Despite her popularity as a former pop star, Oh In Young will do anything to to prove she's more than a has-been. But when In Young agrees to star on a drama centered around the life of a hapless daughter-in-law under the thumb of her controlling mother-in-law, things get super awkward when Yang Choon Ja eventually becomes her off-screen mother-in-law. Can In Young take the heat of both her real and fictional mother-in-laws?
- Byeolnan Myeoneuri
- Shieomeoni Gildeuligi
- Taming Mother-in-Law
- The Eccentric Daughter in Law
- The Virtual Bride
夢想著東山再起的過氣偶像成員吳仁英(金多絮飾),在經紀公司的最後通碟下,硬著頭皮參加《宗家兒媳初體驗》綜藝節目的出演,體驗當宗家兒媳婦時和假婆婆楊春子(高斗心飾)的相處就像冤家死對頭一樣,戰火常常一觸即發,但卻與宗家大兒子車明錫(柳秀榮 飾)~木訥的數學老師假戲真作;本來只是想藉著節目扭轉日漸滑落的人氣的仁英,沒想到卻在吵吵鬧鬧的宗家生活體驗中,不僅感受到家人的溫暖,並覓得真命天子!