3 months after her mother's death, soon to be college student Janine delivers a letter to her estranged grandmother Margaret. Once delivered, Janine strikes up a relationship with Margaret, despite protests from her father.
Janine tries to force answers about their family history from Margaret. Alex, the son of Margaret's neighbor, assists with Margaret's move and strikes up a flirtatious relationship with Janine. Cynthia receives an unexpected surprise.
Janine tries to force answers about the family history. Margaret's neighbor strikes up a flirtatious relationship with Janine. Cynthia receives an unexpected surprise.
Janine enlists the help of Alex to uncover family secrets. Neil and Cynthia's relationship reaches a low point when Neil is indecisive about their future together. Margaret has second thoughts about moving.
As Janine prepares to leave for college, Margaret and Neil finally face each other, and the last letters from her mother are delivered at last.