It’s the last day of school, and the kids of Dimmsdale eagerly await the start of those fun-filled months of Summer Vacation. But this summer the grownups of Dimmsdale are worried that their kids are getting too wild, so they call a town meeting to find a solution for their concerns. Enter Flappy Bob, the clown founder of Flappy Bob’s Happy Peppy Learnatorium. Timmy and his friends are enrolled in Flappy Bob’s school, and they immediately see all hope of a fun summer dwindling away. Timmy realizes he must find a way to bring fun back to summer, and it’s all done through the magic of song.
Die Kinder haben das Sagen auf der Erde übernommen. Was sollen dann also die Elfen noch dort, fragt sich Von Ramme und beordert alle zurück. Das war kein guter Entschluss. Denn jetzt übernehmen die Kobolde das Sagen. Und die sind knallhart. Zum Glück geht Flappy Bob in letzter Sekunde ein Licht auf...
La fine della scuola è arrivata e i bambini sono euforici, talmente tanto che per l'estate creano un gran disordine. I genitori sono preoccupati perché temono per l'incolumità dei figli. In loro soccorso arriva perciò il clown Flappy, il quale ha costruito un centro super sicuro, ma i bambini non ci stanno e vogliono la loro indipendenza spericolata.
Português - Brasil