The story is centered around an uneducated street urchin Wei Xiaobao, who was born and raised in a brothel by his mother. Through a series of misadventures, he managed to make his way from the southern playground of Yangzhou to Beijing, the seat of Manchu imperial power, and bumbling accidentally into a fateful encounter with the young Kangxi Emperor. By hook or by crook, but also through a genuine concern and fierce loyalty towards Kangxi, Wei Xiaobao found himself in the greatest of confidences and a complicated friendship of one of the most eminent monarchs of Chinese history.
The plot follows Wei on a rags to riches journey as he becomes embroiled in political and court intrigues, overcoming enemies for Kangxi and accomplishing amazing achievements. Along the way, Wei meets with and successfully woos seven beautiful women, climbs his way up the social ladder from brothel boy to great lord and nobleman, acquiring titles such as Imperial Emissary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador, general and admiral - courtesy of Kangxi - as well as finding himself in positions completely at odds with the above: Green Wood Lodge Master of the Heaven and Earth Society, and White Dragon Marshal of the Mystic Dragon Cult.
In the end, however, Wei Xiaobao could not reconcile his two separate lives - as an anti-Qing rebel and Kangxi's devoted courtier. He chose to offer up his own life- in return for Kangxi's munificence towards him and also as an honourable way out of the Heaven and Earth Society. Pained and aggrieved beyond words, Kangxi orders the execution of his one and only true friend. Afterwards, plagued by loss and guilt, Kangxi took a long walk along the Great Wall, asking heaven for guidance - only to be happily surprised by the appearance of Wei Xiaobao, who didn't die after all. After saving his mate's life once again, Wei bades goodbye to Kangxi, reaffirming their friendship which will, from that point onwards, remain only in the minds and memories of the two men.
不学无术却聪明伶俐的韦小宝(张卫健 饰),自小和母亲在扬州丽春院卖艺来维持生计,与心爱的小金鱼(舒淇 饰)青梅竹马。原本平凡的人生因为一次意外而彻底改变。不仅为天地会的陈近南(郑伊健 饰)收为徒弟,还被康熙帝派下江南的心腹太监海大富强行带回了皇宫来完成自己的打算。进入皇宫的韦小宝在海大富的指引下认识了刁蛮任性的建宁公主(林心如 饰)和阴险恶毒的太后(陈法蓉 饰),还误打误撞的和少年康熙(谭耀文 饰)成了好朋友。一方面韦小宝为反清复明的天地会出谋划策,一方面帮助小玄子扫清他皇帝路上的政治障碍。多次化险为夷死里逃生的小宝却在眼见修成正果前途一片光明的时刻,忠与义的抉择让他陷入了两难的境地,而他选择了放弃了大好的前程,带着自己的七个老婆离开…