In the summer of 1969, a young woman was found dead off a remote mountain trail in Harlan, Kentucky, with stab wounds to the chest. Her identity was a mystery. For more information, check out our full investigation at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.
Early morning on the day before Thanksgiving, investigators gather to dig up the grave of an unknown young woman, hoping to solve the mystery of her identity. For more information, check out our full investigation at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.
In part three of "The Dead Unknown," a young woman's 12-year search for her father ends with more questions. Meanwhile, the case of Mountain Jane Doe takes an unexpected turn. For more information, check out our full investigation at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.
A daughter's search brings long-awaited answers. Mountain Jane Doe is identified, 47 years later. For more information, check out our full investigation at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.