Was für ein Dilemma! Timmy muss eine Geschichtsarbeit verfassen. Er bittet Wanda und Cosmo um Hilfe von Profis. Kurzum: Plötzlich werden George Washington, Ben Franklin und Thomas Jefferson zum Leben erweckt. Dummerweise allerdings werden die drei jeweils aus wichtigen Verhandlungen gerissen. Und so verändert Timmy die Geschichte. Der Unabhängigkeitsvertrag wird nicht unterzeichnet, Amerika bleibt in britischer Hand und es gibt keine Elektrizität. Timmy, Cosmo und Wanda reisen zurück ins 18. Jahrhundert um zu retten, was zu retten ist.
Timmy is in trouble, as he has one to complete a whole report on American History. So, he opens up a talk show in his treehouse, and by using the time scooter, he gets important American people to appear on the show, such as George Washington, to help Timmy get information for his report. But, when the time scooter runs out of time, Timmy finds himself back in time when the British ruled the American colonies. The only way out is to sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776. But, John Hancock is bitten by George Washington's wooden teeth, when they find out that George Washington was just Benedict Arnold. So, John Hancock can't sign, so Timmy signs for him! He is put on the $1 bill, also. He gets all the information he needs for his report. But can Timmy, A.J., and Chester get a passing grade on their report?
Timmy desidera che i grandi leader americani (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson e Benjamin Franklin) vadano nella sua casa sull'albero per terminare una relazione. Dal momento che sono scomparsi dalla storia, gli Stati Uniti tornano ad essere una colonia inglese. Cosmo ha un'idea: usare lo Scooter Temporale per tornare indietro nel tempo e sistemare le cose.
Timmy desea que los grandes líderes estadounidenses entren en su casa para terminar su informe, pero debido a que han desaparecido de la historia, Estados Unidos vuelve a ser colonias británicas. Para empeorar las cosas, Timmy no puede desear que regresen, porque las varitas de Cosmo y Wanda se toman para impuestos. Timmy ahora debe usar su Time-Scooter para que vuelvan a su propio período de tiempo para evitar que Benedict Arnold cree el futuro alternativo.
Timmy fait apparaître George Washington, Ben Franklin et Thomas Jefferson.