Hazem, an accountant handling key clients, feels dissatisfied with his financial situation and dreams of quick wealth. Will fate give him the chance to achieve it?
Mohsen Morgan provides Hazem with suspicious files to work on, while the police monitor the office. The investigation develops thanks to Salma's cooperation.
Hazem reveals the reason behind his desire for wealth while getting deeper into the world of crime, using his ability to launder money, which gains him dangerous enemies.
Dunia will manage Hazem's accounts and help launder his money, while Hazem gathers information on Galal to eliminate him and Ali Al-Kayal in order to reach the man in charge.
El Russy meets with Isaf and Dunia, where they present a new product that surpasses all others. A secret about Anwar is revealed, and Dunia is kidnapped, leaving Isaf alone.
After Isaf succeeded in rescuing Dunia from his grasp, and the police managed to arrest one of his men, Jalal finds himself in a bad situation and feels that his end is near.
Salma reaches Hazem and reveals information about his past life and the dreams he has. while the police start to dig deep to set up Dunia. How will this affect Hazem's life?
We uncover Dunya and Anwar's past, and the picture becomes clearer than ever, while Hazem collaborates with an unexpected person who might be his last lifeline.
An unexpected secret between Hazem and Omar Ayad reveals new aspects of Hazem's personality and motives, while El Russy's knowledge of a new alliance jeopardizes Hazem's safety.
Hazem's beginning with Mohsen Marjan, and a bold plan from Donya and Anwar to get rid of everyone. How will the Russian and Hazem handle the situation?