Erschöpft von der Straßenüberquerung beschließen die Tiere, sich erst einmal auszuruhen. Aber schon bald werden sie durch Gewehrschüsse unsanft geweckt. Sie haben, ohne es zu wissen, auf einem Armeegelände Zuflucht gesucht! Durch eine Explosion wird Fasan seiner Schwanzfedern beraubt, und die Wassermolche verlieren ihr Leben in einem schrecklichen Feuer. Fuchs rettet Kröte mutig aus den Flammen, doch Maulwurf gerät in die Hände der Feuerwehrleute. Sein Entkommen hebt die Stimmung der anderen Tiere wieder. Da bringt ein heftiger Regenguss das Feuer zum Erlöschen und sie ziehen weiter zur nächsten Station ihrer Reise.
The Newts are finding the journey more difficult than the others so when they come across a large lake, they decide to make it their new home. After saying their goodbyes the rest of the animals continue on their journey. After crossing to the other side of the lake Weasel announces that she can smell fire. Soon the other animals spot smoke in the distance, gaining on them. Fox's instincts kick in and he begins to run away from the fire but he has to overcome them when Toad is missing. He has been left behind and its up to Fox to go back and rescue him. Toad is rescued by Fox but Badger discovers that mole is missing. He has been picked up by a fire fighter and placed inside his pocket. Badger heads back and rescues him. It is then that they realise that the Newts have died in the blaze. They are the first of the animals to lose their lives on the journey.
Boati rumorosi svegliano bruscamente i membri del gruppo, che a loro insaputa sono finiti in un campo di addestramento militare. Sfuggiti alla sparatoria, giungono in una palude dove i Tritoni decidono di stabilirsi definitivamente per non continuare a soffrire la carenza d’acqua. Di nuovo in cammino, si scopre che Rospo e Talpa sono rimasti indietro. Intanto nelle vicinanze è scoppiato un grande incendio, e Volpe è costretto a inoltrarvisi per trovare Rospo. Talpa viene trovato e portato via da un pompiere, ma poi riuscirà a scappare e tutta la comitiva si riunirà. L’area inghiottita dalle fiamme e dal fumo è proprio quella della palude, e questo non lascia speranze sulla sorte dei Tritoni.
De dieren bereiken een eerste rustplaats: een militair oefenterrein. Maar er loert alweer een nieuw gevaar om de hoek...
Dyra frå Dyreskogen har starta på den lange ferda til Hjorteparken, men det er mange farar på vegen dit.