In the wake of a personal loss, Candy finds the emotional core of her latest movie. Abby confronts Vincent after she makes an alarming discovery. Paul turns to activism as the AIDS epidemic continues to ravage New York's gay community. Vincent tips off Rudy to Tommy's disloyalty. Lori realizes she's on her own when both Greg and Kiki let her down. Bobby learns why the women who worked for him have abandoned the French Parlor.
Abby fa un'allarmante scoperta su Vincent, e lo affronta. Intanto Paul prende atto della devastazione che l'AIDS sta portando nella comunità gay di New York.
Candy empieza a imaginar su película con claridad. Abby se enfrenta a Vincent. Paul recurre al activismo. Rudy se entera de la falta de lealtad de Tommy.
Rudy est déçu d'apprendre que Tommy s'est montré déloyal. Paul, lui, se lance dans l'activisme. Abby affronte Vincent.
Candy hat endlich eine klare Vorstellung von ihrem neuen Film. Abby spricht sich mit Vincent aus. Paul engagiert sich gegen Aids. Und Rudy erfährt von Tommys mangelnder Loyalität. (Sky)
У Кенди наконец-то есть четкое представление о ее новом фильме. Эбби разговаривает с Винсентом. Павел привержен делу борьбы со СПИДом. И Руди узнает о неверности Томми.