Things are really heating up this week with the first men's Inferno at hand. Tyrie is now the competitor for the Bad Asses after Abram, who received the life shield, decides not to go in. Alton gives his life shield up for Davis, so now he is competing for the Good Guys. For their challenge, they must hang upside-down from their ankles and gather puzzle pieces and put them together properly the fastest. Although being upside-down negatively affected his equilibrium, Alton has a much easier time maneuvering around the match and wins -- sending Tyrie home. The Bad Ass girls decide to have a mini, unofficial deliberation before the next day's challenge so they can have an idea of who they want to send into the women's Inferno. Ev expresses her feelings about Susie and Paula going into the Inferno. Aneesa, bothered by Ev's tone, attacks and tries to put the not-so-fresh meat back in her place. The two get into a yelling match and Ev storms out. The next morning, the Good Guys and the Bad Asses show up for their next challenge at a castle. There, they learn that they must use a battering ram to knock down the castle door. Once this is done, one member of the team must run in and grab the flag before the other team. The first to get in and get out with the flag wins. The Bad Asses come up with a strategy to put all their team's weight and strength (the guys) in the back and put the girls in the front of the ram. The Good Guys do the opposite, putting the guys in front and the girls in back -- which is apparently the best decision. The Good Guys get in and out of the castle first, taking home $10,000 for their team's bank account. Bad Ass Danny gets enraged by the loss and begins to place blame on everyone else. The teams go back to the house to deliberate on which girl to send in. The Good Guys choose Jenn from the Bad Asses to go in, while the Bad Asses choose Susie. Neither Jenn nor Susie is upset by the selection. In fact, both girls are amped and ready to tak