Home / Series / The District / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 11

Russian Winter (a.k.a.The Russian Wars)

Mannion confronts his No. 1 enemy, Dimitri Putin, and learns who killed Det. Danny McGregor in this pivotal episode. A Russian woman, Erin Vratalov, comes aboard Mannion's boat claiming she needs protection from Putin. She tells Mannion that Putin ordered her husband, Yuri, to kill the chief. But when Danny died in the assassination attempt instead, Putin had Yuri murdered and is now after her. She also claims Yuri had a tape recording of Putin giving the order to murder Mannion, but she doesn't know where it's hidden. So begins Mannion's race to find the incriminating evidence, a search that leads ultimately to a volatile face-to-face encounter. (CBS)

Deutsch English français
  • Originally Aired January 12, 2002
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Production Code 211
  • Network CBS
  • Created September 11, 2012 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 11, 2012 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Shaun Baker Guest Star
Nancy Cassaro Guest Star
Brooke Marie Bridges Guest Star
Stephanie Escajeda Guest Star
Scott Klace Guest Star
Bru Muller Guest Star
Iona Morris Guest Star
David Franco Guest Star
Michael Ironside Guest Star
Darryl Adams Guest Star
Dustin MacDonald Guest Star
Sandy Smolan Director