさにリボンをかけて」を一発撮りで披露する。伴奏には、ピアノ・ギター・カホンのアコースティック編成で、暖かな雰囲気の映像を楽しめる。

  • S01E10 LiSA - unlasting

    • December 25, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第10回は、先日「THE FIRST TAKE」にて「紅蓮華」を披露し絶賛のコメントが相次いだLiSAが再び登場。 新曲「unlasting」を情感あふれる切ない歌声でパフォーマンスする。

  • S01E11 加藤ミリヤ - Aitai

    • December 27, 2019

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第11回は、デビュー15周年を迎え、ますます活躍が期待される加藤ミリヤが登場。 ミリヤ自身が”好きで嫌いな曲”と愛情を込めて語った「Aitai」を、ピアノアレンジでしっとりと、かつ情熱的に披露した。

  • S01E12 Little Glee Monster - ECHO

    • January 10, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第12回は、5人組女性ボーカルグループLittle Glee Monsterが登場。昨年のNHK紅白歌合戦にも出場し、NHKラグビーテーマソングとしてラグビー日本代表選手の前で熱いエールを送るパフォーマンスが話題になった「ECHO」を一発撮りで披露する。伴奏には、ピアノ・ギター・パーカッションの初のアコースティック編成でここだけしか聴くことのできない、5人の一心同体のパフォーマンスを楽しめる。

  • S01E13 石崎ひゅーい - 花瓶の花

    • January 15, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第13回は、シンガーソングライター石崎ひゅーいが再登場。 石崎ひゅーいが友人の結婚式のために書いたという、彼の代表曲とも言える「花瓶の花」を、優しく力強い歌声で披露する。

  • S01E14 崎山蒼志 - 五月雨

    • January 17, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第14回は、現役高校生シンガーソングライター崎山蒼志が登場。 崎山初の配信音源「五月雨」を、独特の世界観と中毒性のある歌声をギターに乗せて一発撮りで披露する。

  • S01E15 加藤ミリヤ - ほんとの僕を知って

    • January 22, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第15回は、デビュー15周年イヤーに突入し、結婚・出産を経て女性アーティストとしてもさらに輝きを増しながら、今年秋には日本武道館ライブも期待される加藤ミリヤが登場。 産後復帰第一弾シングルとなった「ほんとの僕を知って」の歌詞に込められた強いメッセージを伝えきる初披露のパフォーマンスに注目。

  • S01E16 足立佳奈 - ひとりよがり

    • January 24, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第16回は、Twitter・Instagram・TikTokなど各SNSのフォロワーが計110万を超えるなど、若者から幅広い支持を得ている足立佳奈が登場。 AbemaTV『今日、好きになりました。夏休み編』のテーマソングに抜擢され、10代の間で失恋ソングの定番となっている「ひとりよがり」を等身大のパフォーマンスで披露。

  • S01E17 崎山蒼志 - 夏至

    • January 29, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第17回は、現役高校生シンガーソングライター崎山蒼志が再登場! 夏への追憶を歌にした「夏至」をエモーショナルなエレキギターの弾き語りアレンジで一発撮り披露する。

  • S01E18 wacci (橋口洋平) - 別の人の彼女になったよ

    • January 31, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第18回は、 5人組バンドwacciより、ボーカルの橋口洋平が初登場。 YouTubeに公開中のMusic Videoコメント欄には多数の恋愛エピソードが書き込まれ、カバー動画が次々とアップされ続けている話題の楽曲「別の人の彼女になったよ」を、歌詞の世界観にも没入できる弾き語り一発撮りで披露する。

  • S01E19 足立佳奈 - 話がある

    • February 5, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第19回は、今年成人を迎えたばかりの足立佳奈が再登場! AbemaTV『今日、好きになりました。』のエンディングテーマで、自身が作詞にも参加した切ないラブバラード「話がある」を等身大のパフォーマンスで披露する。

  • S01E20 Queen Bee - Fire

    • February 7, 2020

    "THE FIRST TAKE" is a YouTube channel that delivers content that conveys the artist's single shot performance more realistically and clearly. Avu-chan from the band Queen Bee (Ziyoou-vachi) join us in episode 20, whose creative astonishing concert stage and presence are successful in various fields. ""Kaen (flame)"", also an opening theme for TV animation ""Dororo"", will be performed accompanied by acoustic guitar played by one of the member Hibari-kun.

  • S01E21 wacci(橋口洋平) - 足りない

    • February 12, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第21回は、 5人組バンドwacciより、ボーカルの橋口洋平が再登場。 現在公開中の「別の人の彼女になったよ」 https://youtu.be/MK-5SOBPPtg のサイドストーリー的要素もある一曲「足りない」を弾き語り一発撮りで披露。なおこの曲はニューアルバム「Empathy」に収録されている。

  • S01E22 ゴスペラーズ - ひとり

    • February 14, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第22回は、ヴォーカルグループのパイオニア ゴスペラーズが登場。 25周年イヤーを迎え、平成を代表し誰もが知っているラブソングでもある、アカペラの名曲「ひとり」をパフォーマンス。

  • S01E23 Queen Bee - BL

    • February 19, 2020

    "THE FIRST TAKE" is a YouTube channel that delivers contents that convey the artist's single shot performance more realistically and clearly. Avu-chan from the band Queen Bee (Ziyoou-vachi) comes back to us in episode 23. One-shot performance will be "BL", opening theme song for "10 no himitsu (10 secrets)" on Kantele and FujiTV network and the title song from the album BL. Watch out for Avu-chan's fast-pace change in voice and expression.

  • S01E24 さユり - 航海の唄

    • February 21, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第24回は、 歌うことで“酸欠世代”の孤独に寄り添い、酸欠世代との循環する共鳴の中で歩み続ける”酸欠少女”さユりが登場。 デビュー前の路上ライブを彷彿させる座布団とポンチョで力強いパフォーマンスでTVアニメ「僕のヒーローアカデミア」第4期EDテーマの最新シングル「航海の唄」の弾き語りを初披露。

  • S01E25 ゴスペラーズ - VOXers

    • February 26, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストの一発撮りのパフォーマンスをよりリアルに、鮮明に伝えるコンテンツを届けるYouTubeチャンネル。 第25回は、ヴォーカルグループのパイオニア ゴスペラーズが登場。 Human Beat Boxやルーパーを使い巧みな技術でハーモニーを積み上げることで構成される新曲「VOXers」を披露する。

  • S01E26 秋山黄色 - モノローグ

    • February 28, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、 一発撮りのパーフォマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第26回は、作詞・作曲・編曲・歌唱のすべてを自身で手掛け稀有な才能を持つソロアーティスト秋山黄色が初登場。 ドラマ『10の秘密』主題歌の「モノローグ」を、原曲とは違うスローな弾き語りで、聴き手の心を揺さぶるエモーショナルなここだけのアレンジを披露。

  • S01E27 さユり - ミカヅキ

    • March 4, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパーフォマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第27回は、 歌うことで“酸欠世代”の孤独に寄り添い、酸欠世代との循環する共鳴の中で歩み続ける ”酸欠少女”さユりが再登場。 デビュー前の路上ライブを彷彿とさせる座布団にあぐらでポンチョを纏い、 自身のデビューシングルであり、“ノイタミナ”アニメ「乱歩奇譚 Game of Laplace」エンディングテーマの「ミカヅキ」を弾き語り一発撮りで初披露。


    • March 6, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. “WHAT IS MUSIC. Capturing the essence. In one take only.” A single mic placed in a white studio. There is only rule. One take only. Episode 28 welcomes ASCA, a new rising anime singer capturing fans from all over the world with her amazing vocals and cool looks for the first time. 1 TAKE performance of , “RESISTER” an opening theme song for anime series Sword Art Online: Alicization 2nd series, a smash-hit song with over 5M streams. Performing her strong vocals with aggressive and fast-paced music.

  • S01E29 秋山黄色 - 猿上がりシティーポップ

    • March 11, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパーフォマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第29回は、ソロアーティスト秋山黄色が再登場。 秋山黄色の楽曲で高い人気を誇る「猿上がりシティーポップ」を、ギターをかき鳴らしながら弾き語りで披露する。

  • S01E30 KANA-BOON (Maguro Taniguchi) × Necry Talkie (Mossa) - Naimononedari

    • March 13, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. “WHAT IS MUSIC. Capturing the essence. In one take only.” Vocalist and guitarist Maguro Taniguchi from the rock band KANA-BOON performs in episode 30. He welcomes his friend Mossa also vocalist and guitarist of Necry Talkie as the guest vocalist for ""Naimono nedari"" featuring humorous conversation of a man and a woman. This is the first collaboration on THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E31 ASCA - KOE

    • March 18, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパーフォマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第31回は、 今後の活躍が期待されるシンガー・ASCAが再登場。 テレビアニメ『Fate/Apocrypha』の第2クールエンディングテーマ、彼女のデビューシングル「KOE」を、感情深く歌うASCAの声とピアノの旋律が美しいここだけのアレンジで披露する。

  • S01E32 DISH// (Takumi Kitamura) - Neko(Cat)

    • March 20, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. “WHAT IS MUSIC. Capturing the essence. In one take only.” Episode 32 will give vocalist and guitarist Takumi Kitamura from DISH//, the band with high popularity from young generations. He will give the love song "Neko (Cat)", written and composed by the singer-songwriter AIMYON, with the pre-recorded acoustic performance by members.

  • S01E33 KANA-BOON(谷口鮪)- マーブル

    • March 25, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第33回は、「ないものねだり」のネクライトーキー Vo,Gt.もっさとのコラボレーションでも話題になった、KANA-BOONからVo.Gt.谷口鮪が再登場。 旅立ちや新たなスタートを切る春の切なさを描いた新曲「マーブル」を弾き語りで披露する。

  • S01E34 SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Yosh (Survive Said The Prophet) - BELONG

    • March 27, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第34回は、 数々のアニメ作品の劇伴音楽を手掛け、 今年活動15周年を迎える劇伴作家・澤野弘之が登場。 ボーカル楽曲に重点を置いたプロジェクト、SawanoHiroyuki[nZk](サワノヒロユキヌジーク)として、 Yosh(Survive Said The Prophet)をゲスト・ヴォーカルに迎え、 作曲を澤野弘之、作詞をYoshが手掛けたこの楽曲を、ピアノと歌声だけという特別なアレンジで披露する。

  • S01E35 DISH//(北村匠海)- Shape of Love

    • April 1, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第35回は、 「猫」のエモーショナルなパフォーマンスがSNS上でも話題になったDISH//からVo.Gt.北村匠海が再登場。 シンガーソングライターさかいゆうが作曲し、 本人も作詞で参加した日常にあった愛を歌ったラブソング 「Shape of Love」をメンバーがこの日のために事前にレコーディングしたアレンジで披露する。

  • S01E36 マカロニえんぴつ(はっとり) - 青春と一瞬

    • April 3, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第36回は、 そのエモーショナルな歌声と真っ直ぐな歌詞が世代を問わず多くの心を掴んでいるマカロニえんぴつからVo.Gt.はっとりが登場。 今まで直面したことのないような毎日が続く中、 「なにかと気持ちが浮かない日々が続いていますが、どんな時でもずっと続く絶望はないと思っている」と語ったはっとり。 すべての人へ向けたエールソング「青春と一瞬(Strings ver.)」を一発撮りで披露。 4/1リリースのアルバム『hope』に収録されているストリングスバージョンのアレンジで、想いのこもったパフォーマンスを行った。

  • S01E37 SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki - aLIEz

    • April 8, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第37回は、 数々のアニメ作品の劇伴音楽を手掛け、今年活動15周年を迎える劇伴作家・澤野弘之が再び登場。 ボーカル楽曲に重点を置いたプロジェクト、SawanoHiroyuki[nZk](サワノヒロユキヌジーク)として、mizuki(UNIDOTS)をゲストボーカルに迎え、TVアニメ「アルドノア・ゼロ」 エンディングテーマ「aLIEz」をピアノと歌声だけの特別アレンジで披露。

  • S01E38 TK from 凛として時雨 - unravel

    • April 10, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第38回は、凛として時雨のボーカル&ギターであるTKのソロ・プロジェクト、TK from 凛として時雨が登場。 TVアニメ「東京喰種トーキョーグール」のオープニングテーマとして書き下ろされ、国内外から絶大な人気を誇る代表曲「unravel」を、ピアノ・バイオリン・チェロによるアレンジで初披露する。

  • S01E39 マカロニえんぴつ - hope

    • April 15, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第39回は、そのエモーショナルな歌声と真っ直ぐな歌詞が世代を問わず多くの心を掴んでいるマカロニえんぴつがメンバー全員で再登場。 4/1リリースのアルバム『hope』の表題曲「hope」を、バンド編成で一発撮りで披露。 希望を見出すことが難しい今だからこそ、手を繋いでいたい、というメッセージを力強く響かせる。

  • S01E40 緑黄色社会 - Shout Baby

    • April 17, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第40回は、同世代の支持を多く集める4人組バンド緑黄色社会から、長屋晴子・小林壱誓・穴見真吾が初登場。 TVアニメ「僕のヒーローアカデミア」第4期文化祭編エンディングテーマにも起用された「Shout Baby」を、ボーカル長屋のアカペラから始まる緊張感溢れるアレンジで披露する。

  • S01E41 TK from 凛として時雨 - copy light

    • April 22, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第41回は、 凛として時雨のボーカル&ギターであるTKのソロ・プロジェクト、TK from 凛として時雨が再び登場。 作家・芸人として活躍する又吉直樹氏による作詞監修を施した楽曲「copy light」を、繊細且つエモーショナルなパフォーマンスで披露する。

  • S01E42 緑黄色社会 - sabotage

    • April 24, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第42回は、同世代の支持を多く集める4人組バンド緑黄色社会から、長屋晴子・peppeが登場。 火曜ドラマ「G線上のあなたと私」(TBS系)の主題歌として書き下ろされた「sabotage」を、ボーカル・キーボードの編成で疾走感溢れる息の合ったパフォーマンスを披露する。

  • S01E43 Stray Kids - SLUMP -Japanese ver.-

    • June 26, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 “音楽とは、何か。一発撮りで、向き合う。” 第43回は、今年日本デビューを果たし、日本公式のTikTokのフォロワー数が100万人を超えるなど若者を中心に大人気の韓国のボーイズグループ Stray Kidsが登場。 この映像は、「THE FIRST TAKE」史上初、韓国で撮影し、リモートで収録を行ったもの。 オンライン一発撮りによって実現した、圧巻のクオリティで、メンバー自ら作詞作曲した楽曲で、特に歌詞はハンが実際に経験した“挫折”や“試練”をテーマに、Stray Kidsが伝えたいことを表現、TVアニメ『神之塔 -Tower of God-』のエンディング主題歌にも起用されている「SLUMP - Japanese ver. -」を一発撮りでパフォーマンス。

  • S01E44 sumika - ファンファーレ

    • August 7, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第44回は、 幅広い世代より圧倒的な支持を集める4人組バンドsumikaより、片岡健太(Vo./Gt.)、小川貴之(Key./Cho.)が登場。 劇場アニメ「君の膵臓をたべたい」のオープニングテーマになった「ファンファーレ」を、澄み切ったシンプルな世界観の中、小川の演奏によるここだけのピアノアレンジで、片岡のまっすぐな歌声が響き渡るパフォーマンスを披露。

  • S01E45 Creepy Nuts - 生業

    • August 14, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第45回は、 MCバトル日本一のラッパー「R-指定」とDJバトル世界一のDJ「DJ 松永」による、1MC1DJのHIP HOPユニットCreepy Nutsが初登場。 今回披露するのは、Creepy Nutsのライブの人気曲であり、自身の""生業""をリリックにした「生業」。 普段のライブとは違って観客のいない中、シリアスな雰囲気で緊張感のある一発撮りを披露する。

  • S01E46 sumika – End roll

    • August 19, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. THE FIRST TAKE performance “Fanfare” creating buzz, Kenta Kataoka (Vo./Gt.) and Takayuki Ogawa (Key./Cho.) from the four-piece band sumika returns in our episode 46. 1 TAKE performance of the love ballad song “End roll”, composed and written by Kenta Kataoka, performing with a simple arrangement with Takayuki Ogawa’s piano and Kenta Kataoka’s voice in a one take only, firstly for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E47 Masayuki Suzuki - DADDY !DADDY ! DO ! feat. Airi Suzuki

    • August 21, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 47 welcomes Masayuki Suzuki, the king of the Love song and the already too famous newcomer to the Anisong scene. 1 TAKE performance of “DADDY ! DADDY ! DO ! feat. Airi Suzuki”, the smash-hit anime theme song to Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2. Welcoming Airi Suzuki as the guest vocal and gathered the musicians at recordings, performing in a special arrangement with joy, exclusively for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E48 Creepy Nuts - Katsute Tensaidatta Oretachie

    • August 26, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Creepy Nuts formed by the rapper R-Shitei and Turntablist DJ Matsunaga, HIPHOP unit returns in our episode 48. 1 TAKE performance of the “Katsute Tensaidatta Oretachie”, an yell song for the Teikyo Heisei University TV CM. A dilemma between the uniqueness and uniformity, what’s expected and what to express, a song to express each of the student’s courage to cross the barrier.

  • S01E49 Eir Aoi - IGNITE

    • August 28, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 49 welcomes the one of the most famous worldwide anisong princess Eir Aoi. 1 TAKE performance of “IGNITE” a song written by Eir and is the theme song to the smash-hit anime Sword Art Online II. A simple piano version, yet with a sense of speed and Eir’s strong voice taken in one take only, exclusively for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E50 Masayuki Suzuki - Koibito~Michi (Kousaten)

    • September 2, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The "King of Love song", Masayuki Suzuki returns in our episode 50. 1 TAKE performance of his one of the most famous ballad songs “Koibito”, a love song with melancholy melody and lyrics, in one take only. To offer encouragement and strength to everybody also performs “Michi, Kousaten” exclusively for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E51 BLUE ENCOUNT - ユメミグサ

    • September 4, 2020

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第51回は、今年5月「THE HOME TAKE」に出演したBLUE ENCOUNTが登場。 住野よる原作で吉沢亮、杉咲花W主演の映画「青くて痛くて脆い」主題歌となっている「ユメミグサ」をアコースティック編成にて披露。 THE FIRST TAKEでしか聞けないアレンジ、かつ4人の息のピッタリ合った演奏は必見です。

  • S01E52 Eir Aoi - I will...

    • September 9, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Eir Aoi, an artist not only known for her anime theme songs but also known as the JPOP diva worldwide, returns in our episode 52. 1 TAKE performance of “I will...” an ending theme song to the smash-hit anime Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld 2nd season. Eir Aoi’s most dramatic song sang in one take only, beautifully performed here for THE FIRST TAKE.


    • September 11, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 53 welcomes the singer song writer HIRAIDAI a leading figure in the surf rock music scenes. 1 TAKE performance of “INORIBANA 2020”, a special self-cover of his original song “INORIBANA” for the first time in a new version to express his feelings he has now in a world like this. A simple arrangement with his ukulele, singing in a bitter and emotional one take only at THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E54 KAMI WA SAIKORO WO FURANAI(Shusaku Yanagita) - Utakata Hanabi

    • September 16, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 54 welcomes KAMI WA SAIKORO WO FURANAI returning from THE HOME TAKE shot in July. Their first digital single from the major records, “Utakata Hanabi” is a ballad song singing about a sorrowful love story as like an ephemeral fireworks, creating buzz at the lyrics sites. 1 TAKE performance with a special arrangement sang by Vo. Shusaku Yanagita with only the piano and violin, exclusively for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E55 CHiCO with HoneyWorks - Sekaiwa Koi Ni Ochiteiru

    • September 18, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 55 welcomes CHiCO with HoneyWorks, a band to celebrate their 6th anniversary. Since their debut they have not been showing their faces on the media and only have appeared with audio only. The first take of CHiCO’s(Vo.)face and performance to be revealed on the media. 1 TAKE performance of their 59M viewed debut song “Sekaiwa Koi Ni Ochiteiru” with the special piano arrangement, only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E56 HIRAIDAI – Boku ga kimi ni dekirukoto

    • September 23, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. HIDAIDAI a leading figure in the surf rock music scenes, the singer song writer returns in our episode 56. 1 TAKE performance of “Boku ga kimi ni dekirukoto”, a song that was released a week after the previous and has been creating buzz over TikTok and socials this summer. A simple guitar and vocal arrangement to emphasize the bittersweet lyrics only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E57 SKY-HI × Tanaka – Nanisama feat. boku no lyric bouyomi

    • September 25, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 57 welcomes SKY-HI, who just released his greatest hits album “SKY-HI's THE BEST” on September 23. 1 TAKE performance of the “Nanisama feat. boku no lyric no bouyomi” with Takana as the guest vocal. A track produced by SKY-HI, with SKY-HI’s fast skillful rap to question about the recent social issues on the eliminations from the others to pressure to conform, with solemn chorus and Tanaka to join in. The session of two of them synching together, a special one take only with a simple piano arrangement by SKY-HI himself, for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E58 CHiCO with HoneyWorks - Shiawase

    • September 30, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. CHiCO with HoneyWorks a band just celebrating their 6th anniversary, returns in our episode 58. 6 years since their debut, they haven’t been showing their faces apart from their shows, and audios only for the medias, right after their performance on Sept.18 CHiCO(Vo.) singing at THE FIRST TAKE, created a huge buzz on twitter trends chart. 1 TAKE performance of their leading track “Shiawase” from their latest 3rd album “Matatakusekaini Aiwo Yurase” released on Sept.16, with the band members in a special arrangement for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E59 rei - Call Me Sick

    • October 2, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 59 welcomes the main vocalist from the E-girls Reina Washio, as rei as her solo-project. THE FIRST TAKE of her solo performance on media. 1 TAKE performance of her solo debut song “Call Me Sick” a theme song to the movie “Shousetsu no Kamisama Kimi to Shika Egakenai Monogatari”, with her amazing vocals and special arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E60 ReoNa - ANIMA

    • October 9, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 60 welcomes ReoNa, who just released her 1st album “unknown” this week. Only 2 years after her solo debut, yet already in the spotlight. 1 take performance of “ANIMA” a theme song to the animation “SWORD ART ONLINE -Alicization- War of Underworld” and hitting the top of the digital charts in Japan. Performing in a special acoustic piano and guitar arrangement at THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E61 rei × Shinya Kiyozuka - Shirayukihime

    • October 14, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The main vocalist from the E-girls, Reina Washio,returns again as rei, as her solo-project in our episode 61. 1 TAKE performance of “Shirayukihime”, one of the famous songs from Flower, a group which rei used to belong and disbanded in 2019, in a special piano arrangement with the pianist Shinya Kiyozuka. With rei’s sorrowful voice and gorgeous piano music, performs in one take only.

  • S01E62 LiSA - homura

    • October 16, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 62 welcomes back LiSA. The previous performed "Gurenge" at THE FIRST TAKE has created massive attention and recorded the highest number of views in the history of THE FIRST TAKE last year. 1 TAKE performance of “homura”, the theme song for the Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Movie: MUGEN TRAIN with a special piano arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E63 ReoNa - Niji no Kanata ni

    • October 21, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. ReoNa, who just released her 1st album “unknown” returns in our episode 63. While creating buzz by ranking in to the YouTube trending chart for the previous performed acoustic version “ANIMA”, ReoNa is performing “Niji no Kanata ni”, the special ending theme song to Sword Art Online: Alicization episode 19: Migime no Fuuin (Seal of the Right Eye) in one take only at THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E64 ReN - We'll be fine

    • October 23, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 64 welcomes ReN, a new rising singer song writer talked about lately. ReN has been known for performing at ONE OK ROCK’s tour and Fuji Rock Festival. While living in England in his teens, he decided to pursue music professionally after being forced to give up his dream due to accident. The UK music he listened to through radio during his period of physical and emotional recovery inspired him to kick off his current career at the age of 20. In his stand-alone shows he usually plays only with a guitar and looper, but for THE FIRST TAKE, ReN is performing with a special acoustic “We’ll be fine” in one take only. A message to each one of you concerned about the future in the COVID-19 situation.

  • S01E65 LiSA - Catch the Moment

    • October 28, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. LiSA, her previous “homura” already exceeding 10M views, returns in our episode 65. 1 TAKE performance of “Catch the Moment”, a tie-in song to “SWORD ART ONLINE The Movie -Ordinal Scale-“ with a special piano arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E66 Yuuri – Dry Flower

    • October 30, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Yuuri, the previous performed “Kakurebo” being continuously viewed by many fans, returns in our episode 66. 1 TAKE performance of “Dry Flower” an after story of “Kakurenbo”, a lyric from the point of view by a female with a special arrangement for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E67 ReN - Life Saver

    • November 4, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. ReN, a new rising singer song writer talked about lately, has been known for performing at ONE OK ROCK’s tour and Fuji Rock Festival, returns in our episode 67. 1 TAKE performance of “Life Saver”, a lead track from his album “LIFE SAVER” released 3 years ago, with his specialties in acoustic guitar and looper. One of his famous edgy and breathless song in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E68 LiSA×Uru - Saikai (produed by Ayase)

    • November 6, 2020

    Episode 68 welcomes LiSA x Uru, a special collaboration born from THE FIRST TAKE. 1 TAKE performance of “Saikai (produed by Ayase)”, which song was written, composed, and arranged by Ayase, the composer of YOASOBI. “Saikai (produed by Ayase)” is penned by Ayase, brilliantly illustrating THE FIRST TAKE and the two of them collaborating. A must-see collaboration only here for THE FIRST TAKE, a heartwarming winter song for all of you "It's not about distance, what's important is to think about whom you love".

  • S01E69 Def Tech - My Way

    • November 20, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 69 welcomes Def Tech, a duo just celebrating their 15th anniversary with their original full album “Powers of Ten”. 1 TAKE performance of “My Way”, a lead track from their debut album “Def Tech” in a special arrange for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E70 SKY-HI - LUCE

    • November 25, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. SKY-HI returns in our episode 60 who just released his greatest hits album “SKY-HI's THE BEST” on September 23. 1 TAKE performance of “LUCE” a song that tributes to a friend who died. A special performance with SKY-HI’s piano and passionate rap in one take only.

  • S01E71 Unknown

  • S01E72 Flower Companyz – Shinya Kousoku

    • November 27, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 72 welcomes Flower Companyz. A band without any member changes and hiatus, strong bond for 31 years. 1 TAKE performance of their most well-known song “Shinya Kousoku” with a special acoustic arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E73 Def Tech - Like I Do

    • December 2, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Def Tech returns in our Episode 73. The duo just celebrating their 15th anniversary since their debut with their new album “Powers of Ten”. 1 TAKE performance of “Like I Do”, a pleasant yet bittersweet love song for their loved ones. The best end of summer song to feel Hawaii which has names of the famous areas in Oahu as North and Tantalus in the lyrics where they are familiar to.

  • S01E74 JO1 (Junki Kono) - Mugendai

    • December 4, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 74 welcomes, JO1. The global Japanese boy group formed through the reality competition show “PRODUCE 101 JAPAN” broadcasted in 2019. 11 of them chosen out of 101 contenders by the viewers, or so-called “national producers”. 1 TAKE performance of their debut song “Mugendai”, having the main vocalist Junki Kono singing all by himself for the first time in a special arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E75 Flower Companyz – Tokyo Tower

    • December 9, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Four-piece band Flower Companyz returns in our episode 75. 1 TAKE performance of “Tokyo Tower”, a song released in 2013 and a yell song to themselves. Performing in an acoustic arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E76 Yuta Orisaka - Asagao

    • December 11, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 76 welcomes an upcoming artist Yuta Orisaka. 1 TAKE performance of “Asagao” a theme song to a Japanese TV drama Kansatsui Asagao starring a famous actor Juri Ueno. Singing and perfoming with electric guitar and looper pedal in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E77 JO1(Junki Kono) - Voice (Kimi no Koe)”

    • December 16, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Main vocalist Junki Kono from the global boy’s group JO1 returns in our episode 77. 1 TAKE performance of “Voice (Kimi no Koe)” from their album “The STAR”. Sends his “voice” to all the fans they haven’t been able to meet directly and performs in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E78 yama - Haruwotsugeru

    • December 18, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 78 welcomes yama, creating buzz with unique melody and the world view. 1 TAKE performance of “Haruwotsugeru”, a song written and composed by Kujira the VOCALOID P, and has charted in the top 10 of streaming charts in Japan. The first time, yama to appear on the media to perform, with a beautiful piano and strings arrangement for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E79 Yuta Orisaka - Torch

    • December 23, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. An upcoming artist Yuta Orisaka returns in our episode 79. Previous performed “Asagao”, a theme song to a Japanese TV drama Kansatsui Asagao starring a famous actor Juri Ueno, created buzz elsewhere. 1 TAKE performance of “Torch”, a song co-written with butaji a singer-songwriter in the same generation, and released in 2020. The song raises a question about natural disasters and turns a light inside everyone who listens to the song.

  • S01E80 Ai Hashimoto - Momen no handkerchief

    • December 25, 2020

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 80 welcomes the actor Ai Hashimoto. 1 TAKE performance of the legendary Japanese composer Kyohei Tsutsumi’s famous “Momen no handkerchief” with Satoshi Takebe’s piano for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E81 Group Tamashii - Kimi Ni Juice O Katte Ageru

    • January 1, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 81 welcomes, Group Tamashii, a group that has been celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2020. On December 23, 5 years since their previous album, they just released their new album “kamigami no album”. 1 TAKE performance of “Kimi Ni Juice O Katte Ageru”, a song performed at the 56th Kohaku year-end music show with a special performance to celebrate the new year for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E82 JUJU - Yasashisa De Afureru Youni

    • January 8, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 82 welcomes JUJU, a singer with the one and only singing voice. 1 TAKE performance of “Yasashisa De Afureru Youni” with Seiji Kameda (Bass) the producer of the song and Yuta Saito (Piano) who has also attended the recording of the original song. “No matter what happens in such unforeseen and unpredictable world, I strongly hope that in 2021 everything surrounding you will be filled with tenderness.”

  • S01E83 yama - Masshiro

    • January 13, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. While the previous “Haruwotsugeru” creating buzz, yama returns in our episode 83. 1 TAKE performance of “Masahiro” a tie-in song to the Japanese Abema TV “Renai Drama na Koi ga shitai -Kiss On The Bed- “. A special piano arrangement by emphasizing the melancholy melody, perfomed in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E84 Group Tamashii - Mou Sukkari NO FUTURE!

    • January 15, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Group Tamashii returns in our episode 84. Previous new year’s day performed “Kimi Ni Juice O Katte Ageru” has been creating buzz by announcing their break up and reunion in 2022. 1 TAKE performance of “Mou Sukkari NO FUTURE!“ from their new album“kamigami no album”. Enjoy their one take lively performance for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E85 JUJU - Konoyoruwo Tometeyo

    • January 20, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Singer JUJU returns in our episode 85. One of the most famous songs of JUJU’s “a love that doesn’t go as you wished”. 1 TAKE performance of “Konoyoruwo Tometeyo” for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E86 AiNA THE END - Orchestra

    • January 22, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 86 welcomes AiNA THE END a member from the girl’s group BiSH and releasing a solo album in February. Since BiSH is known for their performance without their instruments, the performance shot for AiNA THE END for THE FIRST TAKE will only focus on her voice. 1 TAKE performance of “Orchestra”, one of the most famous songs of BiSH, in a special piano arrangement for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E87 Little Glee Monster - Dear My Friend feat.Pentatonix

    • January 27, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 87 welcomes vocal groups, Little Glee Monster and Pentatonix. 1 TAKE performance of “Dear My Friend feat. Pentatonix”, a heartwarming song that connects people’s hearts. Pentatonix remote shot in LA, and Little Glee Monster shot in Tokyo at separate places in one take only and combined into one. A footage that tells us that no matter how far apart we are, our heart will always be together.

  • S01E88 TOMORROW X TOGETHER - ある日、頭からツノが生えた (CROWN) [Japanese Ver.]

    • January 29, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 88 welcomes the world-renowned 5-member boys group TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Their EP released in October, “minisode1 : Blue Hour” has sold more than 470K copies in the first week and hit #25 on the US “The Billboard 200” for two consecutive weeks. 1 TAKE performance of "CROWN [Japanese Ver.]", a song from their 1st Japan album “STILL DREAMING” released on January 20th, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E89 AiNA THE END - Kinmokusei

    • February 3, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. AiNA THE END returns in our episode 89. A member of BiSH who just released a solo album “THE END” on February. Previous appearance created buzz by performing one of the most famous songs of BiSH’s “Orchestra” in piano arrangement. 1 TAKE performance of her ballad song “Kinmokusei”, a song sound produced by Seiji Kameda and penned by herself, in a piano arrangement for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E90 SUPER BEAVER - Hitotoshite

    • February 5, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Ryuta Shibuya from the rock-band SUPER BEAVER returns in our episode 90. 1 TAKE performance of “Hitotoshite”, a song that emphasizes themselves always being reasonable throughout their lives, with piano and strings arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE. A lively footage with Ryuta’s conviction, “All we can do is just keep on believing”.


    • February 10, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The world-renowned 5-member boys group TOMORROW X TOGETHER returns in our episode 91. Japan 1st album “STILL DREAMING” has hit #1 on ORICON national weekly album ranking and Billboard’s weekly album chart “HOT Albums”. The previous performed “CROWN [Japanese Ver.]” has hit the top of the YouTube trending chart. 1 TAKE performance of “Force”, a song penned by Motoki Omori from Mrs. GREEN APPLE and a theme song to the anime WORLD TRIGGER 2nd Season, shooting remotely again from Soul to Tokyo in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E92 ZUTOMAYO - Byoushinwo Kamu

    • February 12, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 92 welcomes ACAね from ZUTOMAYO. An artist with 300 million views on official YouTube channel and a band without specific compositions appears for the first time. Just releasing the 2nd album “Gusare”, ACAね who is the composer, writer, and vocal comes to perform. 1 TAKE performance of “Byoushinwo Kamu”, a song viewed more than 82 million times on YouTube, in a special piano and bass arrange only for THE FIRST TAKE.


    • February 17, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. While creating buzz with their previous performed “Hitotoshite”, Ryuta Shibuya from the rock-band SUPER BEAVER returns in our episode 93. 1 TAKE performance of “I LOVE YOU”, a song that affirms everything and cheers you up, with a special guitar arrangement with the band member Ryota Yanagisawa Gt. from SUPER BEAVER, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E94 SIRUP - LOOP

    • February 19, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 94 welcomes SIRUP. An artist with, a vocal style that seamlessly intertwines rap and singing, and his roots going back to neo-soul and classic R&B fused with aspects of gospel and hip hop. His songs range from funky, dance floor-ready styles to soulful crooners, all bound by impeccably refined production, which makes any listeners “FEEL GOOD”. In 2020 March he was awarded “BEST BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST” at the SPACE SHOWER MUSIC AWARDS. On October “Your Love” was chosen as a tie-in song for the YouTube Premium online advertisement. Two years since his debut album, SIRUP is just releasing his 2nd full album “cure” on March 17th, 2021. 1 TAKE performance of “LOOP”. A song that has garnered 20 million views on YouTube with a special piano arrange only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E95 ZUTOMAYO - Can’t Be Right

    • February 24, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. ZUTOMAYO returns in our episode 95. An artist with 300 million views on official YouTube channel and a band without specific compositions. The previous “Byoushinwo Kamu” has hit 1 million views right after it was available on THE FIRST TAKE, ACAね’s never-before-seen performance and the acoustic arrangement has created buzz elsewhere. 1 TAKE performance of the movie, THE PROMISED NEVERLAND’s theme song “Can’t Be Right” from the album “Gusare”, with a special piano and bass arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E96 YOASOBI - Gunjo

    • February 26, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. YOASOBI returns from THE HOME TAKE in our episode 96. The first time to have both Ayase and ikura to appear at THE FIRST TAKE. 1 TAKE performance of “Gunjo”, a song inspired by a smash-hit anime Blue Period and has a tie-in to Bourbon Alfort Mini Chocolate TV commercial, for the first time on a media. Welcoming PLUSONICA as the chorus and with the band members, performs a mind blowing performance for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E97 SIRUP - Thinkin about us

    • March 3, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. SIRUP returns in our episode 97. An artist with, a vocal style that seamlessly intertwines rap and singing, and his roots going back to neo-soul and classic R&B fused with aspects of gospel and hip hop. His songs range from funky, dance floor-ready styles to soulful crooners, all bound by impeccably refined production, which makes any listeners “FEEL GOOD”. Two years since his debut album, SIRUP just released his 2nd full album “cure” on March 17th, 2021. 1 TAKE performance of “Thinkin about us” a song sound produced by Yaffle, who is known for penning songs for Fujii Kaze and iri, for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E98 Rei Yasuda - Brand New Day feat. H ZETTRIO

    • March 5, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 98 welcomes, Rei Yasuda. Her latest song “Not the End” has a tie-in to the Japanese TV station Nippon Television X Hulu co-production drama Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni. Rei Yasuda is known for singing in the musical unit Genki Rockets, in the age of 13. In 2013, at the age of 20 she has major debuted from Sony. Rei Yasuda, having various anime, drama, and CM tie-ins, while achieving the 57th Japan Record newcomer Award, all three albums released has hit iTunes TOP 10 of the JPOP chart, her soulful vocal shows great power of expression of the song’s world view. A special collaboration with H ZETTRIO, a jazz trio who has their unique groove and never-before seen idea in standing out performances. H ZETTRIO is known for their song used at Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Game's closing ceremony where the ex-prime minister Shinzo Abe has appeared as the Super Mario. 1 TAKE performance of “Brand New Day “, with a special collaboration with H ZETT M (Pf /The blue nosed) with his unique & technical playing style called “zero-gravity, H ZETT NIR (Bass /The red nosed) and H ZETT KOU (Drums/The silver nosed) as a trio making very unique groove and ensembles, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E99 YOASOBI - Yasashii Suisei

    • March 10, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. ikura from YOASOBI returns in our episode 99. 1 TAKE performance of “Yasashii Suisei”, an ending theme song to the TV animation BEASTARS 2nd Season. “Yasashii Suisei” was turned into music by the novel specially written for YOASOBI, Shishiza Ryuseigun no Mamani written by Paru Itagaki the manga artist of BEASTARS. A special arranged music with ikura’s soulful yet gentle voice, performs in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E100 HY - 366days

    • March 12, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. THE FIRST TAKE’s 100th episode welcomes HY. Celebrating their 20th anniversary they just released their 14th album “HANAEMI” in February. HY has been releasing new songs for 5 months in a row and has been continuously holding streaming shows to cheer up the people struggling in COVID-19. 1 TAKE performance of “366days”, one of the most famous ballad love songs still hitting the upper top of the charts. Not only for their loved ones, to all the people with love, a special band arrangement with strings in quartet, performs in an acoustic version in one take only for the first time for THE FIRST TAKE. HY is holding a headliner tour in Japan from May with total of 39 shows, with their well experienced performances you would be fantasized by watching this show.

  • S01E101 Rei Yasuda - Not the End

    • March 17, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Rei Yasuda returns in our episode 101. An upcoming artist with soulful vocal that shows great power of expression of the song’s world view. Previous performance was “Brand New Day”, a special collaboration with H ZETTRIO. 1 TAKE performance of “Not the End”, a tie-in to the Japanese TV station Nippon Television X Hulu co-production drama Kimi to Sekai ga Owaru Hi ni in a simple sounds highlighting the vocal. While “Not the End” creating buzz with its music video exceeding 3 million views and hitting the charts, Rei Yasuda sings with the piano arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E102 Jun. K (From 2PM) - My House - Acoustic ver.-

    • March 19, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 102 welcomes Jun. K from the Asia No.1 beast idol Korean boys’ group 2PM. 1 TAKE performance of “My House -Acoustic ver.-"". One of the most famous songs of theirs released in 2015 and has been covered by numerous K-POP artists. Performing in a special acoustic arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E103 HY - Good Bye

    • March 24, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. HY returns in our episode 103. Celebrating their 20th anniversary, they just released their 14th album “HANAEMI”. Previously performed “366days” acoustic version has hit #1 on the YouTube trends chart. 1 TAKE performance of “Good Bye”. A love ballad song from the new album “HANAEMI”, written and composed by Izumi Nakasone. A song about a woman’s strong courage to keep on living, even if a relationship ends. As the previous “366days”, their songs tell us the importance of not losing love in depressions and to look up to move forward. Comparing to the original song having an orchestra arrange, for THE FIRST TAKE, they are performing with a simple piano and the vocal arrangement. One take performance with the soulful vocal and the sound producer Daisuke Kawaguchi’s piano, take a close listen to the lyrics and the melody.

  • S01E104 Fumiya Fujii - Koisuru Kalen

    • March 26, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 104 welcomes, Fumiya Fujii. An artist with a glossy and transparent singing ability that attracts many fans. 1 TAKE performance of “Koisuru Kalen”, a song by the legendary artist Eiichi Ohtaki who died in 2013. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the album “A LONG VACATION”, Fumiya who was a friend of Eiichi has chosen the song and sings with the guitarist YOSHIYUKI SAHASHI in a special arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E105 Jun. K (From 2PM) - THIS IS NOT A SONG, 1929

    • March 31, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Jun. K from the Asia No.1 beast idol Korean boys’ group 2PM, a group celebrating their 10th Japan debut anniversary, returns in our episode 105. 1 TAKE performance of “THIS IS NOT A SONG, 1929". A song from the mini album THIS IS NOT A SONG released in March, three years since the previous one. Performing with tender love and his beautiful soft voice, singing deep love in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E106 Da-iCE (YUDAI Ohno・SOTA Hanamura) - CITRUS

    • April 2, 2021

    Da-iCE (YUDAI Ohno・SOTA Hanamura) - CITRUS / THE FIRST TAKE THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 106 welcomes, YUDAI Ohno and SOTA Hanamura from the 5-member Japanese vocal and dance group Da-iCE, a group just celebrating their 10th anniversary in 2021. They are known for having four-octave vocal ranges and fan-friendly characters and has been releasing new songs for 6 months in a row. 1 TAKE performance of “CITRUS”, a song co-written by TAIKI Kudo and SOTA Hanamura. A tie-in song to the Japanese TV drama “Gokushufu do”, a smash-hit song exceeding 20M streams in total. Performing “CITRUS” in a special piano arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E107 藤井フミヤ - Another Orion

    • April 7, 2021

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第107回はデビュー38年目を迎える藤井フミヤ が再登場。 代表作の一つである10枚目のシングル「Another Orion」を今回は披露。 別れの運命をオリオン座が浮かぶ夜空に重ねた名曲を、ギター 佐橋佳幸、サックス 藤井尚之によるアレンジで、一発撮りでパフォーマンスする。

  • S01E108 Motohiro Hata - Uroko

    • April 9, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 108 welcomes Motohiro Hata. A singer-songwriter just celebrating his 15th anniversary and creating buzz for having his song “Nakiwarai no Episode” tied in to the Japanese national TV, NHK's drama Ochoyan (starring Hana Sugisaki). 1 TAKE performance of “Uroko”. Singing in his ordinary style, playing only with his guitar, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E109 Da-iCE (YUDAI Ohno・SOTA Hanamura) - Love Song feat. Takahito Uchisawa (androp)

    • April 14, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. YUDAI Ohno and SOTA Hanamura from the 5-member Japanese vocal and dance group Da-iCE, returns in our episode 109. A group just celebrating their 10th anniversary in 2021. The previous performance “CITRUS”, a smash-hit song exceeding 25M streams in total, has created buzz. 1TAKE performance of “Love Song”, a special collaboration with Takahito Uchisawa from the rock-band androp, who has penned the song. A song with an ear catching line “The world will be filled with Love songs” performing in tune with each other.

  • S01E110 Who-ya Extended - VIVID VICE

    • April 16, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 110 welcomes the core member Who-ya from the creator’s group, Who-ya Extended. 1 TAKE performance of the smash-hit song “VIVID VICE”, an opening theme song to the animation series Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd season. In a special acoustic version in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E111 Motohiro Hata - Nakiwarai no Episode

    • April 21, 2021

    Motohiro Hata returns in our episode 111. An artist just celebrating his 15th anniversary and released his greatest hits album “evergreen2” in March. In the previous episode he performed one of his famous songs “Uroko” and hit the YouTube trends chart. 1 TAKE performance of “Nakiwarai no Episode” a tie in song to the Japanese national TV, NHK's drama Ochoyan (starring Hana Sugisaki). Singing in his ordinary style, playing only with his guitar in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E112 EXILE TAKAHIRO - Lovers Again

    • April 23, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 112 welcomes the vocalist TAKAHIRO from EXILE, a group just celebrating their 20th anniversary. On April 27th, EXILE is to release their 51st single “PARADOX”. 1 TAKE performance of “Lovers Again”. A song from the special cover song series "EXILE RESPECT" by TAKAHIRO, to celebrate TAKAHIRO’s 15th anniversary since he joined the group. In a special simple arrangement, making a difference from the original one released in 2007, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E113 Who-ya Extended - Q-vism

    • April 28, 2021

    The core member Who-ya from the creator’s group, Who-ya Extended returns in our episode 113. 1 TAKE performance of “Q-vism”, the opening theme song to the smash-hit anime PSYCHO-PASS 3 and a song that attracts many listeners from the fans in overseas. In a special acoustic version in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E114 adieu – Yoru No Ato

    • April 30, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 114 welcomes, adieu (Moka Kamishiraishi), an artist who has appeared in our very first episode. 1 TAKE performance of “Yoru No Ato”, a song streamed more than 13 million times and catching attention elsewhere with sorrowful lyrics and dream-like atmosphere with the gentle singing voice. A love song that has a will of “May you live without lying” and cheers up the listeners who are suffering during COVID-19. A special re-arranged “Yoru No Ato” done by the original sound producer of the song and who is also an eye-catching producer Yaffle, together performs in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E115 EXILE TAKAHIROxHarami-chan – Motto Tsuyoku

    • May 5, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. EXILE TAKAHIRO, the vocalist from EXILE returns in our episode 115. A group just celebrating their 20th anniversary and released their 51st single “PARADOX”. Previous performed “Lovers Again”, a song to celebrate TAKAHIRO’s 15th anniversary since he joined the group, has created buzz. 1 TAKE performance of “Motto Tsuyoku”. A special collaboration with the genius pianist Youtuber Harami-chan who has more than 1.5 million subscribers. With her perfect pitch and talented improvised street performances, she has been gaining a lot of attentions. Together performs “Motto Tsuyoku”, a song released in 2010, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.


    • May 7, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 116 welcomes, WILYWNKA and VIGORMAN, 2 members from the genre-less unit HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB. A unit consisting of the rapper WILYWNKA, the reggae and DJ VIGORMAN, and the producer and track maker GeG. 1 TAKE performance of “YOKAZE”, a streaming hit song, with lyrics as just they are, also included in the coming 1st album “ZURUMUKE” to be released on May 14th. Performing with a special track created for this performance by the member GeG, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E117 adieu - aitte

    • May 12, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. adieu (Moka Kamishiraishi) returns in our episode 117. 1 TAKE performance of “aitte” a song written and composed by YUTARO FURUTACHI from the rock band 2. The first time to perform in prior to the release of the album. Welcoming Yaffle as the previous “Yoru No Ato” as an arranger, performs a life-size love song with her transparent singing voice in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E118 amazarashi - Kisetsu Wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku (Seasons die one after another)

    • May 14, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 118 welcomes amazarashi, a band formed by the center member Hiromu Akita from Aomori prefecture. 1 TAKE performance of "Kisetsu Wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku (Seasons die one after another)", a smash-hit tie-in song to the anime series Tokyo Ghoul √A. Performs in a special arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E119 HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB – Suki ni Yaru

    • May 19, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. WILYWNKA and VIGORMAN, 2 members from the genre-less unit HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB returns in our episode 119. A unit consisting of the rapper WILYWNKA, the reggae and DJ VIGORMAN, and the producer and track maker GeG. Their previous performed “YOKAZE”, singing without auto-tune, has hit #1 on the YouTube trends chart. A streaming hit song, with lyrics as just they are, included in their 1st album “ZURUMUKE” just released on May 14th. 1 TAKE performance of “Suki ni Yaru”, a song included in their 1st EP “ZIP ROCK STAR” released in November 2017. One of the most famous hit songs of HENTAI SHINSHI CLUB. Performing with a special track without auto-tune, created for this performance by the member GeG, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E120 Awesome City Club - Wasurena

    • May 21, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 120 welcomes Awesome City Club. A male and female duo vocal trio consists of atagi, PORIN, and Molithy. 1 TAKE performance of “Wasurena”. A smash-hit song exceeding 100M streams, an inspire song to the love movie “Hanataba Mitai Na Koi Wo Shita”, starring Masaki Suda and Kasumi Arimura. Performing in a special arrangement with the piano and the strings in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E121 amazarashi - Long hope philia

    • May 26, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. amazarashi, a band formed by the center member Hiromu Akita from Aomori prefecture returns in our episode 121. 1 TAKE performance of “Long hope philia”, a song that was penned for Masaki Suda and has only been performed at amazarashi’s LIVE TOUR 2019 Miraininarenakatta Subetenoyoruni at Nakano Sunplaza. Self-covering with a guitar with an original arrangement in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E122 Novelbright(Yudai Takenaka) - Tsukimisou

    • May 28, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 122 welcomes Yudai Takenaka, the vocal from the 5-piece rock band Novelbright from Osaka. Their street performance video has created a huge buzz on socials and their song “Walking with you” has hit 100M along with their other hit songs. In July they are holding an Osaka-jo Hall stand-alone show. 1 TAKE performance of “Tsukimisou”, a song from their 1st major debut album “Kaimaku Sengen” released on April 28th. A song that catches people’s hearts, a love ballad song in a special arrangement with simple strings and piano, take a close look at the acapella at the begging, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E123 Awesome City Club - Matataki

    • June 2, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. A male and female duo vocal trio Awesome City Club, consists of atagi, PORIN, and Molithy returns in our episode 123. Their previous performance “Wasurena” an inspire song to the love movie “Hanataba Mitai Na Koi Wo Shita”, starring Masaki Suda and Kasumi Arimura has created buzz. 1 TAKE performance of “Matataki”, a song about a not yet seen future to meet someone important. It is a message song for people who are working hard in various environments and lovers who have experienced encounters and farewells. In a special arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E124 CHAI - N.E.O.

    • June 4, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 124 welcomes CHAI, who coined themselves New Excite Onna Band. 1 TAKE performance of “N.E.O.”, a song that emphasizes their one and only policy. Performing in one take only, with their pink costumes as of their trademark and their strong and smooth performance they achieved through worldwide shows, only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E125 Novelbright - Sunny drop

    • June 9, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The 5-piece rock band Novelbright from Osaka returns in our episode 125. The previous performed “Tsukimisou”, a song hitting the streaming charts, only had the vocal Yudai Takenaka, but for this episode they are appearing as the band. 1 TAKE performance of their major debut song “Sunny drop”, from their 1st major debut album “Kaimaku Sengen”, a tie-in song to Coca-Cola Zero Sugar commercial song. Performing in a special band arrangement only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E126 Shota Shimizu - “Hanataba No Kawari Ni Melody Wo”

    • June 11, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 126 welcomes the singer song writer, Shota Shimizu. A trend setter for the Japanese music scene who composes, writes, and arranges his songs. 1 TAKE performance of “Hanataba No Kawari Ni Melody Wo” a love song at his best released in 2015. Performing the song loved by people of all ages, in a special arrangement simply with the piano and the soulful vocal, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E127 CHAI - PING PONG!(feat.YMCK)

    • June 16, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The four-piece group CHAI, creating their stamp overseas, returns in our episode 127. 1 TAKE performance of their brand-new song “PING PONG! (feat.YMCK)”, an upper tune track with 8 bit sounds and comical lyrics full of originality. Take a close look on, MANA and KANA’s twin vocal and their original dance.

  • S01E128 Maharajan - Sailor Muntarou

    • June 18, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 128 welcomes, Maharajan. A man with Turban in suits. A lyric based on the intense inferiority complex and unreasonable treatment that he felt as a company employee with danceable groove in a new music style, “Spice X Dance music”, creating buzz with his catchy look. 1 TAKE performance of “Sailor Muntarou”, from his major debut EP, with band members as Hama Okamoto from OKAMOTO’S in a band arrangement.

  • S01E129 Shota Shimizu – Koi Uta

    • June 23, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Shota Shimizu, a trend setter for the Japanese music scene who composes, writes, and arranges his songs, returns in our episode 129. 1 TAKE performance of “Koi Uta”, a song just released in May. Performing a song with the feeling of loss and one's weakness, heart-aching and downhearted. In a special acoustic arrangement unlike the original as Lo-fi tracks, expressing the love song’s moment of feeling of loss, with Shota’s soulful vocal, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E130 FOMARE – Long Hair

    • June 25, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 130 welcomes the three-piece band, FOMARE from Gunma prefecture. 1 TAKE performance of “Long Hair”, a viral hit song on Socials. One of the teen’s love anthem song that created buzz on Tiktok for uploading videos, a must cry song for whom just lost love. Performing with special arrangement in acoustic style with the piano, for the first time for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E131 マハラージャン - eden

    • June 30, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Maharajan returns in our episode 131. 1 TAKE performance of “eden”. A song from his 2nd EP “Chigau”, a mid-tempo ballad favored among his fans. Unlike the previous performance with bands, performs with simple piano and vocals with his soft gentle words, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E132 Sora Amamiya - PARADOX

    • July 2, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 132 welcomes, Sora Amamiya, who is a voice actress and is also a member of the voice actress girl group TrySail. Sora is known for the voice for Elizabeth for the anime Seven Deadly Sins. As a solo artist, she has released 11 singles and 3 albums. 1 TAKE performance of “PARADOX”, an opening theme song for the anime Rike ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumeishitemita where she did the voice for the character Himuro Ayame. Performs with the special arrangement with the piano and strings quartet, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E133 FOMARE - tobacco

    • July 7, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. The three-piece band, FOMARE from Gunma prefecture, returns in our episode 133. 1 TAKE performance of “tobacco”, a song included in their first CD released in 2017, as a song for “All the love song singers”, loved among the fans for their live performance songs. In the special acoustic style only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E134 麗奈 - 僕だけを

    • July 9, 2021

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 「THE FIRST TAKE STAGE」 第1回グランプリアーティスト、麗奈。 好きなのに「こんな私じゃダメだ、強くなりたい」と離れて行く君と、それでも「ずっと一緒にいてほしい」と思う僕を描いた切ない楽曲「僕だけを」。 編曲とピアノ伴奏にトオミヨウを迎え、「THE FIRST TAKE」だけのアレンジで渾身の一発撮りパフォーマンスを披露する。

  • S01E135 雨宮天 - 永遠のAria

    • July 14, 2021

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第135回は、声優・アーティストとして活躍し、声優アーティストユニット「TrySail」に所属する雨宮天が再登場。 前回はテレビアニメ「理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた。」のオープニングテーマとして起用された「PARADOX」を特別なアレンジで披露し、話題となった。 今回は5月にリリースされたTVアニメ『七つの大罪 憤怒の審判』第2クールOPテーマ「永遠のAria」を披露。 ピアノとギターの躍動感あるアコースティックアレンジで一発撮りに挑戦している。

  • S01E136 私立恵比寿中学 - なないろ

    • July 16, 2021

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第136回は、"エビ中"の愛称で親しまれ、現在のアイドルシーンでも高い人気を誇る9人組グループの私立恵比寿中学が初登場。 今回は今年の5月に転入されたメンバー以外の旧メンバー6名・真山りか、安本彩花、星名美怜、柏木ひなた、小林歌穂、中山莉子で歌唱する。 池田貴史(レキシ)に提供された「なないろ」をTHE FIRST TAKE ver.で披露。 メンバーにとってもファンにとっても大事な1曲を一発撮りで歌い上げる。


    • July 23, 2021

    THE FIRST TAKE is a YouTube Channel dedicated to shooting musicians and singers performing in a single take. ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. Episode 137 welcomes, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION is releasing “Empathy”, a brand-new song on August 4th, announced as a tie-in song to the film MY HERO ACADEMIA THE MOVIE WORLD HEROES' MISSION coming to Japan in August 6th. 1 TAKE performance of “Soranin” released in 2010. One of the most know songs of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. Performs is their usual way as they do at their gigs, in one take only for THE FIRST TAKE.

  • S01E138 私立恵比寿中学 × 石崎ひゅーい - ジャンプ

    • July 28, 2021

    「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第138回は、"エビ中"の愛称で親しまれ、現在のアイドルシーンでも高い人気を誇る9人組グループの私立恵比寿中学が再登場。 前回はファンにとってもメンバーにとっても大事な1曲である「なないろ」を披露した。 今回は今年の5月に転入されたメンバー以外の旧メンバー6名・真山りか、安本彩花、星名美怜、柏木ひなた、小林歌穂、中山莉子とシンガーソングライターの石崎ひゅーいのスペシャルコラボが実現。 2019年リリースのアルバム「playlist」に収録された石崎ひゅーい楽曲提供の「ジャンプ」を本人のアコースティックギター演奏にのせて披露している。 現代を生きる人たちへ向けた、正に「今」のメッセージソングといえる楽曲で一発撮りに挑戦。

Season 2 - Podcast

Season 3 - THE HOME TAKE