Cinema Cartography inspires new ways of experiencing Art. We do this because we believe that Art changes the world by empowering people with new perspectives. Through our own diverse and free online content, we aspire to promote critical thinking and improve people's relationship with Art and the world around them.
WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.
0:00 Human Gatherings 2:25 Shadow Puppet Theatre 7:10 Camera Obscura 10:24 The Magic Lantern 13:01 Phantasmagoria 17:56 The Retina and Optical Toys 21:48 Photography 25:40 Stereopticon 31:42 Picture Plays 32:49 Muybridge & The Zoopraxinoscope 35:39 Kinematograph
0:00 I. Clues and Pieces 5:03 II. "How" does it mean? 9:32 III. The Sum of its Parts (or Guernica's Picasso) 10:59 IV. The Metaphysical Mirror "Art in Context: An Aesthetic Guide to Art" is a new series by The Cinema Cartography.
0:00 I.The Art Instinct 5:11 II. Colour and Form 9:08 III. Rhythm and Composition 11:15 IV. Wabi-Sabi and Sublime
FILM FEELS CURIOUS at The Place Bedford, UK is a festival curated by The Cinema Cartography. With exclusive introductions and posters made by us. Come support great cinema and meet us, on the closing night, for a Live Q&A.
0:00 Introduction 2:47 The Kinetoscope 6:44 One-Shot Movies 15:01 The Lumiere Brothers 28:01 The importance of the Lumiere premiere
FILMS USED 0:00 A Woman Under The Influence, 0:27 Seconds, 0:51 Eraserhead, 1:21 The Lost Weekend, 1:35 Shock Corridor, 1:46 Through a Glass Darkly, 2:45 Vertigo, 4:46 The Seventh Continent, 6:54 Street of Crocodiles, 8:14 Taxi Driver, 8:33 First Reformed, 10:36 I Live in Fear, 11:57 Le Diable, Probablement, 14:32 Joker, 14:48 The Hunt, 15:00 Picnic at Hanging Rock, 17:10 The Exterminating Angel, 19:51 Possibly, In Michigan, 21:10 The Lighthouse, 23:52 Apocalypse Now, 24:48 Aguirre, The Wrath of God, 26:38 Embrace of the Serpent, 28:48 Black Narcissus, 29:01 Je, Tu, Il, Elle, 30:22 Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, 32:12 Natural Born Killers, 33:18 The Piano Teacher, 35:00 Marat/Sade, 36:55 Mephisto, 37:57 Symbiopsychotaxiplasm
Programme (Selected Filmography) 0:00 Introduction 2:14 Masterworks 4:14 PART I: 武士道 Bushidō 11:36 PART II: 侘寂 Wabi-Sabi 18:10 PART III: 物の哀れ Mono No Aware 24:00 PART IV: 幽玄 Yūgen 29:24 PART V: グロ Guro 33:41 PART VI: 変 Hen
0:00 Introduction; 2:48 Number 30; 7:00 Number 29; 11:21 Number 28; 15:32 Number 27; 19:17 Number 26; 23:57 Number 25; 27:45 Number 24; 32:23 Number 23; 35:43 Number 22; 39:31 Number 21; 44:02 Number 20; 47:59 Number 19; 51:55 Number 18; 55:50 Number 17; 1:00:39 Number 16; 1:05:00 Number 15; 1:08:58 Number 14; 1:13:46 Number 13; 1:17:48 Number 12; 1:21:14 Number 11; 1:25:25 Number 10; 1:30:52 Number 9; 1:35:46 Number 8; 1:41:10 Number 7; 1:46:38 Number 6; 1:50:47 Number 5; 1:54:44 Number 4; 1:58:48 Number 3; 2:04:28 Number 2; 2:10:42 Number 1.
Programme (Selected Filmography): 0:00 Introduction; 2:56 Masterworks Sponsorship; 4:30 PART I: SNUFF ; 10:59 PART II: SUBVERSION; 14:46 PART III: SIMULACRA; 18:38 Conclusion.
A video essay.
Programme: 0:00 Introduction; 2:46 FORBIDDEN IDEAS; 23:08 FORBIDDEN IMAGES
Programme: 0:17 A Note by Luiza; 0:43 Part I; 3:19 Part II; 6:45 Part III
Art should be in contact with the eternal and the divine, however one comes to define that. In order to understand what my art must be to replicate that, I have also had to discuss and understand the immense displeasures I have with the world. I say that to remind myself that the art I hope to create must be in opposition to that. Creativity must be exactly that - creation. For with enough creation, we may be able to outdo the destruction.
Part 1 - Video Game Mechanics and Systems. Part 2 - The Artistry of Games.
"The tragic and crucial difference is that if art can stimulate emotions and ideas, mass-appeal cinema, because of its easy, irresistible effect, extinguishes all traces of thought and feeling irrevocably. People cease to feel any need for the beautiful or the spiritual, and consume films like bottles of Coca-Cola." - Andrei Tarkovsky
0:00 Introduction; 2:39 PART I - History; 13:50 PART 2 - The Golden Age; 31:14 PART 3 - Legacy
Today Lewis and Luiza discuss the 2002 Brazilian masterpiece City of God (Cidade de Deus). A conversation of one person's obsession with the film becoming more enlightened after marrying the other who had a parallel experience with the film in question.
A deep look into Abel Gance's unparalleled 1927 masterpiece; Napoleon.
In the premiere of 'Deep Dive', Lewis and Luiza explore the uncanny world of director David Lynch and his film Blue Velvet.
On today's episode of 'Deep Dive' we explore Akira Kurosawa's feudal epic: Ran.
These are the considerations for the best documentaries of all time. Regardless of the genre we attempt to confine it in, sometimes reality is greater than fiction.
Transcendental Cinema explores how film can evoke deeper spiritual and meditative experiences.
A celebration of the forgotten, unknown and ignored masterpieces of cinema. Films from all over the world, in various genres and styles. CHAPTERS: 0:00 Introduction 2:25 I. Birds, Orphans & Fools Dir: Juraj Jakubisko 9:43 II. The Company of Strangers Dir: Cynthia Scott 15:11 III. The Hypothesis of The Stolen Painting Dir: Raul Ruiz 21:39 IV. The Man Who Stole The Sun Dir: Hasegawa Kazuhiko 27:46 V. Kisapmata Dir: Mike De Leon 32:46 VI. Twilight Dir: Gyorgy Feher 38:30 VII. Death of Yazdgerd Dir: Bahram Beyzai
An exploration of the various depictions of violence throughout cinema.
In this video, we explore films that never got the recognition they truly deserve—hidden gems and overlooked masterpieces waiting to be rediscovered.
In this video, we take a look at the entirety of contemporary artistic perceptions and how they are concerningly failing the human condition. But there is still plenty we can do to fix it...