Home / Series / The Beachcombers / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 19


Kim is a waif from the ports of the middle east, a street_urchin who jumps ship in Vancouver and beguiles Margaret into helping him flee from "the wicked Captain". Living by their wits in the streets of Vancouver, they elude the frantic family for a couple of days; Kim is returned to the "evil Captain", who turns out to be his grandfather. Margaret sees this as a betrayal, and is inconsolable. She is also unaware that Kim has already jumped ship again and is conning his way to Gibsons to catch up with Nick, "his father".

  • Originally Aired March 2, 1974
  • Runtime 30 minutes
  • Network CBC
  • Created September 20, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 20, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Joseph Balint Guest Star
Michael Collins Guest Star