This program concentrates on the two sounds of G.
The short vowel O, the vowel digraph ou, Silent E, and the suffix -ing are highlighted.
The combination ad, consonant digraph th and the closing syllable -all are highlighted.
The short O sound is tops among the phonetics concepts in this episode. (No pun intended.) But the show also discusses the consonant digraph sh.
Mortimer ound The Director: On silent e s Love of Chair last word: elephant.
The consonant H, the consonant blend -rd, and the vowel digraph ou are highlighted.
Hum hot dog hold on there ar off hop/hope ing ing w/Lorelei Milkman Love of chair heros last word: holding
The consonant V and the consonant digraph ch are among the concepts highlighted.
Favorite word: Wand graphic win wind showing a couple an apartment rich couple at a resaurant 'Waiter, I want water!' Switch/swim/swing Easy Reader 'wall full of words' Lorne Greene and Michael Landon listen to their boot Robin Hood 'ph' 'telephone' 'My Name is Kathy' Friday credits included
Closing: Tune in next time as Crank says - (""Stand back!"") This entry was provided by Peter Smith.
The sound of V, the consonant digraph sh, and Silent E with a are highlighted.
Hard C sound, vowel pair ue, and the consonant digraph wh- are highlighted. This episode features a sight word: supermarket.
The consonant P leads to the consonant blend pr-. After the long A is heard in vowel pairs ai and ay, the program winds down with the double P, comparing supper to Super. This episode includes a sight word: stop.
The consonant H, the ending consonant blend -ld, and the two sounds of the vowel digraph ow are featured, as is silent e with i.
The consonant L leads to the ending consonant blend -lt. The two sounds of the vowel pair ie follow, as does the consonant digraph ph, the plural s, and quotation marks.
The consonant S leads to the consonant blend sn- and the vowel pair ee.
The consonant K leads to the consonant blend sk. Also featured is the long oo and the ending sound -alk.
The short O sound, the consonant blend sp, the vowel pair ea, the suffix -ed, and silent E with O are featured. Closing the proceedings: punctuation.
The consonant R leads to the consonant blend br-. Following that is the vowel pair ow as in brown, the consonant digraph ch and the suffix -ing.
The program begins with the combinations qu-, the consonant blend st, and the vowel pair ai. A large suffix, -tion, is highlighted. Closing the proceedings: silent e and punctuation.
Bag g grease song ea Easy Reader and Lorelei sing about LY silent e punctuation song love of chair
Jump! J jet if Here's Cooking at you dinner/diner Fargo north: Your Dinner is Bitter Diddle Diddle A very short book: The Little Dutch Boy Love of chair
Included in this program is the vowel pair ee.
Included in this program is the prefix Un-.
In just one of this episode's contents, the short word pen becomes the starting block for longer words.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant P.
Included in this episode are the two sounds of ow and the consonant digraph wh-.
Among the concepts in this episode are the two sounds of G and the consonant digraph th.
As part of this program, the consonant D segues into the consonant blend -ld.
Among the concepts highlighted: the consonant digraph ch.
Among the phonetic concepts highlighted: Silent E with A.
Among the phonetic concepts highlighted: the consonant C.
Among the phonetic concepts highlighted: the suffix -ed.
Among the concepts highlighted: the consonant digraph th.
The vowel pair ue, the syllable all, and the consonant digraph ch are highlighted.
Among the phonetic concepts highlighted: the vowel pair ai and the consonant digraph sh.
The consonant L segues into the consonant blend -lt.
Discussed: Short U, silent e, and quotation marks.
The vowel digraph ow as in cow, the consonant digraph ch, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This episode has a sight word: and.
The consonant X (a real rarity), the consonant blend tr-, the vowel pair ea, and the possessive contraction 's are featured.
The vowel pair ay, the consonant blend st, and the ending -all are highlighted.
The consonant M segues into the consonant blend sm, followed by the suffix -ed. This episode has a sight word: who.
The short vowel O, the consonant blend -nd, and punctuation marks are highlighted. The word some becomes the basis of longer words.
The consonant blend cl-, the vowel digraph oi, and the contraction base n't are highlighted.
Short I is seen in the word win, which becomes the start of larger words. Also featured are Silent E with I and punctuation marks.
The consonant J, the consonant blend -mp, and the suffix -ing are featured. This show has a sight word: if.
The long sound of the vowel digraph oo, the consonant blend sn-, and the combination -ight are highlighted.
The vowel pair ai, double consonants, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has a sight word: you.
The short vowel E is first up. The word day becomes the basis for longer words. Also highlighted are Silent E with A and the question mark.
The two sounds of G, segue to the consonant blend gl-, the prefix un-, and the difference in the words is and was.
The vowel pair ee, the consonant blend fr-, and the consonant digraph sh are highlighted.
The consonant K segues into the consonant blend sk. Also highlighted are the two sounds of the vowel pair ie and the suffixes -er and -est.
The vowel pair -ue, the consonant digraph ph, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has a sight word: for.
The consonant T leads to the consonant blend -lt. Double letters are also highlighted. This episode has a sight word: to.
The two sounds of ow, the consonant blend cr, and the ending -tion are highlighted.
The vowel pair oa, the consonant digraph wh-, and the suffix -ly are highlighted. This show has a sight word: stop.
The consonant N segues into the consonant blend -nt. The vowel digraph ou and plural S are also highlighted.
The short vowel A, Silent E with A, and punctuation marks are highlighted. The word can becomes a syllable in larger words.
The vowel digraph oy, the consonant digraph th, and the suffix -ing are highlighted. This show has a sight word: of.
The consonant L leads to the consonant blend -ld and the suffix -ed.
The short i, words beginning with the syllable sea, and silent e with i are highlighted, as are punctuation marks.
The consonant B segues into the consonant blend br-, the vowel digraph oi, and the contraction 's.
The vowel pair ow as in cow, the consonant digraph sh, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has a sight word: danger.
The vowel pair ai, the consonant digraph ch, and punctuation marks are covered. This episode has a sight word: was.
The consonant Y, the consonant blend sn-, the vowel pair ow as in snow, and the contraction n't are highlighted.
The short U sound leads to the word sun and how it can form the backbone of larger words. Silent E with U is also featured, as are punctuation marks.
The letter P segues into the consonant blend pl- and then the double P combination. This show has a sight word: or.
The long sound of the vowel digraph oo, the consonant blend bl-, and the ending -alk are highlighted.
Discussed: the consonant R, the vowel digraph ow as in grow, the consonant blend gr-, and the same vowel sound spelled two ways: ir and ur.
Short O sound, compound words, and the word stop are featured.
The consonant V, the consonant blend -mp, and the suffix -lyare highlighted. This show has a sight word: if.
The vowel pair oa, the consonant blend fl-, and the suffix -ing are highlighted.
The vowel pair ay, the consonant digraph wh-, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has two sight words: on and off.
The vowel sounds of y, double consonants, and punctuation marks are highlighted. The word bat becomes the root of longer words.
The combination qu- and the suffix -ing are highlighted. This show has a sight word: who.
The consonant blend gl-, the vowel pair -ue, and the consonant digraph ph are highlighted.
The two sounds of the vowel pair ie, the consonant digraph th, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has a sight word: you.
The consonant Z, the consonant blend sn-, the vowel pair ee, and the possessive contraction 's are highlighted.
Among the concepts in this program are the consonant blend fr- and the plural -s.
Among the concepts in this program are the consonant blend st and the word ending -ight.
Among the concepts in this program: the short A.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant blend gr- and the vowel digraph ow as in cow.
Among the concepts in this program: the consonant digraph ch.
The syllable win becomes the basis for larger words.
Among the concepts in this program: the consonant digraph sh.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant blend -nk and the vowel pair ea.
As part of this program, the word day becomes the basis for longer words.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant blend sl- and the suffixes -er and -est.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant blend sw-.
Among the concepts in this program: short E.
Among the concepts in this episode: the vowel pair oa and punctuation marks.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant L.
Among the concepts in this episode: the word ending -all.
Among the concepts in this episode: the vowel digraph oi.
Among the concepts in this episode: Y as a vowel.
Among the concepts in this episode: the prefix un-.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant K.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant blend fl-.
Among the concepts in this episode: the short A.
The consonant blend br- and the vowel pair ai, are featured, along with the pair of words is and was.
Among the concepts in this episode: the consonant digraph ch.
The vowel pair ie and the consonant digraph th are highlighted. This show has a sight word: for.
The two sounds of C are first up. One sound segues into the consonant blend cl-. Also featured are Silent E with U and plural S.
The short vowel I, the consonant blend sp-, and the contraction ending 's are highlighted.
The vowel pair ea, the consonant blend cr-, and the suffix -tion are highlighted.
The combination qu- and the ending -ly are highlighted. This show has a sight word: to.
The consonant V, the consonant blend gl, and the possessive 's are highlighted. This show has a sight word: or.
The consonant S, the vowel digraph ou, and the ending -ing are highlighted.
The two sounds of the vowel digraph ow, the consonant digraph sh, and punctuation marks are highlighted. This show has a sight word: you.
The consonant X, the consonant blend pl-, the vowel pair ay, and the prefix un are featured.
The short vowel U leads to the short word sun, a basis for longer words. Also featured are double consonants.
The consonant blend tr-, the vowel pair ee, the consonant digraph ph, and punctuation marks are highlighted.
The consonant z, the consonant blend pr-, Silent E with any vowel, and the suffixes -er and -est are highlighted.
The consonant P, the vowel digraph ow as in cow, and the ending -ight are highlighted.
After a piece on short O, the syllable sea is the root for larger words. Double consonants and punctuation marks are also highlighted.
The consonant blend st, the vowel pair ai, and the consonant Y are featured.
The vowel pair oa, the consonant digraph th, and the suffix -all are featured.
The short A, the consonant blend sl, and Silent E are featured. This episode has a sight word: and.
The two sounds of G, the consonant blend dr, and the suffix -ed are featured. This episode has a sight word: danger.
The consonant blend cl, the two sounds of C, the vowel pair ea, and the prefix un- are presented in this episode.
The vowel digraph oi, the consonant digraph ch, and the contraction n't are featured.
Two vowel sounds of Y (both imitating long vowels), the consonant blend cr-, and quotation marks are highlighted.
The consonant B leads to the consonant blend br- and the two sounds of the vowel digraph oo. Plural s is also mentioned.
The consonant M leads to the consonant blend -mp and the suffix -ly. This episode has a sight word: stop.
The vowel pair -ue, the consonant blend cl-, and the consonant digraph wh- are featured. This episode has a sight word: if.
The vowel pair ee, the consonant blend sw-, and the suffix -ing are presented.
The consonant n leads to the consonant blend sn-. Also featured are the vowel pair ea and the possesive 's.
The consonant K leads to the consonant blend -nk and the suffix -ing.
The letter T leads to the consonant blend -lt. Silent E appears with every vowel.
The vowel digraph ou, the consonant digraph sh, and the combination -alk are featured.
The consonant F, the two sounds of the vowel digraph ow, the combination all, and Silent E with A are featured. This episode has a sight word: off.
Among the concepts highlighted: the consonant Y and the consonant blend sp-.
The consonant F leads to the consonant blend fr-. Also featured are the vowel digraph ou and the suffixes -ed and -est.
The sounds featured in this episode are ou, gr-, and -ight.
The consonant blend gr-, the vowel pair oa, and the suffix -ing are highlighted.
The consonant blend sw- is among this episode's concepts. This episode's Spider-Man story: The Old One-Two.
Among the concepts in this episode: the vowel y as in happy.
The sight word eye becomes the basis for longer words.
The vowel pair ee, the consonant digraph ch, and the suffix -tion are featured.
Y as a consonant, the suffix -ed, and the two sounds of ie are featured. This show has a sight word: you.
The vowel pair -ck, and the vowel digraph sh are featured. Today's Spiderman story: ""The Birthday Bandit.""
The consonant blend gr-, the short I, and double consonants are featured. Punctuation marks are featured next to today's sight word: stop.
Among the phonetics concepts in this program are the consonant blend pr- and the vowel digraph ow as in cow. This show has a sight word: stop.
The consonant B, the vowel digraph oy, and the ending -ight are featured. This episode has a sight word: and.
The consonant digraph sh, the consonant blend cr, and the vowel digraph ow as in grow are highlighted.
The vowel digraph ow and the consonant blend fl are highlightedd.
Among the concepts in this program: the possessive contraction 's.
Preview: sports monster will bowl sn Bo Peeps sings: sneak a snack ll Spidey Meets the Blowhard the sports monster will bowl ow ly Snowball and the 6 dwarves
Igor and monster nk The Adventures Of Letterman: shrunk Spiderman: Spidey Meets the Prankster Junkers is pure junk oi Greystone the magician
Among the concepts featured: the vowel digraph ou.
The short vowel I, the consonant blend sw-, and double consonants are highlighted. This show has a sight word: you.
The vowel Y and the prefix un- are highlighted. This show has a sight word: is.
The vowel pair ay,, the consonant digraph ph, and the ending -ight are highlighted.
The vowel y as in dry and in happy, along with the plural s, are highlighted. This show has a sight word: if.
Among the concepts in this episode: Silent E with U.
The consonant D, the consonant blend -ck, the contraction root n't, and Silent E are highlighted.
Featured are the hard and soft sound of c, the consonant blend st, and the vowel sound ar. This show's overview was provided by editor d-jim#1.
The two sounds of i.e., the sound of ch, and words ending in -all are featured.
The two-hour retrospective that launched not only TEC's return to television, but the good era of Noggin.
The Electric Company's Greatest Hits & Bits is a clip-filled documentary featuring many of the series' most popular segments along with new interviews with cast members such as Jim Boyd, Judy Graubart, Skip Hinnant, Tom Lehrer, Rita Moreno and Joan Rivers, as well as with series creator Joan Ganz Cooney.
If you were between six and ten years old during the years 1971 through 1985, then there is a good chance you learned to read with help from The Electric Company. Comedy sketches, music, animation and special effects were the tools of this "video" classroom. The show was so terrific that it attracted major talent. In addition to stars Bill Cosby, Morgan Freeman and Rita Moreno, Joan Rivers, Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel were the characters in "The Adventures Of Letterman." Mel Brooks was the voice of the animated Blond-Haired Cartoon Man. The satirist Tom Lehrer wrote ten songs for the shows. The Electric Company was a product of its time — perennially cool and hip, while never wavering from its educational goals; it was full of wit and energy and made learning to read fun. So, take a trip back in time with Letterman, Easy Reader, J. Arthur Crank, Fargo North, Decoder, the Short Circus, Jennifer of the Jungle, and all the rest with THE BEST OF THE BEST OF THE ELECTRIC COMPANY.™ 5 GREAT EPISODES, INCLUDING SERIES PREMIERE. SPECIAL FEATURES Rita Moreno Remembers Outtakes New Episode Intros by Rita Moreno Trivia
Volume 1, Disk 1 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 1 (Oct 25, 1971), Episode 10 (Nov 5, 1971), Episode 14 (Nov 11, 1971), Episode 21 (Nov 22, 1971), and Episode 26 (Nov 29, 1971).
Volume 1, Disk 2 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 109 (Mar 23, 1972), Episode 131 (Oct 23, 1972), Episode 181 (Jan 1, 1973), Episode 285 (Nov 23, 1973), and Episode 321 (Jan 14, 1974).
Volume 1, Disk 3 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 379 (Apr 3, 1974), Episode 386 (Apr 15, 1974), Episode 391 (Oct 21, 1974), Episode 437 (Dec 24, 1974), and Episode 453 (Jan 15, 1975).
Volume 1, Disk 4 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 491 (Mar 10, 1975), Episode 72A (Jan 27, 1976), Episode 110A (Mar 19, 1976), Episode 79B (Feb 3, 1977), and Episode 130B (Apr 15, 1977).
Volume 2, Disk 1 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 12 (Nov 9, 1971), Episode 73 (Feb 2, 1972), Episode 150 (Nov 17, 1972), Episode 166 (Dec 11, 1972), and Episode 197 (Jan 23, 1973).
Volume 2, Disk 2 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 223 (Feb 28, 1973), Episode 227 (Mar 6, 1973), Episode 230 (Mar 9, 1973), Episode 232 (Mar 13, 1973), and Episode 253 (Apr 11, 1973).
Volume 2, Disk 3 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 322 (Jan 29, 1974), Episode 375 (Mar 29, 1974), Episode 502 (Mar 25, 1975), Episode 27A (Nov 25, 1975), and Episode 35A (Dec 5, 1975).
Volume 2, Disk 4 from The Best of the Electric Company DVD Box Set. Includes Episode 57A (Jan 6, 1976), Episode 60A (Jan 9, 1976), Episode 77A (Feb 3, 1976), Episode 105A (Mar 12, 1976), and Episode 122A (Oct 6, 1976).