This is the first episode of The Adventures of Mobil Joe. Joe Sabin, Nate DeFrees and Bryan Williams made it on a whim in the summer of 2006. They thought it was stupid, but a lot of their friends enjoyed it and encouraged them to make more. They registered the domain, landed a time slot on WCVM-TV, and created a few more short and stupid episodes through January of 2007.
After not releasing any new episodes for a few months, the TAoMJ team threw together this (very) short video to assure people that they would have new content on Spring Break of 2007. The video informed the audience of the following: - They still had the old still-image style. - They've thrown a bit of video in there now. - Also, they've begun animating. - Oh, and they built a fuckin' green screen. It got people really excited. And then they never delivered. They're dicks.