Are you a cat person? Or a dog person? As for Saiki, he couldn't care less. So what will he do when he encounters a cat in trouble?
It’s the Christmas season. Saiki’s family is having a Christmas party at home. When he gets home, he finds a surprise guest waiting for him.
It’s New Year’s Day. The Saiki family is visiting a shrine to say prayers. Saiki’s wish is to spend a quiet time at home during the New Year’s holidays. Will it be answered?
Kurumi and Kuniharu get excited to see that Kusuo has so many friends, and end up inviting them over to their house for New Year’s.
It seems that Kuniharu’s efforts to undo the damage of his wife’s mistake of spilling the beans about Kusuo having psychic powers didn’t work after all. Now Kusuo has to do something to rectify this situation.
Kusuo n'aime ni les chats ni les chiens, car la télépathie et sa vision aux rayons X lui permettent de les voir tels qu'ils sont. Puis il rencontre un chat en difficulté.
길을 걷고 있던 사이키 쿠스오는 우연히 벽 사이에 낀 고양이를 발견한다. 동물의 목소리를 들을 수 있는 쿠스오는 고압적인 자세로 자신을 구하라고 명령하는 고양이를 보고 그냥 지나치려 한다. 인간을 업신여기던 고양이는 자신을 무시한 쿠스오에게 당황하고…
「狗派還是貓派?」 這樣的常見問題,對齊木來說完全無所謂,因為在「透視」的能力下,貓和狗只是一堆骨頭而已。而且「狗更聰明」和「貓愛撒嬌」這類的形象,在「心靈感應」面前也完全不是這樣。這天,對小動物完全不感冒的齊木,偶遇了被夾在建築物之間無法動彈的自大貓……
Kusuo não gosta de cães e gatos porque sua telepatia e visão de raio-X permitem que ele veja a verdadeira face dos animais. E então ele conhece um gato em apuros.
Kusuo não gosta de cães e gatos porque sua telepatia e visão de raio-X permitem que ele veja a verdadeira face dos animais. E então ele conhece um gato em apuros.
Kusuo non ama cani e gatti perché telepatia e vista a raggi X gli consentono di vedere gli animali per quello che realmente sono. Poi incontra un gatto in difficoltà.