Michelin-starred chef Tom Kitchin goes to Perth College in Scotland where he himself trained to begin his search for a protege. He puts four of the college's best students to the test; three students will go through to the next stage.
Tom Kitchin meets three more of his old catering college's best students.
Tom Kitchin puts his five chosen students through their paces.
Tom Kitchin introduces the aspiring chefs to his favourite ingredients - Scottish game.
The students are invited to cook at Tom Kitchin's Michelin starred Edinburgh restaurant.
Working under Theo Randall's tutelage, students from Brooklands College in Surrey cook a wild mushroom risotto before he decides which one will leave the process.
Under Theo Randall's tutelage, students from Brooklands College in Surrey cook a dish that reflects his core culinary principles, Italian squash tortellini.
Theo Randall puts the five remaining students through their paces by challenging them to cook their favourite dish before suggesting how he would improve them.
Theo Randall puts the four remaining students through their paces as they create their own rustic Italian dishes for rival chefs Michel Roux Jr and Tom Kitchin.
Theo Randall invites the remaining three students to cook at his restaurant where they are challenged to cook one of his signature dishes for a special lunch service.
Michelin-starred chef Michel Roux Jr begins his search for a protege, travelling to the College of Food at University College Birmingham, which has close ties to the Roux family.
Chef Michel Roux Jr meets three more students and asks them to cook the perfect omelette then shows them how to cook a classical French which they must recreate to continue to the next stage.
Chef Michel Roux Jr has his five students cook their favourite dish then suggests how he would improve them, They then cook their improved creations for customers at the college restaurant.
Chef Michel Roux Jr takes his four shortlisted students to cook at Cliveden House in Berkshire, where Michel's father, the legendary Albert Roux, worked in the 1950s.
Tom Kitchin puts his students through a final test before deciding who his protege will be.
It is time for Theo Randall to decide who his protege will be. He asks his two students to cook iconic River Café dishes before giving them one final chance to impress.
Michel Roux Jr puts his final two students to the test, asking them to cook two of his father Albert's iconic recipes before deciding who will be his protege.
The three proteges must impress their mentors as they devise their menus for the final.
In the grand final, the proteges chosen by Tom Kitchin, Theo Randall and Michel Roux Jr must cook for Pierre Koffmann, Ruth Rogers and Albert Roux.