A former victim of torture by the Japanese is accused of being the Bridal Mask in front of his screaming mother and she is gravely injured defending him. Still working against his father, Chief Kimura’s son starts to aid any Bridal Mask associate that is brought into custody. Despite his deep grief over his mother, the Bridal Mask makes an important appearance.
어머니의 죽음을 막지 못한 강산은 원수를 갚기 위해 기무라 켄지를 찾아 나서고.. 한편, 각시탈이 나타났다는 소식에 사건현장으로 달려간 강토는 켄지경부를 죽이려 달려드는 각시탈을 발견하고 총구를 겨누게 되는데..