Intrigued by the story behind the creation of the urban jungle that is Mumbai our collaborators - hand shadowgrapher, Amar Sen and audio-visual collective B.L.O.T. decided to showcase the creation of the island city from its colonial past to the city of today. The collaboration - "Aaina" uses the darkness in Amar Sen's work with shadows and B.L.O.T.'s light projections to tell the story visually while Suryakant Sawhney from Peter Car Recording Co. provided vocals to compliment the visuals. The music video tells the story through the eyes of a young girl evolving alongside the city. She goes through two parallel experiences, a slow walk through the city where she encounters moments that typify life in Mumbai, while on the other hand she searches for a sense of belonging. The 'Aaina' (mirror) plays an important role in describing her state of mind during her evolution and search for meaning. Her lover is an elusive character who is personified by the city, the collaboration concludes with the girl and the city becoming one.