  • Season ID 824898
  • Created September 5, 2019
  • Modified June 1, 2023
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 From Jesus to the Creation of the Church
S01E02 The First Christian Institutions
S01E03 Christianities in the Early Church
S01E04 Persecution and Saints
S01E05 Peace between Empire and Church
S01E06 Institutional and Doctrinal Developments
S01E06 Institutional and Doctrinal Developments
S01E07 Latin Theology, Including Augustine
S01E08 Popes and Bishops in the Early Middle Ages
S01E09 Monasticism—Benedict and His Rule
S01E10 Evangelizing Northern and Eastern Europe
S01E11 The Germanization of Christianity
S01E12 Charlemagne and the Church in Feudal Times
S01E13 Monks and Hermits—New Forms of Monasticism
S01E14 Papal Reform and Church-State Controversies
S01E15 Crusade, Heresy, Inquisition
S01E16 The Papacy—Innocent III to Boniface VIII
S01E17 Francis, Dominic, and the Mendicants
S01E18 Flowering of Church Art in the Middle Ages
S01E19 Scholastic Thought
S01E20 Medieval Mysticism
S01E21 The Great Schism and the Conciliar Age
S01E22 The Renaissance Church
S01E23 Luther, Calvin, and the Reformation
S01E24 Catholic Responses—The Council of Trent
S01E25 The Jesuits
S01E26 Catholicism in Asia and the New World
S01E27 American Catholicism
S01E28 The Church in the Age of Reason
S01E29 Pius IX and Papal Infallibility
S01E30 Leo XIII and the Modern World
S01E31 The Eastern Catholic Churches
S01E32 The Second Vatican Council
S01E33 The Catholic Church Looks Outward
S01E34 The Challenges of New Theologies
S01E35 John Paul II and the 21st-Century Church
S01E36 One? Holy? Catholic? Apostolic?

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