All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 A Day At The Races

    The rescue kids are called upon to help a racing greyhound who's being mistreated by his greedy owner. With the help of the mayor and Noah's handy ""squirrel-cam,"" Barrett, Kat, Elissa and Noah wind up saving a racing-track's worth of Greyhounds.

  • S01E02 See You Later Alligator

    An alligator is loose on a golf course at a posh country club. The rescue kids have to work fast to save the ‘gator from an angry mob of scared club members.

  • S01E03 Burley The Hot Tub Bear

    The volunteers rescue a bear named Burley and who people call Burley the hot tub bear.

  • S01E04 Operation Sea Turtle

    The volunteers must save a sea turtle from being guided away from the ocean because of an helopcoter buisness.

  • S01E05 The Shopping Orangutan

    The volunteers find a orangatan being used to cheat on tests at school and must find a home for it before it is to late.

  • S01E06 Monkey Business

    When a rumor is spread around that when a boy gets sick,the people blame it on the animal shelter,and thaey think that the cause is one of the monkeys that one of the volunteers owns is the cause of the disese.The boy goes through a tough time when they tell him that the only way to find out if the monkey was really the cause of the disese is to put him down and do surgery.When one of the other volunteers asks him why the monkey is so importamt to him.He says that the reason is that they found the monkey when he was sick because the previos owners had fed him bird food.His dad was a vet so they shared their love of animals.They had took the monkey with permission and promised to find a home for it,but then his dad got sick and they never got to find another home for the monkey,so he kept it as his pet and it reminded him of his father and because he had become attached to it.Meanwhile,two of the other volunteers search for the answer to the mystery to save the monkey,and they find out

  • S01E07 Caution: Mountain Lion Head

    The volunteers must rescue a moutan lion and people at the same time.

  • S01E08 Cat Wooman

    The volunteers find a woman that loves cats but has too many.

  • S01E09 Fox Follies

    The volunteers find a group of fox babies.

  • S01E10 Lions, Camera, Action!

    The volunteers find a lion on the set of a movie.

  • S01E11 An Elephant You'll Never Forget

    When one of the elephants are in danger the volunteers must protect it and then they must say goodbye to the elephant they saved.

  • S01E12 Tiger On Board

    The volunteers find a tiger on board of a ship.

  • S01E13 Animal Rescue 101: The Basics

    The volunteers learn a lesson in rescuing animals.

Season 2

  • S02E01 A Dog's Life

    When a dogs life is in jepordy,the volunteers have to find a way to save him before it is too late.

  • S02E02 Those Sea Lions Eyes

    The volunteers must save a sealion that has been washed up on the shore.

  • S02E03 A Place Called Home

    When one of the volunteers finds a man who has a bunch of birds as pets,she starts to hang out with him and then finds out that a woman has started a petition to get rid of the birds because she says that they are a nusince.She trys to help save the birds and starts a petition of her own of how many people that were in that apartment had pets and how they would feel if they were forced to give up there pets.In the end,he gets to keep his birds.Then he proves to her that no matter where they go they will always come back to their home.

  • S02E04 Shoot To Win

    The volunteers uncover some poachers at a contest where you take pictures of deer,and the one with the picture of the biggest deer wins,and when they find sombody really trying to shoot a deer at the contest when that is not the point of the contest and it is out of season,they must deal with them.

  • S02E05 The Case Of The Lost Chimp

    The volunteers must find a lost chimp before anyone else does.

  • S02E06 The Animal Abductors

    The volunteers find some animal abducters steeling animals and planning to steal some animals from the animal shelter.

  • S02E07 The Coyote Hunt

    The volunteers ,the vet,and the vets associate must find two esaped coyotes before the poachers find them first.

  • S02E08 That Rodeo Girl

    One of the volunteers starts to like a girl that is part of a rodeo.

  • S02E09 The Witch's Shadow

    The volunteers find a old panther still working in a traveling magic show and being caged up and abused in between magic shows and they must deguise themselves to get in the magic show and save the panther and set it free in the wild,its rightful place.

  • S02E10 Hunting By Numbers

    The volunteers find out that there are poachers around them and that they are killing animals for fun.

  • S02E11 Crisis At Kinyonga

    When the head vet is attacked by a lion at the animal shelter everybody must help out until she is well.

  • S02E12 Bearly Trapped

    The volunteers find a bear that is trapped and must work together to save it before it is too late.

  • S02E13 Shark

    When Sam is attacked by a shark,he questions his commitment to animals and when the volunteers work at a marine live facility,he may have to confront his fears when at his job he has to swim with sharkas and to belive in saving animals again.

Season 3