District Nurse Megan gets a call to a small South Wales town in the mid 1920's, to investigate a virulent epidemic.
The district nurse is convinced that whatever is causing the epidemic is being carried in the town's water-supply. But how can she prove it in time....?
Megan ventures to the farm. apprehensive that Shamps might take another pot shot at her, and finds her nursing skills needed in an unexpected way ... The results of the water tests come through. And the district nurse is summoned to face an angry charity committee ...
discovers that the local children have contracted horrible head lice.
Megan gets attacked in the street by the parents of nit-infested kids, and tends a local who is sick with pneumonia
Megan has to deal with a complicated pregnancy in a remote cottage...all alone.
Megan is convinced two of her patients are lying about their injuries, and Megan has a strange and worrying conversation with young Nora.
Megan finds that proving why young Nora mysteriously died is near impossible.
Megan travels up to North Wales to visit lovely Mrs. Pughe-Morgan.
Megan moves into Gwen and David's cottage, causing nasty tongues to start wagging. Megan decides to join the local brass band.
Gwen gets threatened with eviction unless District Nurse Megan moves out of the cottage. The school outing to the seaside ends in a disastrous encounter with some sheep.
The charabanc, full of children, has crashed on the mountainside. This forces the people of the town to look at themselves in a new light. What do they really want for their community? And where will Megan, the district nurse, fit into their scheme of things .. ?
So. You're back.... Not long from the fold and, I suspect, already wondering if the return was worth it? Not that it will be 'open arms' in all quarters. I can think of a few who'd have given their eye-teeth if you'd got on that train ... and slammed the door!
You were seen there, boy. Seen. Hanging about the back of that school not an hour before the whole place went up in flames ... Admit it, boy! You started it, didn't you?
The fact remains, nurse. You simply haven't got the qualifications to shoulder the responsibilities. And this young locum has the qualifications, of course?
You? But you're only a midwife, aren't you?' If I was just that I wouldn't be here. He hates doctors - can't abide them ... but I've a feeling he won't mind you!
I've never experienced anything like.... Well! I don't know! I shall see you tomorrow. Well.... I may see you tomorrow. There is a limit to my duties, you know!
Use your common sense, nurse. He's no fool. You'll never get him to come back here.' 'Don't you worry. I'll get him. Even if it means I have to drag him back from London by his lovely head of hair!
Just a minute! One thing at a time.... How have you persuaded him to come back here?
I know what's grieving you. You thought this house would be the answer. Ready for us to move into. Make it easier for me to say "yes".
I'm sorry.... we might have all been killed if that roof had fallen in. If it hadn't been Ted Beynon. ... he reminded me of someone I once knew.
Megan. Look! Don't do anything daft.... until we get there. No out on your own! Promise now?
And no sooner the telegram come than Sergeant Gomer comes pounding on the door.... matter's been reported to the Carmarthen Constabulary and what have we got to say for ourselves?
Same offer. Same job. He's willing to keep it for the end of the month.... until I come to some sort of decision.
I've left everything behind me ... my job, my home, to start a new life in Glanmor.
'I'm a stranger here myself. I know it's difficult. You don't know where you fit in. Don't know if you're needed at all.
I can't go on living alone in a house with an unmarried woman. People talk about me enough as it is. So, you marry me and we'll adopt Ruth.
For the past three months I have had to sleep in my dressing-room. A fine place for a newly-married man.
You were asked to sort out his foot not his private life!
Megan's big trouble is that she thinks problems were put on this earth just for her to sort out and nobody else.
Glanmor is full of people trying not to scratch.
It's all wired up. I've got enough gelignite to bring the whole place down!
I'll have you in the courts for that.... you old lecher, you! Indecent assault and interference, that's what it is!
When we opened that door, you were covered in goose pimples.
The word is very clear. 'God said unto them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth"' - nothing about contraception!
I suppose they think - if I've killed one man, however sick, they're frightened I might make a habit of it.