
In the Name of God: Holy Word, Holy War

By detailing key incidents ranging from the Dawson's Field hijackings to the Luxor massacre, this program charts the ever-widening holy war that is pitting Islamists against Zionists and the Arab world against the West. The Kach Party's Noam Federman; Bassam abu Sharif, founder of the Palestine Democratic Party; Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, operational and spiritual leaders of Hamas; Sheikh Jamal Khatab and Sheikh Fadlallah, spiritual leaders of Lebanese al Qaeda and Hezbollah; former Jewish Underground leader Yehuda Etzion; and former PFLP hijacker Leila Khaled are featured, as are former prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and Conor Gearty, expert in human rights law.

English Deutsch
  • Originally Aired July 12, 2004
  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Created November 15, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 15, 2015 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Tim Pigott-Smith Guest Star