Gumball and Darwin decide to spend the day by simply vegging out on the couch and watch TV. They attempt to ignore all the bizarre events happening around them, but are eventually forced to act when Nicole, Richard and Anais are left hanging in their car over a broken bridge.
Arriva il giorno in cui ci si limita letteralmente a vegetare e Gumball è deciso a rispettarlo, anche quando l'universo intero si coalizza contro di lui.
Gumball y Darwin solo quieren descansar todo el día pero terminan teniendo que salvar al resto de la famila.
Gumball et Darwin décident de passer la journée entière à regarder la télévision, et ne sont pas près de bouger...
Gumball und Darwin wollen einen Faulenzer-Tag machen. Obwohl alles bis ins kleinste Detail geplant ist, kommen immer wieder Dinge dazwischen, die ihnen den Tag verderben könnten…