A crew of sawmill workers find themselves in the midst of an inferno on a typical day at work. With only themselves to rely upon, the group works together to survive the horrific scene as their worst-case scenario unfolds in front of them.
While setting up a firework display at a racetrack, a car careens out of control, flipping on top of fireworks technician, Jonathan Sedman. With a fireworks underneath both car and Jonathan, rescuers must work quickly to get him out alive.
An elite team of parachute firefighters drop into a remote mountain range to rescue a downed pilot. But the jump doesn't go as planned and the rescue mission quickly becomes a recovery.
Kurt is a hardworking farmer whose life turns upside-down on the job when a seemingly everyday task turns deadly. While unloading grain with his auger, his leg gets trapped in an auger blade and the only way out is by using his pocketknife.
A group of Canadian doctors' travel to Haiti on a humanitarian mission. But their day on the job changes as the group finds itself in a violent protest, threatening their lives and keeping them from helping those in need.
A local mall collapse creates havoc in a small-town, as the employees rush out as their seemingly safe jobs turn deadly. As the dust settles, everyone from waitresses to dollar store employees, count themselves lucky to be alive.
American music band The High Divers are out on the road in the middle of their first big American tour when they are side-swiped by semi-truck. It's a potentially deadly commute that now haunts their dreams.
A group of New Mexico gravel pit workers become trapped after a landslide. Despite rescue attempts, everyone begins to doubt if they will make it out alive.
A Water and Utility worker is buried alive while digging out a trench on the job. His pleas to the rescue squad are finally heard as he tries to remain calm while help arrives.
A farmer's life hangs in the balance after he climbs inside a silo and begins sinking into the soybeans. Struggling to get out, every move sinks him deeper into the grain. When rescuers arrive, he is moments away from going under completely.
Two tech workers are stuck in an elevator at the end of their work day. To their surprise, the elevator quickly begins filling with water. With no escape, rescuers attempt to reach the duo before they drown in a work day from hell.
Canadian submariners find themselves afloat in a vessel without power. As they begin to aid the crippled submarine, a fire breaks out, threatening the lives of the crew from the cook to the captain.
A movie special effects technician gets more than he bargained for on his work day while attempting a rain effect for a movie. A series of unfortunate events unfold and the electricity from an overhead power line now threatens his life.