‘Yaad’ the first episode of fourth season of The Dewarists unfolds with a collaboration of American clarinetist and music composer, Shankar Tucker, and gifted vocalist Nirali Kartik. Inspired by one of the subcontinent's greatest Urdu poets: Faiz – whose poetry still speaks to those hopeful for love. They try to recreate the words of Faiz in a melodious tribute to both the poet and the poem ‘Kab Yaad Mein Tera'. The track reflects the individual styles of the artists, the mood of the mellifluous raga, and the mysteries of longing and separation. In Season 04, we pay homage to the original verse-makers before our time. Here poetry meets music. Follow the Dewarists as they are led by India's finest poets to far corners and beyond, in search of a song. Join us for Season 04 of The Dewarists – A Dewar's Initiative.