Home / Series / The Carol Burnett Show / Aired Order / Season 4 / Episode 26

with Paul Lynde, Nanette Fabray

"Old Folks" salutes the senior generation; Lynde and Miss Fabray join the cast regulars for a soap opera spoof and for takeoffs on TV commercials; Carol (as the charwoman) sings "Carol's Theme". In the Carol & Sis segment, Carol and Chris (Vicki Lawrence) discover that Roger (Harvey Korman) is minus an office secretary when they drop in. Carol, clad in hot pants, then makes a mess of office procedures but scores a hit with the company's suave salesman (Lyle Waggoner).

  • Originally Aired March 29, 1971
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Network CBS
  • Notes Is a season finale
  • Created April 25, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified April 25, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Nanette Fabray Guest Star
Paul Lynde Guest Star