• TheTVDB.com Season ID 825796
  • Created September 11, 2019
  • Modified January 2, 2025
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 What Makes a Battle Decisive?
series finale
January 1, 2014
S01E02 1274 B.C. Kadesh— Greatest Chariot Battle
S01E03 479 B.C. Plataea—Greece Wins Freedom
S01E04 331 B.C. Gaugamela—Alexander’s Genius
S01E05 197 B.C. Cynoscephalae—Legion vs. Phalanx
S01E06 31 B.C. Actium—Birth of the Roman Empire
S01E07 260–110 B.C. China—Struggles for Unification
S01E08 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Triumphs
S01E09 751 Talas & 1192 Tarain—Islam into Asia
S01E10 1066 Hastings—William Conquers England
S01E11 1187 Hattin—Crusader Desert Disaster
S01E12 1260 Ain Jalut—Can the Mongols Be Stopped?
S01E13 1410 Tannenberg—Cataclysm of Knights
S01E14 Frigidus, Badr, Diu—Obscure Turning Points
S01E15 1521 Tenochtitlán—Aztecs vs. Conquistadors
S01E16 1532 Cajamarca—Inca vs. Conquistadors
S01E17 1526 & 1556 Panipat—Babur & Akbar in India
S01E18 1571 Lepanto—Last Gasp of the Galleys
S01E19 1592 Sacheon—Yi’s Mighty Turtle Ships
S01E20 1600 Sekigahara—Samurai Showdown
S01E21 1683 Vienna—The Great Ottoman Siege
S01E22 1709 Poltava—Sweden’s Fall, Russia’s Rise
S01E23 1759 Quebec—Battle for North America
S01E24 1776 Trenton—The Revolution’s Darkest Hour
S01E25 1805 Trafalgar—Nelson Thwarts Napoleon
S01E26 1813 Leipzig—The Grand Coalition
S01E27 1824 Ayacucho—South American Independence
S01E28 1836 San Jacinto—Mexico’s Big Loss
S01E29 1862 Antietam—The Civil War’s Bloodiest Day
S01E30 1866 Königgrätz—Bismarck Molds Germany
S01E31 1905 Tsushima—Japan Humiliates Russia
S01E32 1914 Marne—Paris Is Saved
S01E33 1939 Khalkin Gol—Sowing the Seeds of WWII
S01E34 1942 Midway—Four Minutes Change Everything
S01E35 1942 Stalingrad—Hitler’s Ambitions Crushed
S01E36 Recent & Not-So-Decisive Decisive Battles
season finale

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