Angry Nerd theme song - original recording.
Why is Castlevania 1 and 3 a bloody good time and Castlevania 2 worthy of a stake to the heart? The Angry Nintendo Nerd reveals why.
The Nerd talks about the worst game ever for the NES.
Episode #3 Originally meant to cap the "trilogy". Made nearly 2 years after the first two Nerd videos (May 2004). First time, all 3 videos appeared on the internet, with the advent of YouTube.
This is when the Angry "Nintendo" Nerd officially became a series. At this point, I was getting so much positive feedback, I decided to make more, and from there, it kept snowballing as the fan base accelerating.
Movie Quote - Another Pokemon
First episode to appear on a week prior to being released on YouTube. This is still one of my most popular episodes.
First review to feature more than one game. First time saying "I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk"
This is the first AVGN episode to use the theme song written and performed by Kyle Justin. I have to say, McKids wasn't that bad of a game, but I was exploring my boundaries with this one. I chose this game mostly because of the novetly of McDonald's. But anyway, watch the Angry Nintendo Nerd tear it up.
Part of ScrewAttack's Toilet Tuesday series. This is a parody of the Nintendo 64 Kid, an internet meme.
Hey Kids! Say NO to awful games! This is the first episode to review an unlicensed NES game.
This episode featured a guest appearance by Shit Pickle from my Wizard of Oz spoof, "Wizard of Oz 3" This episode was also part of a string of 6 episodes, each released on the Friday of each week on Therefore, the ScrewAttack/YouTube release dates got jumbled together and kind of confusing.
This is another one of my most popular episodes and has been referenced in many future episodes. Relive the anger and frustration of trying to land that damn plane. Watch the Angry Video Game Nerd tear this game a new asshole!
Yeah, Double Dragon was the shit, but see why the Angry Nintendo Nerd HATES the third one.
A 1988 Home video which contains footage of a young James Rolfe getting angry at his Super Mario Bros. game on his birthday.
The Halloween 2006 special! First episode to have a cliffhanger. Released on October, Friday the 13th, 2006 on, this is the Nerd's 13th video release, if you count "The Anger Begins". It's also runs nearly 13 minutes long. How many 13's can we fit in?
The follow up to the Angry Nintendo Nerd's Friday the 13th review, featuring Freddy Krueger. Another classic episode!
Thanksgiving 2006 special. First episode to review a game peripheral The Angry Video Game Nerd will tell you why the power glove is so bad.
The Nerd reenacts the competition between video consoles (mainly the competition between Nintendo and Sega). The Nerd at the end claims he is rooting for Nintendo's success with their Wii console
The Angry Video Game Nerd complains about the titles of sequels in Movies and Games. First time "The Angry VIDEO GAME Nerd" name was officially used as I began branching to other games besides Nintendo.
Released to coincide with the new Rocky movie, ROCKY BALBOA, December 2006. First review of a NON-NES game. First time "The Angry VIDEO GAME Nerd" was used in the theme song, instead of "Nintendo Nerd".
Movie Quote of The Week Doom
CHRISTMAS, 2006 SPECIAL! One of the longest episodes to date. ScrewAttack had to release it in two parts, because of their video player. But it was always meant to be one.
This is a re-edit of the AVGN two-parter about the third entry in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film trilogy. In the movie the turtles find themselves transported back in time to ancient Japan. It has nothing to do with the game Turtles in Time, but they eventually added that name to the film.
A classic struggle between a foul mouthed nerd and a not-so-classic console.
The Nerd is back to prove that not all games are good movie to game adaptations like Batman. But's just AWFUL!
He just couldn't get over how bad it was. In part two of his 'busters trilogy, The Nerd takes a look at some other console incarnations of this craptastic movie to game adaption.
The Nerd finishes up his rant on the crap that is Ghostbusters games only to have a small surprise. A game... he likes?!
Oh Spider-Man... you make some great movies but your games have just sucked ass. Lucky for us, The Nerd noticed.
The complete uncensored interview featuring everyone's favorite foul-mouthed gamer, The Angry Video Game Nerd.
Wow! It's like playing a movie... except all the movies are really, really bad. Complete with full length Nerd intro.
Yet another add-on to the Genesis that tried to extend its life but ultimately just helped pull the plug.
A game about a classic comic book character could've been one of the greats... too bad it sucks donkey balls.
The Nerd continues his assault on old video games that are now summer blockbusters with his take on the 80's, 90's and maybe 2007 hit, Die Hard.
To celebrate our nation's independence our favorite nerd is here to rip apart a game based on a movie based on the day.
America's favorite animated family just can't seem to make a decent game.
The Nerd has snapped! He finally does what we've all thought about doing once in our lives... beat the hell out of that wascally wabbit.
Trailer for the upcoming AVGN and Captain S Save X-Mas.
Even before the ESRB existed, you've got to ask yourself, "How can games like these ever be made!?"
One of the greatest magazines in history, the Nerd revisits his memories of Nintendo's paper propaganda.
Gomez must've wanted to beat his brother's ass for putting together this piece of poo.
Taking a page from the original flick, The Nerd takes a look at a game that will make you want to gut yourself with a chainsaw.
Video Land's one true hero and the angriest gamer you've ever heard join forces to save Christmas.
On the spookiest day of the year The Nerd finds himself in a battle against a crappy game.
After a ton of requests The Nerd finally tears into one of the most notorious NES games ever.
The Nerd returns just in time for the holidays and does what he does best - Takes a look at games from the past... and maybe present and future...
The chilling conclusion to The Nerd's Christmas adventure. Will he have a happy holiday season after visits from his past, present and future?
An unreleased video from way back in 2006, nothing has changed since then and The Nerd is still trying to figure out what the deal is with Hyrule.
With the new Rambo movie The Nerd takes a glance at some of the poop that John Rambo himself would kill himself over.
Widely thought of as one of the biggest disasters in video game history, The Nerd takes a look at every single game in the VB's catalog.
Taking a break from his normal game destruction, The AVGN becomes the Angry Video MOVIE Nerd. This is Part 2, which is only available on YouTube because of use of clips from the Movie
Do you really think one of the most popular stories ever told could actually be turned into a good game? Shit no.
You've seen the Atari 5200 but what about it's competitors. In this two part episode The Nerd explores The Intellivision and ColecoVision.
How can The Nerd find something wrong with the greatest NES game of all-time? If you dig a little deeper you would have seen it all along.
The Nerd has had some epic videos lately. In some what of a follow up to his insane battle with the devil in SMB3, he takes a look at all that crap you bought to play your NES games with.
If you haven't heard, the new Indy Jones movie hits theaters tomorrow. Just in time, The Nerd (with his youtube account reinstated) is here to showcase Indy's worst of the consoles.
A review that's been in the work for a long while, The Nerd takes a look at one of a world phenomenon- Star Trek.
Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Crappier than a dirty toilet! It's Superman... Dear Lord....
Fly in close for the Nerd's second look at the Man of Steel.
The first response to Nostalgia Critic.
The Dark Knight is gonna get his ass kicked...
What will happen to the BatNerd? Will the Joker have his way?
If you caught the exclusive first couple minutes of the Deadly Towers review this weekend now's your chance to check out the full thing and see if one of your lines was included in it. YES!
One of the best games in the NES library, Battletoads had only one major flaw... but don't tell Corey that.
Rocky movie review by the nerd.
The only kids' game that makes you say Dick over and over again.
These games need a stake driven squarely through their hearts.
It's alive! It's alive! The Nerd has created a monster!
The final battle between the nerd and the critic. Finish him!
What the hell were they thinking?
Oh no, not Zelda! Even Link couldn't save her from this disaster.
Meet James Rolfe, the brilliant mind behind the Angry Video Game Nerd. You’ve seen him battle the Joker and Jason Voorhees. You’ve seen him tear Superman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a new one. You’ve seen him unload his ass on the shitty games that suck ass. Now, at last, meet the man behind the myth!
Outtakes from the frankenstein review.
Thankfully the final look at the CDi, we can finally put this travesty to rest.
It's the most wonderful time of the year... unless you're the Nerd. Instead of watching heart-warming Christmas specials, he's playing some more bad games of biblical proportions, and the strange Christian-themed games just keep coming! First up is Noah's Ark, developed by Contra developers Konami and released in 1992 for the NES. Wrap your head around that one! After that, we've got Sunday Funday, a religious rehash of Menace Beach, a game where you play as a skateboarder who's trying to save his girlfriend from gangsters before she gets stripped naked. How developers Color Dreams were inspired to turn this into a Christian game defies common sense. And just when you think it can't get any worse, the Nerd busts out the baddest of the bad - Bible-themed games on the CD-i! If you were hoping for peace and love this Christmas, you might be watching the wrong video. So spike your eggnog and grab your stockings, 'cause the Nerd is going to town on these awful games!
This game contains one of the most awesome things The Nerd has ever seen.
Milon? Who the hell is Milon?
Are you ready to get jagged?
The nerd at Magfest 7 in 2009.
It's time to play some games and feel the wrath of the Jag!
Thanks everyone, I know about the game!
The nerd shows his NES collection.
Snaaaaaake.... sucked.
The Nerd takes a look at the first home video game system!
These games are nothing like the X-Men arcade game...
How could Arnold let this happen?
The Nerd takes a look at the first home video game system!
"I'll be back!" is the worst case scenario with these games.
More than meets the eye? You bet your ass.
Hardly educational. Hardly a game.
Possibly the most hilariously bad game ever.
Time for a rematch!
Is Super Pitfall a super pit-stain in video game history?
A game that will actually make you run and shout "Godzilla!"
The nerd caves to fan torment and reviews the new ghostbusters game.
Outtakes from the Crazy Castle review.
A Wayne's World video game? Denied!
What could possibly be wrong with this masterpiece?
The Nerd returns to the first game he ever reviewed.
It's time to look at a SNES classic--and a game that's not, exactly.
The Nerd was on the wrong console all along.
Unlicensed and an absolute joke.
The Winter Games arrive to anger the Nerd more than we've seen him in a long time--Just in time for Christmas!
Who would have thought 2010 would be like this?
A game like this can be an adventure.
The Nerd tries to beat one of the most difficult games in existence!
One of the most epic adventures in video game history.
A game so legendary they just couldn't stop remaking it.
What do you get when you pay $199 for an NES game?
The Nerd examines the final game from Action 52's lineup: Cheetahmen--and more.
Q&A at Magfest 2010 Part 1.
Q&A at Magfest 2010 Part 2.
James Rolfe read "Worlds of Power: Megaman 2" Chapters 1-4.
James Rolfe read "Worlds of Power: Megaman 2" Chapters 5-8.
James Rolfe read "Worlds of Power: Megaman 2" Chapters 9-12.
James Rolfe read "Worlds of Power: Megaman 2" Chapters 13-15.
James Rolfe read "Worlds of Power: Megaman 2" Chapters 16-21.
The Nerd grapples with the Game Graphic Glitch Graemlin.
As a lot of you already know, one of my favorite movies is American Movie. Many times, I’ve quoted it in AVGN episodes. Here are some examples, just for shits and giggles.
Outtakes from the Ninja Gaiden review.
The Nerd conquers an oft-requested NES classic.
The Nerd revisits some of his previous reviews before doing justice to the Back to the Future Trilogy on NES.....
Prior to a short hiatus, the Nerd fills us in on his personal favorite rants.
In this episode James will once again revisit what is possibly the worst game in gaming history; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES! What will the nerd have to say this time around?
The Nerd shifts back to 16-bit for one of the worst SNES characters in gaming history.
I was in charge of blood effects and victim to a cannibalistic Britney Spears!
E3 DAY 1 - Zelda: Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country Returns
E3 DAY 2 - Mortal Kombat, Sonic 4, Contra (Hard Corps Uprising), Castlevania, Batman, Epic Mickey
E3 DAY 3 - Nintendo 3DS, and other stuff.
This month’s Nerd episode is on YouTube. (Strange I know, just go with it.) It’s a big Christmas special that looks at some infamous NES titles such as “T & C Surf Design”, “Circus Caper” and “Fist of the North Star”.
Is Davey a bad enough dude to take back his pencil?
The Nerd has a bad feeling about this!
As hinted several times before, an AVGN feature film is planned. The script was finished two years ago, and it may still take another two years or so before it's finally made. For the moment, my main priority is keeping up with the online videos. I know this will stir up some early hype, but I just want to let everyone know that it's planned. The video explains it better.
The 100th episode has arrived! Nintendo's first accessory meets the Nerd! Featuring music by John Jennings Boyd and Lachlan Barclay.
The Nerd begins an epic journey through the world of games based on Spielberg films!
Follow the Nerd as he makes an episode from start to finish!
James plays arcades and checks out stuff at Magfest
Kid Kool is anything but cool.
For anyone that’s interested in the creative process that goes into making an AVGN title card here’s a speed-up video of Mike inking the Star Wars drawing.
The rarest and most widely sought NES game ever.
I still get a lot of questions about the toaster seen in my AVGN videos. Yes, it is an actual toaster that plays NES games. I first mentioned the Nintoaster in the Atari Jaguar Part 2 episode and first began using the Nintoaster itself in the Action 52 episode. For those who haven’t seen it yet, here is a video that details the making of the Nintoaster in the style of an 80’s instructional video.
The Nerd is back with a foul wretched Sega Genesis game from the depths of hell!
Update on the AVGN movie and show
James at the Too Many Games Convention
The Nerd returns just in time for the Holidays with another round of Bible games from Hell!
James talks about the AVGN movie.
James thanks the fans again.
Without revealing plot details, here’s a vague idea of a future horror film I hope to make.
Angry Video Game Nerd Panel at Magfest 2012
Meeting fans at Magfest and checking out the arcade
This was a theme song remix edited for an AVGN DVD intro. Original theme song by Kyle Justin. Remix by Cusimo & Co.
We’ve looked at a lot of film locations in Los Angeles and have seen some really cool stuff. We even happened to stumble upon a set that was being dressed for Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming film. Awesome!
Bonus Feature from Vol 1 now streamed on
You can see all the AVGN Fan Art here.
Birthday Blowout commentary with James and Mike
It’s about time there’s another update on the AVGN Movie. Well, we got one, but it just turned into us rambling. Lately we’ve been buried with casting, but have had some great leads. Sorry for the vagueness. We have more logs coming up.
Worse than the Virtual Boy!
This was the Making Of from the AVGN Volume One DVD from 2006 now streamed on Not to be confused with “The Making Of The Angry Video Game Nerd” which was Episode 102 from 2011.
Short Volume 4 Bonus Feature now streaming on
We’re in our final stretch of casting for the AVGN Movie. It’s been a tough decision.
These are outtakes from the AVGN Volume One. This is the first time they have been posted online.
Outtakes from the Super Mario Bros. 3 episode.
AVGN appears in the latest Pop-Fiction episode.
No turning back. Time to go! Let’s make a movie!
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout Outtakes
James recounts some cherished memories of Sega's beloved Hedgehog, Sonic.
Making of Crazy Castle bonus feature.
Assortment of outtakes from AVGN Episodes Christmas 2007, Doublevision, Jaguar, Metal Gear, Virtual Boy, Wizard of Oz, Star Trek & Batman
This is a bonus feature from the AVGN Volume 3 DVD.
A short outtake from crazy castle has been posted before. (Click here to see) But this is a much longer assortment of outtakes from the AVGN Volume 4 DVD.
James and Mike take a look around the Nerd room.
Filmmaking advice and Cinemassacre updates from James.
You want the first details of the AVGN movie? James divulged them at his panel at MAGfest X. Catch the whole thing here.
The Nerd gets nostalgic for all things Mortal Kombat – well, the original trilogy anyway.
The Nerd returns to review the rest of the NES games based on Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. Can they all be bad?
Con Bravo was my first appearance at a gaming convention outside the USA. It took place in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I was glad to be there. My schedule was jam-packed with interviews, panels and autograph signings, one of which was taking place at A&C Game Store in Toronto. Unfortunately, my wife and I spent the first day sitting at the airport waiting for our flight which was delayed perpetually. Turns out, after hours and hours of waiting, the flight was straight out CANCELLED. No one was there in person to help us rebook our flights. Their customer service was shit. After waiting on hold on the phone and struggling to get any wi-fi access out of our laptop, we found out there were no more flights open until the next day. Eventually, we chose to rent a car and drive. I wasn’t going to let anyone down! Since we missed the first day, my schedule got really crammed. Furthermore, my main panel got cancelled, because the line at the autograph signing was never-ending. Most people seemed to prefer the autograph opportunity over the panel. In fact, the whole line applauded when we announced we would be extending the signing. We obviously didn’t want to turn anyone away. Even though my panel had to be cancelled, I got to be on a panel with Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) who is really great at entertaining crowds. Here is some video of the panel. It was recorded on an iPhone and is only brief clips. The video and audio quality isn’t that great, but it was the best we could do. I almost brought my real camera, but I’m glad I didn’t try because it would have been extra luggage that I’d have to check at the airport. After the flight was cancelled, they withheld everyone’s luggage until the following day. No, they couldn’t even unload the fucking cargo compartment and give everyone their luggage back! The fans who came out were great! They were all very nice people and seemed truly happy to see me there. That means a lot to me. Thanks for all the p
This is a 32 minute guide to relaxation and inner peace. It’s something I always thought about doing as a joke, sort of like something Andy Kaufman would’ve done. It’s kind of along the lines of reading the Mega Man 2 book out loud. It’s also something that you can genuinely enjoy and use to help yourself relax or drift away to the land of sleep.
The Nerd revisits the classic kart racer that started it all.
For episode 108 the Nerd reviews the first NES game he ever owned – Ghosts N’ Goblins! This game is notorious for being one of the hardest games in the entire NES library. Will the Nerd be able to beat it? Watch to find out!
Impromptu video where Mike Matei discusses his involvement with the AVGN videos, and gives his outside perspective of AVGN and James Rolfe’s other films.
“Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie” is a passion project by independent filmmakers James Rolfe and Kevin Finn, based on the popular web series. The film is being produced outside the studio system, entirely funded by fan donations. Principle photography took place in Spring of 2012, in the Los Angeles area, with Jason Brewer as the DP. Additional filming is taking place on the East Coast. Editing is in its early stages. The film is inspired by the famous Atari video game burial of 1982. Atari produced a game based on the biggest blockbuster movie of that year, E.T., and rushed it to meet the deadline for the Christmas shopping season. It was a commercial failure and millions of unsold game cartridges were buried in a desert landfill in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Coincidentally, it’s not too far from Roswell, the landing site of a different kind of E.T. The Trailer features music by Bear McCreary (Battlestar Gallactica, The Walking Dead). The track is called “Maverick Regeneration” and <a href="">can be downloaded as part of the Play for Japan album</a>. All proceeds go to help earthquake victims in Japan. The final slate says “Coming this lifetime” because we have no idea how long it will take to complete. Any attempt to guess will only prove ourselves wrong. Independent films take a long time to finish. This one is no exception. It’s eventually expected to be released on DVD and/or Blu-ray, and to be available around the world, after showing to some live audiences in theater venues. Digital downloads is also an option. The immediate goal is to finish the film first.
Coverage of the live event hosted by James Rolfe, celebrating the release of the AVGN Movie Trailer on November 9th 2012, at the historic Colonial Theater in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, where The Blob was filmed.
James and Mike casually check out Alien Storm for the Sega Genesis
AVGN Volume 6 is officially here and James is here to give you a personal walkthrough of it's contents.
The Nerd breaks from his usual fantasy games and takes one for the team to review the many sports games on the Atari 2600.
The Nerd revives some help to get through one of his childhood-haunting games: Ikari Warriors.
B-movie icon Lloyd Kaufman drops by to help The Nerd play through a few Toxic Crusaders games.
Join the Nerd, travel through time and revel in this 17 minute journey featuring a terrifying 8-bit Keanu Reeves
This time the Nerd looks back at the various handheld games made by Tiger Electronics.
Made by the notorious LJN, "Alien 3" for the Nintendo Entertainment System is incredibly difficult. The screen does not keep up with the action, the A and B buttons are opposite of what they are in most games, there is a time limit that is practically impossible to defeat and there are teases throughout the game for one-ups and items that ARE impossible to get. If that's not enough, most of the characters are unidentifiable and most of the action in the game has little to absolutely nothing to do with the film. If that's not enough, once James makes it through this horrendous pile of goat puke, the payoff is less than memorable. The game doesn't even get the ending right. It has NOTHING to do with the movie. If you want to understand the real reason why Ellen Ripley jumped to her death at the end of the film, it was probably because she was told she would have to either play this game or die. She made the sane choice and chose the latter.
The Nerd comes around full circle, reviewing his own games!
Welcome to the Angry Video Game Nerd's first part of his beloved Christmas wishlist, in which he briefly reviews several games, ranging from the classic Nintendo Entertainment System up to the Sony PlayStation, which are all the games the Nerd wishes he could review, but maybe not dedicate a whole episode towards that individual game. In this first part, the Nerd's video game wishlist is (in chronological order): Skate or Die (NES); Bad Dudes (NES); Karate Champ (NES); Sonic Blast (SEGA GameGear); Sonic Labrynth (SEGA GameGear); Sonic R (SEGA Saturn); Sonic Shuffle (SEGA DreamCast); Shadow the Hedgehog (GameCube); and Where's Waldo? (NES)
Welcome back to the Angry Video Game Nerd's second part of his Christmas-themed wishlist, going back to reviewing terrible games hoping in vain he may find a good one - just maybe. In this 2/2 episode, the Nerd jumps straight in, starting with the first review at A Boy and His Blob (NES), and continuing along with (in chronological order): The Three Stooges (NES); Home Improvement (SNES); Pit Fighter (SNES); Bubsy 3-D (PlayStation); and Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage (SNES)
Originally Broadcast on the Pat the NES Punk channel as part of the crossover.
The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews Bubble Bobble for the 3rd Annual NES Marathon!
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (often referred to as just Big Rigs) is a 2003 third-person racing video game developed by Stellar Stone and published by GameMill Publishing for the PC. The box for Big Rigs states that the main objective of the game is to race a semi-trailer truck "Big Rig" to safety in order to deliver illegal cargo being carried by the truck, while avoiding the police. In actuality, there are no police in the game, no such objectives are presented within the game itself and there is no load attached to the truck! Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing received extremely negative reviews when it came out. Reasons being - lack of collision detection, frequent bugs, poor visuals, and severe lack of functionality. As a result, the game is now widely regarded as one of the worst video games of all time
Episode Outtakes for AVGN Episode 110 Ikari Warriors
Coming to PC’s in 2013!
"...kick so much ass that I will need new butt cheeks!" See what other gems James finds in the Mailbag this time!
Will James ever stop cursing in his videos? Why would someone even ask that?
It's the 10 year anniversary since the first episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd! In this episode the Nerd takes a look at Desert Bus and Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Redaction! Desert Bus was a mini game that was included on Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors (and unreleased game planned for the Sega CD). It was developed by Imagineering and published by Absolute Entertainment. Absolute went out of business so the game was never released but the Nerd was able to obtain a copy to torture himself with! In Desert Bus, you drive a bus from Arizona to Las Vegas in real time. It's considered one of the worst games ever made, making it ripe for a review by the Nerd! Then the Nerd takes a look at Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Redacted - a hack that improves upon the flaws in the original NES game.
As the whole internet knows, the Atari landfill, resting place of the worst game of all time, will be excavated after 30 years. Should the truth be uncovered or should it be kept buried in the past where it belongs?
Wait, where did those rubber dicks go?
This review is from the feature-length film "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie" now adapted into "episode" format. You can view this as a plot spoiler, but I'm sure everyone already knows the movie ends with an E.T. review. The movie is more about the story behind the game, the Atari landfill, but with a science fiction twist. To understand all the context and imagination behind it, see the movie. Or enjoy it here as a standard "Nerd" episode.
People were enjoying AVGN even since they were a sperm cell in their dad's ball sack.
Prepare to laugh so hard you'll do physical damage to yourself.
It’s show time! The Angry Video Game Nerd is back with a new episode! This year’s Halloween installment takes an assault on another LJN game, Beetlejuice, for the NES, based on the hit movie by Tim Burton.
Lets hope that James doesn't get caught at Walmart.
AVGN takes a look back and highlights the hardest NES games that the Nerd has reviewed so far.
It's the holiday season once again! This year's AVGN Christmas special clocks in at over 1 hour total! Therefore, it's been broken into several parts, so you can look forward to the Nerd torturing himself every day, for the next twelve days. Prepare yourself. It's the 12 Days of Shitsmas!
We now get off at faster speeds with DSL modems.
These are the games with the worst controls that the Nerd has reviewed so far.
The Nerd picks his 10 least favorite NES games that he's reviewed so far!
Welcome back! It's day two of the Nerd's "12 Days of Shitsmas" Today the Nerd is reviewing ALF for the Sega Master System!
These are the games with the toughest jumps from videos the Nerd has done so far.
It's day 3 of the Nerd's 12 Days of Shitsmas! You thought Big Rigs and Desert Bus were bad? Well check out Crazy Bus!!
It's day 4 of the Nerd's 12 Days of Shitsmas! This time it's Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs for the Super Nintendo!
The 12 Days of Shitsmas continues! Today the Nerd reviews The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends on NES!
You remember them from Full House. Now see Mary-Kate and Ashley in their own awful video game for Game Boy Color!
You loved her on Baywatch and Home Improvement! Now see Pamela Anderson in her own crappy game! The Nerd reviews V.I.P. for the original playstation!
How many movie based NES games (not made by LJN) can you name? Batman. Gremlins 2. Well, how about Lethal Weapon!
The 12 Days of Shitsmas continues.. Today the Nerd reviews Porky's for Atari 2600!
For the tenth day of his Christmas, the Nerd has a go with playing the HyperScan – a console designed to use special cards that need to be scanned into it in order to play its selection of games
For the eleventh day of his Christmas, the Nerd questions why he needs to walk around a virtual version of a real theme park, as he tries out Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure for the GameCube
On the 12th Day of SHITSmas, AVGN fans gave to me... the LJN Video Art!?! Noooo!!!
The Nerd takes a look at a horrible game that never left Japan, and featured so many things that were wrong with it – Hong Kong 97 for the Super Famicom!
Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise! This is an unfinished & abandoned AVGN episode which was included as a DVD bonus feature on AVGN Vol 6.
The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews Darkwing Duck for the Turbografx 16. This is the first time the Nerd has done an ENTIRE EPISODE dedicated to a game for the TG16 (the original card-based console). However, he has briefly talked about the Turbo Grafx 16 CD game Fighting Street for the CD-based console, as part of the Street Fighter 2010 review.
The AVGN must overcome his phobia of the worst video game in the world to save his fans.
It’s time to release seaman! This is one of the strangest games ever made. It’s the Angry Video Game Nerd’s first full episode covering a Sega Dreamcast game.
The Crow: City of Angels on Sega Saturn - The 10th AVGN Halloween Special! This is the Nerds first full episode about a Sega Saturn game!
Christmas has arrived, and the Nerd has received a copy of a bad game to look forward to – Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero for the Nintendo 64. This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 138
For the 10 Year Anniversary of the Nerd's YouTube channel, he plays the Mega Man games, good and bad. The horridness will test him to the limit. To make it through, he must turn to the past!
Extra, extra – the Nerd tackles reviewing Paperboy for the NES, while answering the question of whether a rolled up newspaper can truly break a window, and if you can throw one into a mailbox while riding along on a bicycle
It's time for the Nerd to snicker and make dumb comments, as he takes a look at two bad games made for the SNES and Genesis, based on the Beavis and Butt-Head adult cartoon series
The Nerd takes a look at several different Berenstein Bears related video games for Atari 2600, Game Boy Color and Sega Genesis.
The Nerd's Bad Video Game Cover Art! Here's the entire December marathon!
What happens when you put The Angry Video Game Nerd and Keith Apicary in a room with a bunch of Sega gaming peripherals, such as the Activator, Interactor, Victormaxx Virtual Reality Stuntmaster, Menacer, TeeVGolf, and the Batterup Baseball Bat? It’s pure madness!
This time the Nerd reviews several Mighty Morphin Power Rangers video games on Famicom, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Nintendo 64, and GameBoy.
AVGN reviews the infamous Sonic '06 for Xbox 360.
While clearing up his game room and getting stranded on another planet, the Nerd questions why a bad game has trashed a particularly good classic movie, when he reviews Planet of the Apes for the PlayStation
The Nerd pays tribute to the Game Boy, the handheld console that outlasted the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and N64. And, much like those consoles, there was a boatload of needless accessories to go with it.
The Nerd enters a contest for whoever can beat Treasure Master will be awarded a cash prize. It's a crazy, topsy-turvy game that throws the Nerd for many loops. However, he forges on, focusing solely on that prize. His endurance will pay off - or will it?
Like all popular things in the 80's, the WWF pro wrestling phenomenon had video games released for Nintendo and Super Nintendo. And of course, the Nerd is there to review them. Unfortunately, unlike the real thing, the Nerd finds that many of the tie-in games (some of which were released by LJN) are horrible.
The history and addiction caused by a game which doesn't exist. Originally shown over 6 days on and Cinemassacre Plays Youtube Channel.
After recovering from the horrors of Polybius, the Nerd dons a robotic form and plays all 3 RoboCop NES games, as per his directives to play shit games.
The Nerd's got some unfinished business to attend to. When he reviewed Sonic 2006, he merely scratched the surface, there was plenty more horrors of redundancy and tedium to uncover in the undisputed worst Sonic the Hedgehog game of all time. If you thought what he'd already shown you was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
The Nerd is "persuaded" to review the 2003 video game adaptation of the 2000 movie adaptation of Charlie's Angels. It's full of gratuitous T&A (mostly A) and very little game-play. After this, the Nerd will want to kick Charlie's ass for sending his Angels on THIS mission.
The Force is not strong with this one. The Nerd wonders why there weren't more Star Wars fighting games, and when he plays Masters of Teras Kasi, he gets his answer.
Merry Christmas! The Nerd looks at some obscure educational PlayStation games called Lightspan Adventures!
This video has been in the works since last October (2017), when I first started the playing Earthbound on the mini SNES Classic. It wasn’t originally meant to be an AVGN episode. It was for myself. I never played much of Earthbound before, but it’s a game that always appealed to me. Yes, even when I saw the ads in Nintendo Power. The only reason I never played it much was because I was too busy with Final Fantasy 3 (6) and Chrono Trigger. SNES has so many amazing masterpieces, it’s almost impossible to play them all. But after more than 20 years, I owed it to myself to complete Earthbound. The gameplay took me 45 and a half hours. After recording it all, I decided to put all those hours to good use, and make a video. At first, I didn’t think it would be an AVGN episode, but more of a casual “James review”. But I realized there were plenty of wacky moments in the game that the Nerd could react to. If you’re wondering about the characters’ names such as “Milly” and “Lilly”, my 4 year old daughter named them. To write the script, I had to search through 45+ hours of game footage, to confirm and describe accurately all the moments that I wanted to comment on. Then came a bunch of researching facts, and developing my own personal theories. It turned out, I had a ton to say. It became the longest single-part AVGN episode, by total accident (running nearly 40 minutes). On top of that, I couldn’t resist adding a dream scene with laborious green screen effects. In total, counting gameplay, writing, shooting, editing, the entire video took 137.5 hours to finish, making it the 2nd most time-consuming AVGN episode to date. (Episode 139: Mega Man still barely holds the record at 138.5 hours). Ironically Earthbound was meant to be a break for myself, but it turned into a major task, as all my other projects screeched to a halt. I had fun with this video and am happy with it, but now that it’s finally done, I hope to get back to my per
The Nerd questions whether his next bad game "feels lucky", as he looks at an NES game based on the Dirty Harry movie series that featured only three levels
Angry Video Game Nerd (XBOX) Drake of the 99 Dragons (Episode 158)
The AVGN reviews a variety of Tomb Raider Games. Tomb Raider Chronicles (PS1), Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (PS2), and Tomb Raider for the Ngage handheld device.
The AVGN reviews Resident Evil Survivor (PS1) in this Halloween themed episode.
The AVGN reviews Super Hydlide (GEN) and Virtual Hydlide (SAT), this is a follow up to his NES Hydlide review.
The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews the Amiga CD32 console. Watch as the Nerd dives head first into some of the worst video games ever. The Amiga CD32 had such "gems" as Gloom, Kang Fu, Oscar, Naughty Ones, Morph, Beavers, Zool, Dangerous Streets, and of course Surf Ninjas for some reason.
The chilling conclusion to the Amiga CD32 AVGN episode (162). The Nerd heads down to The Town With No Name in the MS Paint Wild West. It's for the Amiga CDTV... or, should I say the Amiga CD32 (AGAIN!).
The Angry Video Game Nerd plays the Home Alone games with Macaulay Culkin! Sure, the Home Alone movie games have been covered before on AVGN, but never so many, AND with Mack himself.
The Angry Video Game Nerd is chronologically confused about the Kingdom Hearts timeline. With Kingdom Hearts 3 on the horizon, the AVGN will explore the goofy order of the KH games. You think it's just Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2? Guess again. There's 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, and many more. There's almost more re-releases than the games themselves. Oh, and the release order still isn't as confusing as the story line. Final Fantasy + Disney = 1 Confused Nerd
The AVGN pulls out and reviews as many video game magazines as he can find, except for Nintendo Power. From Atari Age, to GamePro, to some lesser known gaming magazines, the 80s and 90s were filled with great reads. The walkthroughs, reviews, previews, ratings... and the terrible ads.
The AVGN reviews the Aladdin Deck Enhancer! In this Angry Video Game Nerd (episode 167) the Nerd gets the gift that keeps on giving from Aladdin... an upper decker! Well, the Aladdin "Upper Decker" Enhancer for the NES that is. This piece of toilet waste was made in 1992, during the decline of the Nintendo Entertainment System by the guys who made the Game Genie. It has very few games, like Big Nose Freaks Out, a bunch of Dizzy the Egg titles, and of course Micro Machines. The Nerd WISHES he didn't have to review it!
Pepsiman!! Episode 168 of the Angry Video Game Nerd pits the AVGN vs. Pepsiman, the Japanese PlayStation classic. There was so many junk food video games in the 1990's. From MC Kids, to the Burger King Games, to Chester Cheetah. But what about the Pepsi superhero from Japan... Pepsiman?? Well. He's clumsy and useless, just like the game. Enjoy this Pepsiman review... with a Coke.
The AVGN already covered Superman for the N64 about 11 years ago. Well, it's back... with a vengeance! Superman 64 was released for Nintendo 64 in 1999. It was based off Superman The Animated Series on Kids WB. It was also coming to PlayStation. But, however, the PlayStation Version was never release. After the game came out on Nintendo 64, it became the world's Worst Video Game of all time besides E.T. for Atari 2600.
Life of Black Tiger: Angry Video Game Nerd episode 170. The AVGN is playing the most modern game he's ever played before on the PlayStation 4. But, of course it might be one of the worst games he's ever played. Life of Black Tiger is a mobile game ported to the PS4 where you play as an emo tiger fighting the wild and humanity to save his cute baby. Gilbert Gottfried guest stars as a certain game designer that's never been seen on the show before.
In this AVGN the Nerd covers Chex Quest, a pack-in game for Chex Cereal from 1996. This is Angry Video Game Nerd episode 171. Chex Quest is a non-violent first-person shooter video game created in 1996 by Digital Café as a Chex cereal promotion aimed at children aged 6–9 and up. It is a total conversion of the more violent video game Doom (specifically The Ultimate Doom version of the game)
In this AVGN the Nerd reviews Trespasser, a Jurassic Park FPS PC game from 1998. The game was billed as a "digital sequel" to the 1997 film The Lost World: Jurassic Park, on which it is based. The game is noted for the involvement of the film's director, Steven Spielberg and actors Richard Attenborough and Minnie Driver. The ambitious game ultimately received mixed to negative reviews at the time and disappointed many reviewers. This is Angry Video Game Nerd episode 172.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 173: The Immortal for NES. The review part was filmed in one continuous shot. The Immortal is an isometric adventure game originally created for the Apple IIGS by Will Harvey and published by Electronic Arts. The main plot revolves around a wizard attempting to find his mentor in a large and dangerous labyrinth. The game is known for its high degree of graphic violence (it is much reduced in the NES version) along with its punishing difficulty. Let's see if the Nerd can tackle this game and his own dungeon.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 174: Spawn Games. Todd McFarlane's character Spawn was crazy popular in the 90s. Popular enough to 'spawn' a huge run of comics, toys, movies, cartoons, and several video games. The Nerd reviews Spawn for the Game Boy Color, Todd McFarlane's Spawn: The Video Game for the SNES, Spawn: The Eternal for the PlayStation, Spawn: In the Demon's Hand for the Sega Dreamcast, and lastly Spawn: Armageddon for the PlayStation 2
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 175: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. People love this game. People say it's the greatest game for the Nintendo 64. Some say it's the best game of all time. Really? Majora's Mask is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. It was released in 2000 as the sixth main installment in The Legend of Zelda series and was the second to use 3D graphics. It's set in Termina, an alternate reality to Ocarina of Time's Hyrule, which is to be destroyed along with its inhabitants in three days by a giant falling moon unless the player can save it from imminent doom. But can the Nerd survive this game???
11 years ago the Nerd said he might review Raid 2020 in the year 2020, and now that time has come. Raid 2020 is a cyberpunk action game developed and published by Color Dreams AKA Wisdom Tree for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was released in 1989. The object is to defeat all the drug dealers, defeat the drug lord Pit Bull, and eradicate drugs from the streets of America. As agent Shadow, the player faces a dystopian future world where moral collapse is inevitable. He is described as representing the last uncorrupted vestiges of law enforcement.
Mortal Kombat is the ultimate arcade fighting game, developed by Midway in 1992. Acclaim released four official ports in North America as part of the "Mortal Monday" campaign a year later. There were for the Super NES (SNES), Sega Genesis, Game Boy, and Game Gear systems. Mortal Kombat 1 became a best-selling game and remains one of the most popular fighting games in the genre's history. The Nerd reviews and compares each of these ports and weighs in on what made "Mortal Monday" so important.
Mortal Kombat was a defining moment for fighting games. With it came a ton of sequels and even more rip-offs trying to ride on its success. Today the Nerd reviews rip-offs such as Time Killers (arcade and Sega Genesis), Jackie Chan Fists of Fire (arcade), Street Fighter the Movie: the Game (arcade), Tattoo Assassins (arcade), and Shadow: War of Succession (3D0).
Dennis the Menace. Hey! Mr. Wilson!! Here's the Nerd playing the 1993 Super Nintendo game Dennis the Menace. It's a licensed game based on the movie, which is based on the old show and comic from the 50s and 60s. The game was designed by Ocean, which is basically the British LJN. The Nerd hasn't done a full review episode on an SNES game in a while, so, here you go!!
The Incredible Crash Dummies... or "Crash Test Dummies" if you prefer (not the 90s band). The game was published by LJN (on the NES) and was based on the cartoon, based on the public service announcements, based on the actual real-world crash test dummies that are used in car safety tests. This NES game was released in 1993 when the next gen systems were already in full swing. This game is for other systems too, like the SNES and Genesis, but The Nerd wanted to focus on the original Nintendo game by his least favorite game publisher.
The Nerd reviews the bad Final Fight games. That's right, there's bad final fight games. Final Fight Revenge for the Sega Saturn and Final Fight Streetwise for the PlayStation 2. Final Fight is a series of beat 'em up video games by Capcom, which began with the arcade release of Final Fight in 1989. Set in the fictional Metro City, the games focus on a group of heroic vigilantes who fights against the control and various threats of criminal gangs, primarily the Mad Gear Gang. But let's look at the worst of the bunch.
Mission: Impossible. The game is an action-adventure shooter developed by Infogrames and loosely based on the 1996 film of the same name starring Tom Cruise. It was originally released for the Nintendo 64 video game console in 1998.
Ecco is an action-adventure game originally developed by Ed Annunziata and Novotrade International for the Sega Genesis and published by Sega in 1992. The original game followed the exploits of a young dolphin named Ecco as he searched the seas, and eventually time itself, for his missing pod. The game is known for being super unique with a great art style, but it's also known for being hard, frustrating, and unfair
Countdown Vampires is a survival horror game developed by K2 LLC and published by Bandai. It's basically Resident Evil, but with vampires instead of zombies. In Countdown Vampires, you play Keith Snyder, a tattooed celebrity bodyguard who has come to the ritzy Desert Moon Hotel on New Year's Eve 1999. When a fire starts in the hotel, the ceiling sprinklers go off. Rather than spray water, they drop an oozing dark liquid all over the glamorous guests. This liquid, whatever it is, turns the other guests into vampires. Now it's your job to find an antidote while fending off preying bloodsuckers, flesh-eating zombies, and bone-crushing monsters. Through the game you'll explore eight different locations--from woodland areas to bars to casino floors--to solve the mystery. It also happens to be one of the worst tank-controlled PS1 games of all time.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 185: The Legend of Kage for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Kage is an action game that was released by Taito in 1985. Players take role of the young Iga ninja named 'Kage' on the mission to rescue Princess Kiri from villains.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 186: Taito Legends. These Taito compilations are for the PlayStation 2 and include 68 games total. (Volume 1 came with 29 games and Volume 2 has a bunch more, with 39 games.) Extra features include interviews with some of the game designers, original sales flyers, and arcade cabinet art, but most of those are in Volume 1. Some of the collection includes: Space Invaders, The Newzealand Story, Bubble Bobble, Jungle Hunt, and a ton of Taito's shooters, fighters, platformers, and puzzle games.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 187: The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man. The Nerd reviewed the first two Simpsons NES games 13 years ago. Now he's back to review the third awful Simpsons NES game: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man! This "game" published by Acclaim (LJN in disguise) is the side-scrolling platformer that features Bart Simpson on a comic book quest to rescue his kidnapped idol, superhero Radioactive Man. It's a weird mix of the show and the whole Bartman concept (later used in real-world comics.) This is also this year's Christmas episode, so Happy Holidays to all, we'll see you next year!
The Nerd just wants to watch Shrek... but he ends up reviewing one of the worst fighting games on the Game Boy Color based on Shrek... until he's eventually captured by some creepy Shrek cultists. There's a lot going on. Shrek is love, Shrek is life after all. This is the first episode of Season 15 of AVGN.
Darkman is a 1990 kinda-superhero, total-revenge movie by Sam Raimi. It bridged the gap between his work on Evil Dead and Spiderman. The game was created by Ocean for the NES in 1991. It sucks.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 190: Fear and Loathing in Vegas Stakes. The Nerd has set out to Last Vegas with his trusted attorney to review some of the worst games imaginable... in a parody of the book/film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The Nerd reviews Vegas Stakes (SNES), Vegas Dream (NES), Caesar's Palace (GEN), Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (SNES), and of course the heaviest trip of all... LSD Dream Emulator (PS1).
The 3DO gaming console has been talked about before on AVGN, in the Plumbers Don't Wear Ties episode. But, the Nerd is back to review some of the other awful games for the system, however, there are a few gems in there too. The "REAL" 3DO Interactive Multiplayer was a game console hardware platform originally released in 1993 (with the first models released by Panasonic and other models released by other companies in 1994.) Cheap production cost of CDs led to a large amount of shovelware being released for the system. In this review, the Nerd covers Gex, Road Rash, DOOM, Way of the Warrior, Crash N Burn, Soccer Kid, Battle Chess, Street Fighter II, Alone in the Dark, Cyberia, PO'd, Demolition Man, Virtuoso, a bunch of American Laser Games stuff (Mad Dog McCree and Crime Patrol), and more.
Corpse Killer is a game released for the Sega CD, Sega CD 32X, 3DO, Sega Saturn, Windows 95 and Macintosh computers that features live-action full motion video in a format similar to other games developed by Digital Pictures. It was later remastered for Steam, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. But the Nerd is playing it on the 3DO. In the game, an unnamed United States Marine is airdropped onto a tropical island on a top secret mission to stop the evil Dr. Hellman, who plans to release his army of zombies on the world. He is bitten by a zombie and also meets an attractive female reporter and a Rastafarian male driver. Four of the marine lieutenant's comrades are captured by Hellman and turned into zombies. To rescue them, the lieutenant infiltrates Hellman's compound and shoots each of them with bullets coated with extract from Datura plants, which can turn freshly-created zombies back into humans.
In the 1990's Sega and Howard Johnson's hotels teamed up for a weird promotion for the Game Gear. Kids could go "HoJo with Sega" during this summer promotion. Parents could rent a Game Gear the kids could play while on their vacation, or they could buy some of the Game Tips VHS tapes. These tapes are horrible, filled with basic walkthroughs, codes, and bull. They also have these wrap-around segments with a 90's surfer dude with a Foghorn Leghorn accent working at the Howard Johnson. He goes through almost every position on the hotel staff while making the life one of chubby businessman a living hell. The Nerd reviews this tape today and talks a little bit about the HoJo/Sega promotion.
Carmageddon is a vehicular combat video game released for personal computers in 1997. It was later ported to other platforms, and spawned a series of follow up titles. Carmageddon 64 was a port of Carmageddon II (originally for PC), and released for the Nintendo 64 in the year 2000. It was going to be published by Interplay, but Titus Interactive took it over (the same guys from Superman 64). It's a game where you race other cars... but it turns into mostly running over zombies, rather than people like in the original PC game. In the German version, you hit Dinosaur-like monsters rather than zombies. Go figure.
Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) episode 195: Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures. Also known in Japan as "Hello! Pac-Man." Pac-Man 2 is a side-scrolling adventure game in the Pac-Man series. Instead of being a maze game like the majority of its predecessors, Pac-Man 2 incorporates light point-and-click adventure game elements. The Nerd is playing the Sega Genesis version. He joins Pac-Man exploring and interacting with the world and characters around him. Take on a task, and then take a wild ride on a mine cart or set off on an intense hand-glider flight while fending off some unrestful ghosts. This game was coined "the first ever interactive cartoon" by the game's manual.
The Rocketeer is a 1991 film from Walt Disney Pictures, based upon the comic book character of the same name Set in 1938 Los Angeles, California, The Rocketeer tells the story of stunt pilot Cliff Secord who stumbles upon a hidden rocket-powered jet pack that he thereafter uses to fly without the need of an aircraft. His heroic deeds soon attract the attention of Howard Hughes and the FBI, who are hunting for the missing jet pack, as well as the Axis operatives that stole it from Hughes. Also in 1991, a game published by Bandai came out for the Nintendo Entertainment System. A year later the Super Nintendo game also came out. In this review the Nerd covers both games, dons his old Nerd Shirt, and builds the ultimate transportation device: the RocketBeer.
Greendog is a platform game developed by Sega Technical Institute and Interactive Designs for the Sega Genesis console, and was published by Sega in September 1992. Greendog is one unlucky surfer. He lost his board and got stuck with a cursed necklace. Greendog has to fight his way past a lot of crazed creatures and monsters to find the Aztec treasure or he'll never get rid of the curse! But the real curse is The Nerd having to play this game!!
This is episode 198 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of the Commodore 64 and a bunch of it's licensed and weirder games. The Commodore 64, also known as the C64 or the CBM 64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International. The C64 took its name from its 64 kibibytes of RAM. With support for multicolor sprites and a custom chip for waveform generation, the C64 could create superior visuals and audio compared to systems without such custom hardware. Except, well, the software was kinda garbage.
This is episode 199 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of the Commodore 64 horror games. Freddy and Jason are back with a review of Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th on Commodore 64!! But before that, the Nerd is covering other horror games for the C64 from Psycho, to Gremlins, to Evil Dead, and a few non-licensed games. This is technically part 2 of the Commodore 64 system review from a few weeks back and get ready for AVGN Episode 200 coming next month!
This is episode 200 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of every game published by LJN. This is part 1 of 3, with the others coming very soon. LJN has been a thorn in the Nerd's side for 15 years now. With the sudden rights falling into his hands, the Nerd has decided to remake every LJN game as good as possible. However, he'll need to review every LJN game ever made (while Back to the Future gets re-developed.) Thankfully, the Nerd has already reviewed a lot of the LJN library... but, there's a lot of garbage he hasn't played yet to complete the 67 LJN titles released.
This is episode 200 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of every game published by LJN. This is part 2 of 3, with the final coming next week. The Nerd has been gifted the rights to LJN and will start fixing the company by remaking Back to the Future on NES with a developer friend. Unfortunately, he also has to review every other LJN game to complete the catalog of his new company. Oh, and since he already reviewed the movie based games, he will now tackle the sports and Marvel games!!
This is episode 200 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), a review of every game published by LJN. This is part 3 of 3, the final part! Making a video game has been harder than the Nerd and even the developer thought. But, while that process rushes to the deadline, the Nerd will review the last batch of LJN games to complete their awful catalog. These being the wrestling and miscellaneous games.
You Know What’s BS!? Micro SD Cards (YKWBS Episode 46)
I'm sure you've either heard of or seen a movie that was so bad, you never wanted to watch it again but you had to tell someone about it. Now there are a lot of movies that people say are the worst film of all time, some of which I go into in this video, but I think I've got one that no human being should be forced to sit through. That's the question I try to answer today, what is the worst movie ever made?
I just saw Sonic 2 in theaters, so what did I think? Going back to the Sega Genesis, Sonic 2 was always my favorite game for the console even though I was more of a Nintendo kid. With Tails showing up at the end of the first movie, I was expecting more queues from the games in the sequel and boy was I not disappointed. For my full thoughts, check out the review!
Pre-order your very own Board James vinyl figure today! We worked with YouTooz to create the ultimate Board James collectible and it’s only available for a limited time, so don't miss your chance to get one! The figure will ship worldwide in August.
With how often film shooting locations are re-used, just think about how many movie characters have crossed paths over the years. Today, I'm at Griffith Park looking at one of Hollywood's favorite places to film: The Bronson Caves! Full list of clips used in the video below. FILM SERIALS Lightning Bryce (1919) The Three Musketeers (1933) The Phantom Empire (1935) Flash Gordon (1936) Zorro Rides Again (1937) Dick Tracy Returns (1938) The Lone Ranger Rides Again (1939) Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941) Atom Man vs. Superman (1949) FEATURE FILMS The Vampire Bat (1933) Call of the Canyon (1942) Flame of Araby (1951) Unknown World (1951) Carson City (1952) Robot Monster (1953) Killers from Space (1954) Crashout (1955) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) The Lone Ranger (1956) It Conquered the World (1956) The Searchers (1956) Night of the Blood Beast (1957) The Brain from Planet Arous (1957) The Cyclops (1957) Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957) The Bride and the Beast (1958) Earth v
FPS: First Person Shooter is a three-hour love letter to FPS games, the most popular genre of video games in the world. We've interviewed 45+ developers, artists, and professional gamers, including John Carmack (Co-founder & lead programmer, id Software), John Romero (Co-founder, id software & Ion Storm), Warren Spector (Designer SystemShock, Thief, Deus EX), Cliff Bleszinski (Designer Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Gears of War), Scott Miller (Co-founder, Apogee Software/3D Realms), and many more! This all-star cast will take you on a nostalgic journey from the genre's humble beginnings in the 1970s through to the present day, exploring the impact and legacy of a wide range of genre-defining classics, from Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Goldeneye, to Half-Life, Halo, Call of Duty, and beyond. Along the way, we'll be revealing insider tales, unheard anecdotes, and new insights into these much-loved classics that will delight and surprise fans! FPS: First Person Shooter brings together the gre
Top Gun: Maverick is finally here after years of waiting, so how does it stack up against the other Top Gun 2? You know, Top Gun: The Second Mission for the NES! Which is better? The game? Or the movie? That's the battle we're going to settle today! Top Gun: Maverick is directed by Joseph Kosinski and stars Tom Cruise returning as Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. Set 36 years after the original 1986 film, Maverick returns to the Navy's Top Gun program to train a new class of young pilots, including the son of his deceased best friend Goose, "Rooster" (Miles Teller). Maverick must not only confront his past, but also prepare the new pilots for mission that seems impossible. Also starring Jennifer Connelly and Val Kilmer returning as "Iceman".
On Cinemassacre, I don't think I've given enough attention to Disney animated films, so let's talk about them! Here are some of my most memorable Disney moments, my history with Disney animation, and my personal favorite Disney animated features.
I always liked funny movies, but there was a time when there existed a level ABOVE funny. Movies that were outrageous. The king of that genre was Mel Brooks. He's influenced so much of our humor today and I recently read his memoir "All About Me", so I figured it's about time for Cinemassacre to pay tribute to him!
Usually I talk about movies, but for this occasion I'll celebrate the TV shows I love, old and new. With so many genres of shows to choose from, I'll just focus on 5 shows I love, not necessarily the top shows in any particular order. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
Have you ever wondered where the training scenes from Rocky IV were filmed at? I made the journey, matching up shots and doing my best to get as close as possible to some of the more elusive (and dangerous) locations that Sylvester Stallone bravely conquered as Rocky Balboa in his quest to become strong enough to defeat the human monster Ivan Drago.
Avatar 2 is coming out this year so I decided to rewatch the first one and see how it holds up. I remember really loving it in the theaters, but I felt very outnumbered by the lackluster response. It seemed to me, from what I heard from friends and the internet in general, is that most people didn’t like it very much. Why have I heard nothing but negative stuff about this film? If its so bad, why is it getting a sequel? People say it's "overrated", so let's investigate. Directed by James Cameron, Avatar (2009) stars Sam Worthington as Jake Sully and Zoe Saldana as Neytiri a Na'vi Warrior. Also starring Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, and Giovanni Ribisi.
Remember Saturday Morning Cartoons? From the 60s until the 90s, the 3 big TV networks, ABC, CBS and NBC would show a block of cartoons every Saturday, generally from 8am till Noon or 1, give or take. So let’s look back at this tradition to remember a bunch of shows I used to watch. We’ll talk about the reasons for the decline, and how I feel about it today.
This is episode 201 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN), which starts off Season 16. The Nerd promised himself in 2006 to review The Last Ninja on NES one day, and today's the day! The Nerd learned during Episode 200 that bad games aren't really made to be bad, that developers probably have decent excuses and issues... but, will he cut The Last Ninja any slack?? -- The Last Ninja is an action-adventure game originally developed and published by System 3 in 1987 for the Commodore 64. But The Last Ninja on the Nintendo Entertainment System is actually the second game in the series Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance
The Nerd is talking Contra! After years of playing nothing but crappy games, The Nerd's dreams are fulfilled through a wish on a monkey's paw, allowing him to finally play something good. Contra for NES is one of those games that everyone has nostalgia for and the AVGN is no different, so he's taking us back to the past to relive a series near and dear to his heart. While focusing on the original Nintendo Entertainment System classic and it's sequel Super C, The Nerd also checks out Contra Arcade, Operation C, Contra III: The Alien Wars, Contra: Hard Corps, Contra: Legacy of War, C The Contra Adventure, and Contra 4. -- Contra is a run-and-gun shooter game originally developed and published by Konami for arcades in 1987, before coming to homes on the NES in 1988. Also known as Gryzor and Probotector in some regions.
The Nerd auditions a handful of Wii games before landing on a game he just had to show off: Purr Pals! Raise your own digital kitten by feeding it, playing fetch with it, and even facing off against it in table tennis! He also tries out Party Babyz, Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing, Balls of Fury, and Monkey Mischief.
This is episode 204 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)! When it comes to movie-based games, you’d think The Nerd covered them all by now, but here’s another one based on the Bruce Willis film, Hudson Hawk on NES. The movie is a bit of a mixed bag, so lets see what kind of "bag' the game is! Released by Sony Imagesoft in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, you play as the titular Hudson Hawk (Willis), the world's greatest thief, who is forced to steal three of Da Vinci's precious artifacts by the Mario Brothers Mafia. The movie also starred Danny Aiello, Andie MacDowell, Richard E. Grant, and Sandra Bernhard.
This is episode 205 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)! In this episode of AVGN, the Nerd wants nothing more than to play DOOM on his Commodore 64... but first, the Icon of Sin must punish him with every DOOM port... and a few weird things DOOM can run on.
This is episode 206 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)! In this episode of AVGN, the Nerd talks about everyone's favorite Lasagna Eating Orange Cat, Garfield. From Atari to Sega Genesis, The Nerd will dig into a big pile of Cat Crap!
This is episode 207 of the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)! Let's take a look back at an alleged NES Classic, Kid Icarus. Does it stand up with the Titans of the Era, or is it a Mount Olympus of Poop??? Find out in this episode of AVGN!!!!!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 208, The Nerd opens up a can of worms and takes a gross out look back at the Earthworm Jim series! Often hailed as classics, The Nerd looks to find out if the original Sega Genesis games (or the 3D one for N64) still hold up, or, if they were simply a flash in the pan of the 90s.
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 209, The Nerd dons his leather hat and whip again to pick up where he left off in 2008, playing more bad games based on the Indiana Jones films series! This time though he's got something brand new for you - a game based on the newly released Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for the... LeapFrog Didj?! The Nerd also digs deep into Young Indiana Jones games on Sega Genesis and NES, some of Indy's PC and DVD adventures, and his first venture into 3D in the Nintendo 64's the Infernal Machine.
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 210, The Nerd is opening up a bag of jelly beans and flipping through the pages of Nintendo Power, in his quest to beat the David Crane NES classic, A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 211, The Nerd has his final confrontation with the NES game that has tortured him his entire life: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!! And he'll need some help from a wiser, more Fatherly Nerd to exorcise it once and for all!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 212, The Nerd crosses another game off his bucket list with the Super Nintendo RPG classic, Final Fantasy III... or Final Fantasy VI as its known outside the States!
With 2023 coming to a close, here are my top 10 Angry Video Game Nerd moments of the year!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 213, The Nerd heads under the Goon Docks to dig up buried treasure, but instead of One Eyed Willie's gold he finds something worse than the Fratellis: Goonies 1 and 2!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 214, The Nerd gets a new cell phone and tries out mobile gaming for the first time with My Horse Prince, a dating sim starring an anime girl and a talking horse with an attractive human face!
The Nerd celebrates 20 years of Angry Video Game Nerd in AVGN episode 215, with the series that started it all and this time he's going to decide what the greatest Castlevania game of all time is for good!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 216, The Nerd plays a Super Nintendo classic as he tries to achieve a lifelong dream of getting a Megalopolis and Mario statue in SimCity, at any cost!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 217, The Nerd performs a magic trick by sticking his hand in the N64 shelf and pulling out the only 3D platformer starring a glove and a ball: Glover!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 218, The Nerd wakes up with a throbbing headache and his memories missing, so he searches his NES library for clues in hopes to solve the mystery and end this bad case of Déjà Vu!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 219, The Nerd digs up another vampire game for Super Nintendo but instead of Dracula, this one's based on the classic silent horror film based on Dracula: Nosferatu!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 220, The Nerd is grabbing his A.I. Controller and jumping down the Sunsoft frog hole to play the NES classic, Blaster Master!
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 221, The Nerd seeks out his old foe the Glitch Gremlin to help him defeat an even greater threat in A.I. Man, but can they put their past behind them and work together to glitch the ultimate artificial intelligence into submission?
In Angry Video Game Nerd episode 222, The Nerd is looking at the only video game mascot series starring a gecko! Originally 3DO's answer to Mario and Sonic, Gex would go on to spawn two sequels with Enter the Gecko and Deep Under Cover. Do the Gex games hold up as platforming classics or are they simply petrified gecko crap? “This place is weirder than 4th of July at Rick James place.”
In Angry Video Game Nerd 223, The Nerd takes a look back at some of his favorite retro video game commercials after referencing them for years.
The new Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit game got into MAGFest 2025, so that was the perfect excuse to rebuild the Nerd Room as a set. The guys at Retroware put together a portable version of my basement game wall for the convention. It was a crazy project—measuring everything, printing hundreds of game spines, and building a full-on freestanding set just for fans to step into. Here’s how it all came together!
A look at the highlights of 2006.
DuckTales (NES). The nerd takes a look at Scrooge McDuck in Duck Tales. This is a positive review for ScrewAttack's Video Game Vault series.
A look at the highlights of 2007.
A look at the highlights of 2008.
Cinemassacre takes a look at the 1994 direct to video Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles holiday special “We Wish You A Turtles Christmas”.
James Rolfe and Mike Matei check out a strange NES cart sent in as a donation.
It's a simple question but James has all his favorites broken down by category.
The Nerd picks his the 10 worst endings to games he's reviewed so far!
Here's the commercial for Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing (2003)
This month marks the 10 year anniversary since James Rolfe made the Castlevania II: Simon's Quest video. The very first Angry Video Game Nerd episode. (At the time called Bad NES Games) Here James looks at his old bedroom where the first episode was made.
Angry Video Game Nerd and Pat The NES Punk team up to review two Nintendo Entertainment System games: The Adventures of Bayou Billy & The Punisher!
This video was recorded in front of a small crowd at midnight JUNE 28th 2014. This took place at the TooManyGames After Party event and AVGN 10th Anniversary celebration. Speeches conducted by Mike Matei, Bad Luck Bootsy and Kyle Justin. After the speeches we screened the oldest surviving VHS copy of the first two nerd videos. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. The panel ended with a Q&A session.
This video, James Rolfe and Mike Matei give their thoughts on the new film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014). Here's a link to our old video on this subject recorded a few years back "New TMNT Movie: James & Mike's Thoughts"
James talks about the final phase of the movie production: the release. This involves the theatrical screenings, the upcoming digital release, and the upcoming DVD/ Blu-ray. This is just a generic update, in celebration of the movie's completion!
Here is a bunch of clips from the recent Angry Video Game Nerd MOVIE TOUR. The movie has been screening to live audiences, and will become available as a digital download beginning September 2, 2014. DVD and Blu-ray will be coming by the end of the year, packed with bonus features.
"History of the Nerd" is a song about Cinemassacre preformed by Kyle Justin at the Symphony Space in NYC August 8th 2014.
AVGN panel recorded July 12th, 2014 by Twitch at SGC. This was uploaded before, but we tried correcting the audio because it was hard to hear.
The AVGN Movie makes its internet debut on Vimeo! We are looking into additional outlets for online distribution, but all the others take much longer to process. In the future, we expect to have the movie available on some other sites too. Also, the DVD/Blu-ray is in production. It will include a feature-length Behind-The-Scenes documentary, outtakes, deleted/extended scenes, a commentary track, some surprises, and the feature movie in 5.1 surround sound. We expect to have it ready by November/December.
Intro and Q&A session from the Angry Video Game Nerd Movie screening at the Symphony Space, New York City. August 8th, 2014, with Kevin Finn and James Rolfe, the writers and directors. (Edited between the two back-to-back screenings)
The introduction and Q&A at the world premiere of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, in Hollywood, at the historic Grauman's Egyptian Theater, July 21, 2014, with cast and crew. Special thanks to William Demolee for filming, and to Jackie for submitting additional footage and pics.
The introduction and Q&A at the "Comic Con" screening of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, in San Diego CA, at the Reading Gaslamp Theater, July 24, 2014, with Kevin Finn and James Rolfe, the writer/directors. Hosted by Pat Contri.
In this video Mike Matei reviews Mario Adventure, a hack of Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
The introduction and Q&A at the first East Coast USA screening of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, in Phoenixville PA, at the historic Colonial Theater where the classic monster movie The Blob was filmed. Introduced by Mike Matei and Kyle Justin.
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure was developed by Treasure and published by Sega in 1993. It stars fast food legend Ronald McDonald who’s here to serve up all the nutrition calories and McDonalds awesomeness he can in this (somewhat) forgotten platformer for the Sega Genesis. How many McDonalds are there in the world ? Who cares! Wouldn’t you rather know how many sweet games Treasure Co produced? Find out that and more in this game review by Mike Matei of McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure for Sega Genesis! There are plenty of Fast Food articles out there on the internet, but how many reviews are there of the Sega Genesis game?! Not nearly enough! So what are you doing reading this silly description!? Go watch the video! Ronald McDonald commands you! =P
Howard Scott Warshaw, the programmer of Atari's E.T. "the worst game of all time", speaks about it's legacy and about what it was like working on the AVGN Movie.
AVGN panel recorded July 12th, 2014 by Twitch at SGC.
In this video, Mike Matei reviews Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II for Xbox 360. It was developed by LucasArts and released in 2010. The Force Unleashed II is a follow up to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed from 2008. In this sequel, you control the clone of StarKiller (Darth Vader’s secret apprentice). Find out more about this action-adventure hack ’n slash in the review!
Another Top 10 from the AVGN Clip Collection. This is some of the worst music AVGN ever heard on the NES! (From videos the Nerd has done so far)
Another Top 10 from the AVGN Clip Collection. This is the Top Ten unexpected Nerd moments! (From videos the Nerd has done so far)
The Nerds Top 5 Worst Gaming Accessories! (From videos the Nerd has done so far)
It totals about 10 hours of bonus content, (12 hours including the main feature film), which is insane! That doesn’t even count the audio commentary track, and audience reaction track. It should be noted that half of the bonus content has already been posted online in some form like the trailers, web updates, Q&A’s, etc, now all together at home in one package, but it’s still about 5 hours of DVD/Blu-ray exclusives (9 hours of exclusives if you count the bonus audio tracks). Note: The DVD version is not yet available. Getting it on a Blu-ray was a much bigger task, and we assume most people would want that. So the DVD will be coming later. Note: The Blu-Ray is REGION FREE. MAIN FEATURE with Scene Selections and Subtitles (all the same languages currently on Vimeo) AUDIO TRACKS 1. Stereo 2. 5.1 Surround 3. Commentary with Sean, Kevin, James 4. Audience reaction track (using the best existing audio from the Egyptian Theater premiere in Hollywood, and New York City) VFX – BEFORE AND AFTER – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (11 mins, 25 secs) COSTUMES – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (9 mins, 21 secs) SPECIAL EFFECTS – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (39 mins, 53 secs) ON SET WITH DEATH MWAUTHZYX – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (48 mins, 24 secs) CAST – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (15 mins, 13 secs) HSW (9 mins, 20 secs) MUSIC & SOUND – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (15 mins, 26 secs) OUTTAKES – Lloyd Kaufman – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (2 mins, 6 secs) OUTTAKES – Eddie Pepitone – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (2 mins, 36 secs) OUTTAKES – Van Chase – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (3 mins, 35 seconds) OUTTAKES – Nerd’s game reviews – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (4 mins, 55 secs) OUTTAKES – Justin Carmical (in memory) – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (1 min, 53 secs) BLOOPER REEL – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (9 mins, 21 secs) FAN REEL – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (3 mins, 25 secs) DELETED SCENE – “Nerds Before Birds” – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (1 min, 39 secs) DELETED SCENE – Original Ending – DVD/BD EXCLUSIVE (37 sec
Note: I’m aware Nintendo has a contract with K’nex and that’s why there are no Nintendo themed Legos. What I mean is, it’s just a shame that they don’t exist. Because Nintendo Legos would be awesome!
This was a review I did a while back, but since then “Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara” has been released on various systems. Years back you could only play it in the arcade or for the Sega Saturn (Japan only). However, in the past few years it’s been released on Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, Steam and Nintendo E-shop. It’s STILL one of my favorite arcade beat em’ ups of all time, and if you have never played it, you should give it a try. Note: For digital download releases, they've packaged it with Tower of Doom and now it's called “Chronicles of Mystara”.
EPISODES.. AVGN Games Wish List Pt 1 Wish List Pt 2 Big Rigs Desert Bus Beetlejuice EXTRAS Video Commentary on the year (Behind-the-scenes) Outtakes Game Gear review (Mike) Ghostbusters Leftovers (Mike) SGC Panel 2014 TMG Panel 2014 TMG AVGN 10 Year Anniversary speeches
In this video Mike Matei reviews 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe for the Atari 2600.
Q*bert's Qubes game review by Mike Matei. Q*bert's Qubes was originally a coin-operated arcade game by Mylstar made in 1983. There was also a home port for the ColecoVision but here I focus on the somewhat rare Atari 2600 version.
In this video Mike Matei discusses several different versions of Wizard of Wor. Arcade, Atari 2600 and others. Wizard of Wor is essentially like a cross between Pac-man & Berzerk. Along with Gauntlet, it was one of the few early arcade games that used voice clips. WOW is also available on PS2 and PSP in Midway's Arcade Treasures Volume 2 and Midway Arcade Origins on Xbox 360.
Join the Nerd and friends as they blast their way through 10 levels of fun, fast paced 2D action based on the AVGN's adventures in his online series. With multiple playable characters, power ups, cameos galore, tons of secrets, and more, we've made a game that all fans of video games will enjoy. So grab that gamepad and pick up a copy of AVGNA today! Don't have a Wii U? Live on a different rock? Don't worry! Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures will be coming to the 3DS and Europe shortly! Please visit Nintendo eShop on Wii U to purchase! Click on eShop, then do a search for "AVGN".
Hooking up Multiple Video Game Systems by Mike Matei Fans having been asking me for quite a while about how I hook up all my game consoles. My setup isn’t the most efficient thing in the world, but it gets the job done. There are probably better switchers out there I could be using, but this is just the way I’ve been doing it. I use mostly basic RCA Splitters that can be bought at local stores like Radio Shack and Target. I would like to improve the way I have everything hooked up however. So if you have any ideas on how I can improve my gaming setup, please let me know. I know there are 8 way RCA splitters out there, but really I need one more extreme then that, which is why I haven’t bothered upgrading. I need something that does more like 20 way… What I really need is something that can has more ports for HDMI, Coaxial & RCA all together.. Here’s a list of the systems that are hooked up at my apartment now. And what method I’m using for each. Nintendo Entertainment system (NES) - RCA (modded) Famicom - Coaxial (i’d like to get a modded fermium but don’t have one yet) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) - RCA Nintendo 64 - RCA Gamecube - RCA Sega Genesis - RCA Sega Saturn - RCA Panasonic 3DO - RCA Turbo Duo - RCA Xbox - RCA Playstation 2 - RCA Dreamcast - RCA Sega Master System - RCA Atari 7800 - RCA (modded) Atari 5200 - RCA (modded) Wii U - HDMI Retron 5 - HDMI Xbox 360 - HDMI Playstation 3 - HDMI Ouya - HDMI
A Blu-ray that comes with a Batmobile! What more could you want? But don’t let the Joker near it or Bruce Wayne will need some auto insurance quotes =D
Let's Play Axiom Verge with Mike and Ryan! Cinemassacre's website designer joins Mike Matei to check out Axiom Verge! An indie game, largely inspired by Metroid for Playstation 4, Playstation Vita and Microsoft Windows. Here we play the PS4 version!
Let’s Play Shovel Knight featuring Battletoads! This is a video game for Xbox One and is also on PlayStation Vita! This gameplay playthrough / walkthrough was recorded by Mike & Ryan! We hope you enjoy the preview of Shovel Knights Battletoads! (Note: The Playstation 4 version has Kratos from God of War)
Let's Play Toren! A new video game for PC and PlayStation 4.
JonTron (Jon Jafari) visits the Cinemassacre "Video Store".
Some Outtakes from AVGN Atari Sports!
Let's Play Lakeview Cabin Collection, an indie game made to be like a slasher film! This game is for PC and is available on Steam. This walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough was recorded by Mike & Ryan!
Some Outtakes from AVGN: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure!
Download AVGN Adventures on 3DS today!
In May 1996, I learned the trials of filmmaking, while making a horror movie titled "A Night of Total Terror". Shortly afterwards, I documented it, with a behind-the-scenes video, made in July 1996. The original VHS-C tape of the documentary was damaged beyond repair. Recently, I discovered a 2nd generation copy, and used clips from it, to make this new documentary, in 2015. The original "A Night of Total Terror" was 30 minutes long, but has gone through minor re-edits over the years.
This is the entire first season of the Angry Video Game Nerd compiled into one single video for your viewing convenience! Another alternative for watching the episodes is using the series playlists.
Mike Matei's Video Game Collection Room Tour with AlphaOmegaSin! In this video we talk about some NES, Super Nintendo and Atari 2600 games. As well as Godzilla & Legend of Zelda action figures! (Part 2 coming soon where we'll look at more stuff!)
Let's Play Farming Simulator 15 developed by Giants Software. Mike & Ryan show you a simulation game where you can manage your own farm! Get ready to Harvest, Plant and PLOW your way into episode 5 of Talk About Games!
Let's Play Guild of Dungeoneering! Mike & Ryan try out a cool turn-based dungeon crawler for this episode of Talk About Games! Use cards to fight monsters and gain loot! It's a nerdy fun time!
Let's Play Ronin! For this episode of Talk About Games, Mike and Ryan look at Ronin! An indie action platformer with a vengeful heroine (much like Kill Bill).
Today is the 1 Year Anniversary of the premiere of Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie. The first public screening was on July 21, 2014 at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. It was an epic night for all of us. Here, for the first time on YouTube, is the special effects documentary from the Blu-ray/DVD. It shows the creative process behind the practical effects in the film. Most of the film was shot in the Los Angeles area, inside studios and exterior locations which all required expensive permits. We also worked with union cast and union crew members. It was a big production, but ironically, many of the effects were done with a small local crew, Cinemassacre-style, after I returned home to the East Coast. Enjoy this documentary, which only gives a small glimpse at the making of the film. There is so much more to it. I plan to release more videos like this, over time.
Bootsy attempts to guide you through levels 1-4 of Battletoads for the NES - one of the hardest video games ever made! This playthrough was done with NO WARPS or Continues! Performed on a real NES console. Part 2 coming soon, he will continue on with the game and guide you through several more levels. Note: If you'd like to play the game and don't have an NES, Battletoads is coming out soon for the Xbox One's Rare Replay series.
Bootsy attempts to guide you through levels 5-7 of Battletoads for the NES - one of the hardest video games ever made! This playthrough was done with NO WARPS or Continues! Performed on a real NES console. Part 3 coming soon, he will continue on with the game and guide you through several more levels. Note: You can play this game now with Retro Replay on Xbox One!
Bootsy attempts to guide you through levels 8-10 of Battletoads for the NES - one of the hardest video games ever made! This playthrough was done with NO WARPS or Continues! Performed on a real NES console. Part 3 coming soon, he will continue on with the game and guide you through several more levels. Note: You can play this game now with Retro Replay on Xbox One!
Let's Play Layers of Fear for PC! A psychedelic horror where you take control over a crazy painter! We played through the early access version of the game, it was a lot of fun!
Relive all the frustrating experiences from all those "Where the fuck do I go?" type of games. All those times when you need to get Nintendo Power magazines.
Mike & Ryan get some hands on time with Guitar Hero Live at Activision's YouTube Space event!
Relive all the frustrating experiences from all those "Where the fuck do I go?" type of games. All those times when you need to get Nintendo Power magazines.
Meet the cast from Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie. This is one of the many mini-documentaries on the Blu-ray, introducing all the main characters from the film, besides the Nerd.
Let's Play Transformers Devastation! Mike & Ryan get some hands on time with Transformers Devastation, an upcoming Beat 'em up video game based on the original G1 Transformers universe! The game is developed by PlatinumGames and published by Activision.
The sequel to AVGN Adventures is coming this winter: AVGN 2: ASSimilation! The Nerd is back for an all new Adventure! With new mechanics, new power ups, discoverable armor and abilities and so much more!
James and Mike discuss which movies belong in the horror genre.
Let's Play Prison Architect! Prison Architect is a strategy game for PC about building and Managing a maximum security prison. The game was published and developed by Introversion Software.
SEASON 2 February 2007- February 2008 (Atari 5200 to Rambo)
Mike and Ryan take a look at Dungeon Defenders 2. A pretty cool tower defense action RPG for PC (through steam).
These are the moments when the Nerd came, saw, and kicked it's ass!
See all the greatest moments when the Nerd loses!
This is a complete playthrough of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES! Gameplay performed by Mike Matei of Cinemassacre. This game is largely considered one of the hardest and most frustrating NES games ever made! This live stream recording was done on October 28th, 2015.
This is the first part of my live stream where I went through the first several levels of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on NES. Check out the next part where I actually beat the game!!
Happy Halloween! James and Mike discuss their favorite holiday, of fond memories, a checklist on things to do for Halloween, and talk of the history and future of Monster Madness.
Mike plays Ninja Gaiden on NES!
Mike Matei defeats Ninja Gaiden on NES!
Mixing fact with fiction, here are some of the more dramatic mystery moments from the Angry Video Game Nerd franchise.
AVGN Season 3 (Virtual Boy to Milon's Secret Castle) February 2008 - February 2009
For an incredibly ambitious independent film, it needed an equally ambitious musical score and sound design. Get a glimpse into the creative process with this mini-documentary, featuring Kyle Justin, Demetri Evdoxiadis, and Bear McCreary.
The classic tale of horror comes to vivid life in this cinematic adaptation of the NES video game. See Dr. Jekyll fight off enemies in hazardous 19th century London. See Mr. Hyde battle demons with his deadly psycho wave! Which will triumph? Good or evil? It's just a trailer. Not an actual movie. A one-time spoof. Not endorsed by the 80's video game, or Robert Louis Stevenson's corpse. This was a fun secret project that I planned for years. The first scene was shot in December 2014 (The pub). The majority was shot this past Summer 2015. The effects shots and post-production was in the Fall.
Go behind-the-scenes of the Jekyll and Hyde Movie Trailer.
From 2013, this is an extra from the Board James DVD, which we will hopefully have back in stock again in the coming year. In the video, you can hear us talking about the early plans for the new episodes. At the time this was recorded, DreamPhone was the most recent episode. After the completion of the AVGN Movie Blu-ray features (2014), the new Board James episodes finally began production in early 2015. The season finale is "NIGHTMARE".
Bootsy attempts to guide you through levels 11-12 of Battletoads for the NES - one of the hardest video games ever made! This playthrough was done with NO WARPS or Continues! Performed on a real NES console. Note: You can play this game now with Retro Replay on Xbox One!
The Nerd's done an entire episode on game glitches, but his encounters with messy sprites, pixelated garbage, and other odd occurrences happen all the time!
For fans of physical media who want to own the first 100 episodes of AVGN in your collection. It includes two discs. Disc 1 contains the first 100 episodes (about 19 hours total) with a Play All option where you can have the ultimate binge-watching marathon! Disc 2 contains about 7 hours of bonus material, from the previous DVD’s, relating to episodes 1-100. 26 hours is the approximate total running time of both discs combined. Previously, there has been DVD Volumes 1-8. If you already own them, there is nothing new here. This is for: A) If you don’t already own them. This is a new cost effective way to own the first 100 episodes on fewer discs. Blu-ray discs are more expensive to manufacture, but we crammed so many videos into them, that it is a better buy. B) The ability to watch the first 100 episodes in one straight 19 hour marathon. The videos are in STANDARD DEFINITION, because that is the way they were shot. The reason they are on Blu-ray discs is because they can fit much more content than a standard DVD. We are planning on releasing the newer episodes on future Blu-ray sets, to continue the “X” series. Newer episodes are shot in HD, and will be presented in HD when episodes after 106 are eventually released. For those who do not own Blu-ray players, we are also planning on getting the previous DVD releases back in stock, and “Volume 9″ is still possible. We have a lot of work to do. Region Free and Ships Worldwide!
Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie mostly made use of practical effects, using an animatronic alien (with a puppet version), a monster suit with many puppeteer-operated tentacle arms, and plenty of vehicle miniatures. Only when we were completely unable to do the effect in front of the camera, we would use digital effects. Sometimes they were done to enhance a shot, to remove strings, poles or puppeteers, and other times it was to fix mistakes made while on set. During shooting, we had limited time, due to the expensive Los Angeles locations, and also worked with a union cast and union crew. For a low budget independent film, it was extremely difficult to get all our shots in time. Every day was a frantic race against the clock. Therefore, there were lots of shots that needed to be completed later, digitally. For example, all the shots with TVs or monitors in the background. There wasn’t time to plug them into a power source, and sometimes the images that needed to go on the monitors were not finished yet, such as graphics or animated sequences like the EeeTee 2 game. The digital effects team was big! We had about 80 people working on different shots. There were hundreds of shots that required effects work. We thank everyone for all your hard work! Effects done in computer are known as VFX (Visual Effects) in the film industry, even though all effects are “visual.” (Practical effects are usually called Special Effects. After all, they are more “special”.)
James and Mike's first impressions / review for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015). This is the first part of our review where we discuss the film in general. Part two will go over spoilers. (Part 2 coming later today)
James and Mike discuss SPOILER aspects from Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). This video contains SPOILERS.
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! There will be an actual AVGN Episode sometime later in the month. These are NOT AVGN episodes.. this is a special holiday event! Now prepare yourself for the Nerd's Twenty Five Days of Bad Game Cover Art! Today's video.. AVGN: Bad Game Cover Art #1 - Pro Wrestling (Sega Master System)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Mega Man on NES!
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Shatterhand on NES!
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Action Fighter on Sega Master System!
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Shingen The Ruler on NES!
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Phalanx (SNES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Snow White and the 7 Clever Boys (PS2)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Ghost Lion (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Eliminator Boat Duel (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Street Hockey '95 (SNES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Crackout (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Cock'in (Commodore 64)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Treasure Master (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Karnaaj Rally (Game Boy Advance)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Hell Fighter (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Scrapyard Dog (Atari 7800)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - RollerBlade Racer (NES)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Killer Kong (ZX Spectrum)
AVGN has an Advent Calendar of Ass! Step into the art gallery as we examine some of the worst video game cover artwork, each day until Christmas! Today's bad game cover critique - Hammerin Harry (NES)
AVGN: Bad Game Cover Art #23 - Super Duper Sumos (Game Boy Advance)
Mike and Ryan take a look at Shadow Complex Remastered, a platform-adventure video game released in 2009. It is heavily inspired by Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Mike and Ryan play Guns Gore & Cannoli on PS4
From the set of the upcoming AVGN episode, thank you to the 2 million YouTube subscribers! Back when I was a kid making home movies, I would have never imagined this! Also thanks to all your support over the years. My goal has always been to entertain you. Hope you continue to enjoy the videos.
The Nerd is back for an all new adventure in Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation! With all new weapons, armor and abilities the Nerd is ready to prove this game is anything but ASS! Pre-order before March 29th on Steam and receive 10% off and a FREE soundtrack! Releasing March 29th 2016 for PC and MAC.
Mike and Ryan check out Stardew Valley for PC. Similar in theme to Harvest Moon, with Stardew Valley, you inherit a farm and have to learn to live off the land.
The sequel to "the most rewarding game of 2013" is finally here!
First impressions of Blizzard's Overwatch, a soon to be released title for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.
Atari vs Nintendo - Mike Matei and Pat Contri discuss why the Atari 2600 has become somewhat forgotten, while the NES thrives. This is part of a two hour discussion I had with Pat over Skype. More topics to come later on.
Everyone remembers annoying enemies like the Hammer Bros in Super Mario Bros (NES). But lets get more obscure! In this video, Mike Matei chooses his personal Top 10 cheapest and lesser known enemies on the NES!
Mike and Ryan play Slain! for PC. Slain is a gorey 2D Castlevania Symphony of the Night inspired game with puzzle elements and heavy metal inspired combat.
Mike Matei and Pat Contri discuss collecting retro games.
AVGN art, costumes, and props are being auctioned for charity! Before they go, James and Mike look over the AVGN scripts, (plus Board James and You Know What's Bullshit) and discuss the making of the series, in celebration of 10 years of posting on YouTube! I am auctioning AVGN/ Cinemassacre memorabilia, including original artwork, costumes, props, and scripts. All proceeds go to Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of hospitals across the United States that care for children with injuries, regardless of their family's ability to pay.
James Rolfe shows you his updated DVD/ VHS/ Laserdisc Collection 2016!
Mike Matei chooses his personal favorite skeletons in video games! It's Cinemassacre's Top 10 Boners!
Top 12 Video Games Defeated On Camera by Mike Matei
Here's my initial thoughts of the upcoming Godzilla film, from Toho. The main question is when/how will it be released internationally?
Talk About Games "Heads Up" with Mike & Ryan! This time it's all about the cell phone / tablet trivia game Heads Up!
My preemptive thoughts on the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot. Just because it has the Ghostbusters license does not mean I will see it. In fact I plan on NOT seeing it.
Ghostbusters 3 was a highly anticipated sequel. Let's take a look at it's history, of all it's trouble and false starts, and how it was ultimately cancelled forever, only to be sadly rebooted instead.
DOOM for PC (Also PS4 and Xbox One) DOOM 2016 is one of the best FPS games we’ve seen in a long time! Watch as Mike & Ryan discuss Doom (2016)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) Review. The first Ninja Turtles movie to include Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady! James and Mike give their first impressions.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan (PC) Talk About Games. (Sponsored)
Mike and Ryan discuss the Dead by Daylight Beta, an awesome new survival horror game developed by Behavior Interactive. (Sponsored)
Mike and Ryan discuss Warcraft: Orcs & Humans for PC.
James and Mike finally lay to rest the infamous jump in TMNT on NES.
2 years later, I give more detailed thoughts to Legendary's GODZILLA (2014). How does it hold up?
Mike and Ryan talk about Pokemon Go, the new hit game where you catch Pokemon in the real world!
Mike and Ryan give their first impressions of Star Trek Beyond (2016) First part of our review is spoiler free, then we get into talking about spoilers later. Star Trek Beyond 2016 Review
Mike and Ryan visit Philadelphia to get a city experience of Pokemon Go! We found Pikachu and other rare Pokemon! Talk About Games Pokemon Go Episode 2
Mike and Ryan talk about Space Run Galaxy a tower-defense real-time spaceship construction strategy experience for PC.
Mike and Ryan discuss the BETA for We Happy Few, an indie-horror survival game by Compulsion Games.
A review of the animated series, The Real Ghostbusters. Does it still hold up?
Telltale has made some great story driven games. Unfortunately Batman: The Telltale Series misses the mark. Ryan and Mike discuss why in this episode of Talk About Games. The makers of Tales from the Borderlands and The Walking Dead now bring a new take on the Dark Knight with the Batman Telltale Games adventure series. An episodic game series rendered to look like a living, breathing comic book, Batman: A Telltale Game Series features an award-winning cast of talent, including Troy Baker in the role of Bruce Wayne, Travis Willingham as Harvey Dent, Erin Yvette as Vicki Vale, Enn Reitel as Alfred Pennyworth, Murphy Guyer as Lieutenant James Gordon, Richard McGonagle as Carmine Falcone, and Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle.
Mike & Ryan play an amazing 2D action roleplaying called Hyper Light Drifter for PC.
Mike and Ryan discuss Savage Resurrection for PC (Sponsored)
Super Mario Bros. (1993) Movie Review by James Rolfe. This is an older review but first time on YouTube!
Mike Matei and Ryan Schott discuss Worms W.M.D for PS4! Note: First Cinemassacre video in 4k!
Mike and Ryan Play Star Trek 50th Anniversary Edition TRIVIAL PURSUIT! Celebrating the 50th anniversary of of Star Trek: The Original Series
Mike and Ryan discuss Star Trek: 25th Anniversary for PC! (Sponsored)
Outtakes from AVGN episodes: Big Rigs, Wish List, Beetlejuice!
Mike and Ryan discuss Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom for PS4. This video is sponsored by CrunchyRoll
Mike and Ryan discuss Ori and the Blind Forest for Xbox One
James discusses making AVGN videos: AVGN Games, Wish List, Big Rigs, Desert Bus and more! NOTE: This video was made several years ago, when Mike first got a PC. We have figured out all these recording issues in the time since then.
This is a bonus feature from 2009, not previously on this channel.
Outtakes from AVGN: Star Trek
Some quick outtakes from the AVGN Batman episode
Mike and Ryan discuss Dead Rising Remastered for Xbox One
James and Mike discuss a scene from The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Mike and Ryan beat Castlevania on NES! One of the most difficult NES games! Happy 30th Anniversary to Castlevania! Also this is our first 4k 60fps video! Gameplay was recorded on a Retron 5.
The king of the monsters is back in Shin Godzilla! James & Mike give their thoughts on the new Godzilla film Shin Godzilla (aka Godzilla Resurgence), the first to come from Toho in 12 years.
Mike and Ryan play Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (WiiWare) Based on the original Game Boy title Castlevania: The Adventure (1989)
James and Mike discover a hilarious difference between Street Fighter II (SNES) compared with Street Fighter 2 (Super Famicom).
Mike & Ryan play the Game Gear Shinobi II: The Silent Fury from 1992. This is the sequel to the original Shinobi for Game Gear.
What reality is this!? It's the Angry Video Game.. Mike! This silly bonus video is a collection of real life reactions from James & Mike Mondays, live streams and other videos showing some of Mike Matei's most pissed-off gaming moments!
First look at everything we know about the Nintendo Switch (code name Nintendo NX): Release date, hardware details, launch titles, a new Mario game, gameplay, price, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Skyrim Remastered, Splatoon eSports, and more about Nintendo Switch!
Batman: Arkham VR full walkthrough playthrough with Mike and Ryan! Batman: Arkham VR is the first game Mike has played for PSVR and it's awesome!
Take on the role of a Colonial Bureaucrat sent forth by the Clockwork Empire to build a Frontier Colony. Design houses & workshops to feed the Ravenous Maw of Industry, manage a uniquely unruly population, avoid cannibalism & monsters, and make Important Decisions for the glory of the Empire!
This is a quick little update to a video I made from last year about how my game room is set up. This time I discuss recording with Game Capture, Live Streaming, my game room setup for filming, and some new retro gaming devices since last time.
Mike and Ryan play Rockin' Kats! Rockin' Kats is a side-scrolling NES game developed by Atlus that involves the adventures of a cartoon cat in his quest to defeat a criminal gang of dogs that has taken over the city.
James Rolfe, Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic), Andre Meadows (Black Nerd Comedy) go to the massive Galloping Ghost arcade, and play Superman, Batman, TMNT, Q-bert, Judge Dredd, The Punisher, Pit Fighter, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Real Ghostbusters, Street Fighter, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, Godzilla, Battletoads, and most importantly... Ninja Baseball Batman! Sorry the audio is not that great. This was a quick production. We didn't have time for lav mics.
This is an update to the last video where Mike Matei discusses his game room setup and video game collection! Here we talk Scart / RGB / AV hook ups and look through some NES games!
Angry Video Game Nerd - Season 5
Mike and Ryan discuss the NES Classic Edition (aka the NES Mini) (Video Sponsored by Full Sail)
Cinemassacre Animated featuring JonTron "The Game Over Worm".
Mike and Ryan play Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers for NES. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers was part of the Disney afternoon back in the early 90s including Ducktales, Gummibears, Darkwing Duck and others.
James reviews the Rocky franchise! Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, Rocky Balboa, Grudge Match and Creed!
It's about time we dust off these old memories, when former internet rivals clashed!
The PS4 Pro features some improvements over the stock Playstation 4. Mike and Ryan discuss PS4 Pro vs PS4 and if it's worth buying!
Earlier today Shigeru Miyamoto from Nintendo and Mark Woodbury from Universal gave their early insights on the collaboration between Nintendo and Universal Parks & Resorts. Mike and Ryan discuss Nintendo at Universal Theme Parks.
A historical look at the Star Wars franchise, mainly the original trilogy, discussing it's appeal, and it's inspirations.
Mike and Ryan play Super Mario Bros. 2 for NES!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 cartoon intro remake animated with Mario Paint by Mike Matei. I chose Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because it was one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood. If you have any suggestions for other 80s / 90s cartoon intros you think I should do, let me know. Maybe some day I will do another one!
The Star Wars alterations for the 1997 special editions have gotten lots of criticism over the years. How much do you agree with? James discusses the Star Wars Special Edition changes in this video.
Something a little different today, for those of you who saw our "PS4 Pro - Does It Suck" episode, we decided to go one step further and do a "taste test" to determine if the general public thinks the upgrade to Pro is worth the purchase.
The Star Wars prequel trilogy has gotten lots of criticism. How much of it is warranted? Do you agree or disagree?
Angry Video Game Nerd Season Six - AVGN Season 6
Cinemassacre Animated - Everything's a Skull - Mega Man 2 Animated by Gritty Sugar (has done Markiplier animation)
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens has had many digital enhancements. In my video, I discuss mainly one example and what I think it means.
James and Mike give their first impressions of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This is our NO spoliers reaction. We will be doing a follow up later on with more thoughts on the film.
James and Mike cotinue their thoughts about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This video contains Spoilers!
Let's play Super Mario Run for ios / iphone! (This is our first time ever playing the game) Super Mario Run is a side-scrolling endless running game by Nintendo for iOS and Android devices. (Coming to android in 2017)
The Angry Video Game Nerd has a holiday surprise for you. Sit back and watch this epic trailer for a lost vintage sci-fi film. It's better than Star Wars.
Mike and Ryan play Star Wars for NES! This game is loosely based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. (Some Rouge One talk in ths video, be warned)
Mike finishes his full playthrough of Ghosts 'n Goblins for NES. This is the SECOND QUEST of the game. That's right, you have to beat this game twice in a row to get the "Real Ending" What's the difference between the first and second quest you might be wondering? Not very much, except the enemies seem a little faster, such as the birds. The projectiles seem faster too. And after the last boss, you will get the "True Ending". Hopefully this can serve somewhat as a guide for anyone that wants to attempt beating the game themselves. Especially helpful might be the pattern I used while fighting the dragon on stage 6. That took me a while to figure out. Gameplay recorded at 60fps. Filmed December 26th 2016
Go behind-the-scenes of the Astro Bastards trailer. I talk about the long history of the project, and how making fun sci-fi films is something that takes me back to my roots. It's the most "Cinemassacre" of all my videos this year.
Join Mike, Ryan and and the Star Fox Team (Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad and Peppy hare) for a playthrough of Star Fox for SNES!
Mike Matei plays through Contra III: The Alien Wars (Hard Difficulty) for SNES. Contra 3 The Alien Wars is the sequel to Super C for NES. This 60fps playthrough was recorded January 3rd 2017. This is a very practiced playthrough. I beat the game three times before recording this, so I was on the high end of my skill level while doing this. Also, it should be noted, I cut out me farming for bombs in level five. It went on for a long time and it would be tedious to watch me sit and farm for an additional ten minutes for no reason.
I talk about the classic 1939 Wizard of Oz film, and its literary source, and why Hollywood has not yet taken advantage of adapting the rest of the books. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written by L. Frank Baum, published May 17, 1900.
Mike and Ryan play Super Double Dragon for SNES!
Playthrough of Holy Diver for Famicom with Mike Matei. This is an extremely difficult game made by IREM, probably most famous for making R-Type. The thing that really makes this game difficult is the wonky jumping mechanics. It’s hard to explain, but basically the character doesn’t want to move and jump at the same time. I do have to say there are a few things that make this game somewhat forgiving. Most importantly is that like Ghosts N’ Goblins there are infinite continues. So if you defeat a stage, you can play that stage over as many times as you need to. Also most of the bosses in the game are fairly easy. It is the levels themselves that are brutally difficult. And dealing with the poor jumping controls. If you are trying to beat this game yourself, my only recommendation is just a lot of practice. I played this game a lot before I recorded this video. That way I had a fairly good idea of where to use the items, and how to handle the different enemies. I was still learning here, for example I figured out that you have to shoot the gray bats from the underside during this playthrough. Note: This playthrough was edited down for time. Filmed January 8th, 2017
Mike and Ryan discuss the Nintendo Switch Presentation. Details: Nintendo Switch Release Date March 3rd 2017 Console Price $299 (US) Joy-Con Controllers $79.99 Pro Controller $69.99 Battery life 2-6 hours Super Mario Odyssey will be Holiday 2017 Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Sonic Mania look like they will be awesome!
Part 2 of my Oz book reviews. This time, I cover Land of Oz (1904), Ozma of Oz (1907), and the movie Return to Oz (1985). Also, I give my first impressions on the premiere episode of Emerald City (2017).
Mike and Ryan play Castlevania: The Adventure for Game Boy
Full Playthrough of Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones with Mike Matei. Double Dragon 3 (NES) was developed by TechnĹŤs Japan.
Time to dig into the Cinemassacre graveyard and "resurrect" some old movie reviews. These are reviews that have either gone missing, or have never been posted on YouTube before, previously being exclusive to the website
Happy Room is a game where you are a dummy / ragdoll testing all the newest weapon tech.. inside a torture chamber of death!!
James and Mike discuss who is the best (and worst) of the Three Stooges. Which do you pick? Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Curly Howard, Shemp Howard, Joe DeRitaor or Joe Besser? This is an outtake from James & Mike Mondays Sonic 2 Part 2
Full playthrough of Bart vs the Space Mutants for NES by Mike Matei.
Time to dig into the Cinemassacre graveyard and "resurrect" some old movie reviews. These are reviews that have either gone missing, or have never been posted on YouTube before, previously being exclusive to the website
Full playthrough of Dragon’s Lair for NES by Mike Matei.
Happy Groundhog Day. Resurrecting another old review from
Mike & Ryan - Double Dragon 4 for Playstation 4 (Guest James Rolfe) The classic side-scrolling action game Double Dragon returns for it's newest incarnation - Double Dragon IV! A new legend begins!!
Super Mario All Stars: The Lost Levels (SNES) full playthrough by Mike Matei.
This is just a quick fan made animation animated in an anime style for fun.
Let's dig into the Cinemassacre graveyard and resurrect some of the old movie reviews that haven't been posted on YouTube before.
Mike and Ryan play Super Mario World for Super Nintendo! Super Mario World was released on the SNES August 13, 1991.
This is a full playthrough of Darkwing Duck for the Nintendo Entertainment System played by Mike Matei. Darkwing Duck was designed by Capcom (a semi Mega Man reskin) for the NES and released in June 1992. Playthrough recorded Feb, 12 2017
James takes his first in-depth look at the phenomenon of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! There will be two parts. The main review of Power Rangers will be in Part 2. Finally getting to Power Rangers even though it's 2017 !
1-2 Switch Nintendo Gameplay Preview Event discussion sponsored by Opinion Outpost!
Contra: Hard Corps for Sega Genesis full playthrough. This game has alternate paths with totally different areas and bosses so maybe I will do another playthrough on another path sometime later!
Super Shits and Scythes - Cinemassacre Animated
James reviews Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, broadly covering seasons 1-3, plus the first two movies. (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie 1995 and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie 1997). This is the final part. Next week will be a new topic.
Mike and Ryan play DuckTales 2 for Game Boy!
This is a full playthrough of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out from beginning to end! Many hours of practice went into learning the strategy for each boxer before recording this playthrough! Thanks to the fans for watching my playthroughs each week!
Mike and Ryan play Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Sega Game Gear!
This Game Room update mainly concerns Mike's switch from AV composite to RGB Scart. Part of our ongoing quest to bring Cinemassacre fans the best possible gameplay footage from consoles.
Dusting off another old Cinemassacre review for YouTube, in time for St Patricks Day.
Mike and Ryan play Blaster Master Zero for Nintendo Switch!
Full playthrough of Castlevania: Bloodlines for Sega Genesis. This playthrough was recorded March 28th, 2017 by Mike Matei. Developed by Konami, Castlevania: Bloodlines is one of my favorite Sega Genesis games. It has an excellent soundtrack composed by Michiru Yamane (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) which gives it an appropriately styled atmosphere.
James and Mike discuss retired amusement park attractions from Six Flags, Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios and others.
The awful made-for-TV sequel to the Alfred Hitchcock classic. Review originally posted in 2013, on This is a newly edited YouTube-friendly version.
Lost and found! A VHS recording of "America's Most Mysterious" TV show, featuring Mimal, the killer elf of forgotten folklore. Only part of the episode was recorded unfortunately. Actually, as you probably know, this was a Cinemassacre production. The scenes with the Mimal reenactment were shot in Decemeber 2014. I never had time to finish the rest, until Early 2017. This is 3rd in a trilgoy of projects that began as improvised scenes shot with Kevin Finn. The others were “Jekyll and Hyde: The Game: The Movie” and “Flying Fuckernauts Vs The AstroBastards.” Each one took me another year to complete, since keeping up with steady web content is always priority. These projects involved a lot more work, and were more time consuming than the things you usually see on the channel, but they are my favorite things to do. Filmmaking is where I started, and that’s still my main passion. The show took hints from Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, Fact or Fiction, In Search of, The X-Files, or anything of that nature. I’ve always wanted to give Mimal the Elf more exposure, and to give it a creepy twist. I first mentioned Mimal in Angry Video Game Nerd: Episode 109: Atari Sports. The clip from “You Know What’s Bullshit” was an actual TV clip, when they aired the Pennies episode on CNN. The final video/audio was run through a VCR, so the 90s effect was genuine. No digital filters. The actors were ad-libbing. The Google line cracked me up. At that point, we weren’t committed to it being a period piece. But Google DID exist in the late 90s. The image shown on the computer, was from 1997. By the time you see the car, you already know we’re joking around. But if you’ve made it that far, and were still fooled, I’m glad. Either way, hope you enjoyed it.
Mike and Ryan play River City Ransom: Underground for PC.
Have you ever remembered a movie in a particular way, only to find out your memory is wrong?
Mike and Ryan play Batman Returns on Super Nintendo!
This is a full playthrough of Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back for Super Nintendo by Mike Matei. This playthrough was recorded on brave difficulty. I did several playthroughs of this game prior to recording this video. The playthrough before this, I made it to the Walker interior and then lost the plasma, so I restarted the game from the beginning. Basically losing the plasma isn't really an option for me. You're pretty screwed without it. Reason I mention this is that's my main advice with the game, never lose your powered up weapon. Maybe sometime I'll do Return of the Jedi for SNES. Apparently the teaser for Star Wars: The Last Jedi is coming later this week. I'm pretty excited for that because well, Luke Skywalker.
Mike and Ryan react to the Nintendo Direct on 4.12.2017. We discuss Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS titles include Arms, Hey! Pikmin, Splatoon 2, Splatoon US Inkling Open, Splatoon 2 Salmon Mode (co-op), Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Kirby's Blowout Blast, Bye-Bye Box Boy, Sonic Mania, Monster Hunter Stories, Miitopia, Payday 2 and more. We also discuss the new Amiibo for The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, and Pikmin.
Here are some of the famous movie quotes that are never actually spoken in the actual films.
Let's clarify and discuss some of the trivial movie/TV quotes, that basically exist, but everyone says slightly incorrect.
Mike and Ryan play Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 from The Disney Afternoon Collection.
Here's some famous quotes where my research has run thin. Some of them exist, but are different than expected. Others are unconfirmed. See if you can help me find the origin of some of these elusive catch phrases.
Mike and Ryan try out "Scanner Sombre" a game where you explore a cave and try to solve a mystery using a 3D lidar scanner. (Sponsored by Introversion Software) Basically imagine if Geordi La Forge decided to play Lite-Brite ;)
This is a full playthrough of Dick Tracy for the Nintendo Entertainment System! This playthrough was recorded with a real NES cartridge. Many will remember this game from the AVGN episode, well James gave me many tips prior to recording this playthrough. The game definitely has some problems, such as not explaining where to go and overly tricky platform jumps. This video can serve as a walkthrough if you are attempting it for yourself. I recommend trying to stock up on first aid kits early and perhaps taking out all the snipers on the city map first. If I were to play this game again, I would try making notes of the first aid locations.
Eagle Island is a procedurally generated roguelike.
One year ago, in May 2016, Cinemassacre held its biggest charity auction to date, auctioning memorabilia from Angry Video Game Nerd episodes, movie, and other Cinemassacre videos. All proceeds went to Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Mike and Ryan play the original Mega Man for NES!
Angry Video Game Nerd Season Six - AVGN Season 7
Create a virtual battle of the bands, between the masters of thrash metal. In this new series "Playlist Junkie" I'll be sharing lists of recommended hard rock and metal songs. If you own the same songs in your digital library, you can recreate the lists, and listen along with me.
Just an update on all the upcoming projects Cinemassacre has cookin'.
James and Mike review Alien: Covenant.
Mike and Ryan look back at the original Sony PlayStation game console!
This original animation was created by Team Legend Studios, they used AVGN sound bytes to make an original story. In the cartoon, the Nerd is hunting for those pesky ducks from Duck Hunt. He's suddenly annoyed by the one and only Bugs Bunny. And that's when it gets a little weird... and violent. Per usual. Golgo 13: The Top Secret Episode was recorded for Pat the NES Punk's Marathon for Charity (2010). What are Doug's thoughts on James Rolfe's magnum opus?
From almost the start of the Angry Video Game Nerd, there have been holiday specials. From riffing on Bible Games to destroying Home Alone games with Macaulay Culkin, the Nerd has had a lot of cool holiday moments. So, here's a clip reel to get you in the mood for Christmas right around the corner. The AVGN Holiday Memories from 2006 to 2020!!
Get DRAGON QUEST TACT for your phone today with this link:​ And thanks to SQUARE ENIX for the sponsored #Ad​. Oh, and to reiterate, some Monsters are exclusive to banners, while others you can obtain for free, just by playing.
The Cinemassacre Podcast is coming THIS Tuesday night to the channel. It's an hour long video podcast, but the audio version will be posted wherever podcasts are heard.