In the third episode of The Dewarists Season 04, The Raghu Dixit Project and Bindhumalini, travel to Rajasthan. Where they find inspiration from a local poets’ community, Chang, by the Prince of Alsisar Mahal, Abhimanyu Singh. This inspiration from the local poets and the surreal beauty of Alsisar Mahal, led our Dewarists to do magic with the colourful words of Amir Khusro, in ‘Daiyya Ri’, a poem written to express his love of his pir. In Season 04, we pay homage to the original verse-makers before our time. Here poetry meets music. Follow the Dewarists as they are led by India's finest poets to far corners and beyond, in search of a song. Join us for Season 04 of The Dewarists – A Dewar's Initiative