A story about becoming superstars as it follows three young people with different personalities who chase their dreams of making it big in the music industry.
Xingkong Entertainment is the top entertainment company in China. Its owners Chen Tianhao and Du Wanqing used to be a loving couple but their marriage has been on the rocks due to differences in how they want to run the company. Yang Zhenzhen is a music lover who finds a job as the personal assistant of Zheng Boxu. He is a popular idol who has a certain air of arrogance that comes with the trade. He is difficult to control and extremely independent. In the process of working together, Yang Zhenzhen and Zheng Boxu get to know each other better and she becomes integral in helping him correct his flaws. Du Wan Qing has been training newcomer Yu Zirui whose natural vocal talents is a big threat to Zheng Boxu. This is a story about young people and their love for music as they find their direction in life.
“星空娛樂”是中國頂尖的娛樂公司。老闆陳天浩與杜婉晴曾經是恩愛夫妻,現在卻因為對公司經營理念的不同,陷入婚姻危機。熱愛音樂的楊真真(吳倩飾)進入“星空娛樂”工作,成為當紅歌手鄭柏旭(黃子韜飾)的助理。鄭柏旭是一名偶像派歌手,性格狂傲不羈,難以駕馭。楊真真在與鄭柏旭的相處中逐漸瞭解他,幫助他改正缺點,發展特長,最終成為具備真正實力的歌手。楊真真自己也從一個職場菜鳥轉變為一名成熟的經紀人。杜婉晴著手培養新人俞子睿(牛駿峰飾),俞子睿與生俱來的音樂天賦給鄭柏旭形成了巨大的壓力,同時也成為他不斷進取的動力。幾個熱愛音樂的年輕人在青春的道路上互相鼓勵、突破極限,尋找著屬於自己的人生方向。在經歷了重重困難與挑戰後,最終都迎來了事業和情感的收穫 。
Zheng Bo Xu est un idol récalcitrant qui est célèbre depuis sa jeunesse. Il aime profondément la musique et reste persistant.
Yang Zhen Zhen est une manager débutante qui commence juste le travail. En tant que membre du personnel débutant, elle fait face à divers obstacles, mais elle ne renonce jamais à ses rêves musicaux.