The Eternal Love is set in the fictional Dong Yue Empire where the princes fight for the throne. Due to some mystical force, Qu Tan Er develops two different personalities: she occasionally switches from gentle and reserved to uncivilized and bold. She is being offered to the 8th Prince Mo Lian Cheng for marriage, but Lian Cheng is suspicious of Tan Er’s relationship with the Eldest Prince Mo Yi Huai for whom she once tried to commit suicide. Nonetheless, Tan Er slowly manages to gain his trust with her bold and bubbly personality and the two end up falling deeply in love. However, her other gentle personality is still yearning for the Eldest Prince and wishes to help him become emperor…
예측불허 차원 이동, 변화무쌍 이중인격 코믹 로맨스 드라마
故事发生在一个架空的世界。现代都会,一个极品售楼小姐曲小檀(梁洁 饰),没想到被神秘的玄灵大陆力量所影响,穿越来到了东岳国,化身成为曲尚书府中的二小姐曲檀儿(梁洁 饰)。由于带着现代人的思维和习惯,所以她极度不适应古代的生活。在此之后,她种种乖张反常的要求把曲府上下忙的死去活来,怨声载道。可是意外的跌落,又让曲檀儿变成了真正的文静的曲家二小姐。从此之后,她时而疯癫,时而文静,令周围的人不胜其扰。在此期间,她奉命嫁给东岳国八皇子墨连城(邢昭林 饰),但是因为曾和大王爷墨奕怀(王瑞昌 饰)纠缠不清,使得这个性格多变的女子成为了很多麻烦事的导火索……
La jolie Qu Xiao Tan, agent immobilier se retrouve dans l'ancien royaume de Dongyue, dans le corps de Qu Tan Er qui est fiancée au 8ème prince Mo Liang Cheng. Alors que Tan Er est douce et soumise, Xiao Tan a du caractère et est extravertie.
Or, les deux jeunes filles prennent tour à tout le contrôle de leur corps commun, surprenant les gens autour d'elles, y compris le 8ème prince, qui commence à soupçonner quelque chose.