Home / Series / The Chateau Diaries / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 132
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Episode 132: The Chateau Diaries - A spot of rain can't stop us!

The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, but the rain in France falls mainly on the chateau. But it doesn't stop any of the Lalanders! There's big progress in the walled garden, as the new arches arrive for the new vegetable beds. Mummy and Mary Poppins plant a plethora of new, curious herbs and vegetables. Dan the Gardener remains stoic in the face of a downpour and Michael is positively drawn to the storm! And, because it's Tuesday, it's present opening day! Which will be the last one with Antoine for a few weeks, as Nic, Marie and Antoine have to return to Brussels...

  • Originally Aired June 16, 2020
  • Runtime 28 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Created June 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 16, 2020 by
    Administrator admin