All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Day 1: The Purge

    • April 5, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    James MacKinnon and Alisa Smith, authors of "The 100 Mile Diet", try to sign up the residents of Mission, British Columbia on the diet for 100 days. In doing so, they are encouraging people to think about where their food comes from in order to eat more healthily and sustainably. To their amazement, they sign up dozens of families for the challenge. The pair will follow six to monitor their progress for the 100 days: the Clark/Vernons, the Haweses, the McIntoshes, the Peterses, the St. Cyrs and the Weremchuk/Williamses. Each family signs up for a different reason, but James and Alisa feel that this change in lifestyle will benefit some more than others, especially those that have very poor eating habits and resulting possible health issues.

  • S01E02 Days 4 to 22: Back to Basics

    • April 12, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    The McIntoshes have dropped out of the challenge, which is disappointing for Jocelyn McIntosh, who feels her husband didn't support the idea of the task. And James and Alisa feel that Kyle McIntosh would have benefited the most of all the individuals health-wise in doing the diet. The remaining five families are finding that in the initial days of the challenge they have not yet figured out how to vary their diet. Some individuals miss specific food items which they will have to try and replace.

  • S01E03 Days 25 to 40: New Rules

    • April 19, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    On day 25, James and Alisa convene the families to discuss the rules, primarily what is known as the social life clause, used by the Haweses on a recent business trip. What the families are looking for is a level playing field for all. They lay out four rules, one they name the "Randy Rule", in honor of Randy Hawes's somewhat open flaunting of what are considered by most to be the unofficial rules, and in which Randy himself is the first person to enact.

  • S01E04 Days 50 to 69: Half Way There

    • April 26, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    The five families seem to have got into a rhythm with executing the challenge. Many of the families feel that it has brought them closer together, especially when it comes to day-to-day cooking. The routine for many however is a reliance on the cook of the family. Alisa Smith, a self-proclaimed non-cook, promised to make a 100-mile meal during the challenge.

  • S01E05 Days 75 to 95: Pushing Limits

    • May 3, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    James and Alisa want to push the families to experiment more and get outside of the routine into which most have fallen. This routine or comfort zone is primarily meals of meat, potatoes, salad and breakfast of eggs. Self taught cook and perfectionist Angela St. Cyr takes a trip to Raincity Grill in Vancouver to learn from Robert Clark, its executive chef.

  • S01E06 Days 99 and 100: Final Stretch

    • May 10, 2009
    • Flavour Network

    On day 100 of the challenge, the five families are celebrating the occasion, each with a special feast. With James and Alisa, the five families reflect on the past 100 days. The Weremchuk/Williamses probably made the greatest change in initially being non-cooks and who now respect the food on their table. James MacKinnon admits he thought the Weremchuk/Williamses would not have completed the challenge. Angela St. Cyr shares the changes in food spending over the time period and what she needed to do to keep eating local affordable.