While the Lilidorei project is on hold due to planning permission delays, the Duchess stays busy with a packed schedule of events over the winter season. The Duchess plants 11 stuffed dogs around the premises to feel more at home at Alnwick Castle and prepares for the arrival of her pet rats. Head butler Jan has his work cut out for him as the staff prepare for a high-profile state dinner and battle against storm Arwen to decorate the 16ft Christmas tree.
When the news of Queen Elizabeth II's death is announced, the Duchess carries out an age-old ceremony to proclaim the new King and prepares for her eldest son to inherit the title of Duke. The stair carpet is replaced with a hand-woven one costing over £60,000 and behind the scenes with the staff reveals a glimpse of head butler Jan's home life. Construction begins on the world's largest play structure in Lilidorei.