The Duke of Mount Deer 2008 is the latest Zhang Ji Zhong (ZJZ) production of a Jin Yong novel. As the vast majority of Jin Yong readers know, this novel was a significant departure from the "heroic, gallant righteous and upright" heroes of his other wuxia novels. Instead, Jin Yong wrote what many consider to be his most humorous book, one where the hero has many faults (conniving, multiple loyalties, womanizing, fun-loving) and succeeds not through martial arts prowess but by using trickery, applying his smarts and gambling on luck. Adapted for TV several times over the last three decades, this is the story of Wei Xiao Bao, an urchin brought up in the brothels of Yangzhou during the early Qing Dynasty, and his adventures, from infiltrating the imperial palace and befriending the young emperor Kang Xi, to later rising and becoming the emperor’s confidante, best friend and alter-ego, all the while single-handedly influencing the main historical events of the time. It is also the story of his relationships with his seven(!) wives and with his friends/mentors, in particular, Kang Xi and the chief of the rebellious Triads, Chen Jinnan.
양주 지방의 기원에서 자라난 기녀의 아들 '위소보'는 일자무식에 할 줄 아는 거라곤 남의 비위를 맞추거나 주사위로 속임수를 부리는 것뿐이지만 우연찮게 비슷한 나이 또래의 강희제와 무공을 다투다가 친구의 인연을 맺게 되며 벌어지는 이야기
清朝初年,天下始乱未定。扬州妓女之子韦小宝(黄晓明 饰)机敏狡黠,不学无术。他偶然救助江洋大盗茅十八,遂得以上京,更混入宫中成为老太监海大富身边的一名用来打探消息的“小太监”。宫中暗潮汹涌,斗争不断。小宝巧妙与各方势力周旋,凭借纯真与仗义取得康熙的信任,进而拿下居功自傲的元老大臣鳌拜(徐锦江 饰)从此成为康熙身边的红人。但鳌拜只是众多野心家中的一位,西南有吴三桂蠢蠢欲动、台湾有前朝的郑家势力寻找时机、北有俄罗斯罗刹国扩张疆土、辽东有神龙教兴风作浪。此外,小宝的师傅天地会总舵主陈近南(祝延平 饰)高举反清复明大旗,誓取康熙项上人头。小宝游刃有余、八面玲珑,不仅习得一身武功,还娶回七位美艳娇妻,在乱世之中书写着一个小人物的传奇…… 本片根据武侠小说家金庸的同名原著改编。