Yoo Tan, the leader, and vocalist of an indie band called One More Time, which he started with his childhood friends. Tan’s been maintaining the band ever since for over ten years. The indie band flourished for a while, at one point boldly refusing to succumb to the establishment. But alas, Tan’s getting older, the popularity of his band is dwindling, and life isn’t getting any easier financially, which is why he eventually signs with a label this late in the game. While enduring the difficult conditions inherent at a major music label, an unforeseeable event takes place and Tan gets swept up in it: An unwanted time leap allows him to journey back in time to regain his girlfriend.
- I Want to Protect You One More Time
- The Day After We Parted
- The Day After We Broke Up
- He-eo-jin Da-eum-nal
Un chanteur de rock indé tente de sauver sa petite amie d'un destin funeste alors que lui-même ne cesse de changer de dimension temporelle.
無名バンドのリーダー ユ・タン(エル<INFINITE>)。音楽にも恋愛にもうんざりしていた彼にチャンスが訪れる!大手レコード会社の取締役で美人のカン理事からメジャーデビューを提案される。バンドも恋愛も捨てて新しい人生をスタートするはずだったユ・タン。ところが不思議なことに新しい人生をはじめようとしていた‘その日’を何度も繰り返すことになってしまい…。
Este drama fantástico acompanha o vocalista de uma banda indie que faz vários saltos no tempo, sempre tentando salvar sua namorada de um destino infeliz.
El cantante de una banda indie, a pesar de sus repetidas lagunas de memoria, tiene que salvar a su novia de un oscuro destino.
- I Want to Protect You One More Time
- The Day After We Broke Up
- The Day After We Parted
Yoo Tan, líder e guitarrista da banda One More Time, tem que salvar sua namorada, Da In, de um destino sombrio, apesar de suas constantes lacunas de memória.
Fantasiadraamassa seurataan indie-bändin laulajaa, joka kokee tahtomattaan aikasiirtymiä, sekä tyttöystävää, jota hän yrittää pelastaa onnettomalta kohtalolta.