When Principal Lawler introduces a new school uniform, Raven decides to protest, and ends up being the only one. But was supported by Alana and her posse. When she has a vision of the group seeking revenge, Raven attempts to stop their scheme, which involves a large wheel of smelly cheese being put into a hot air vent, and framing Eddie and Chelsea. To prevent them from getting in trouble, Raven enters the air vents only to find herself stuck, realizing the only way left to get rid of it is to eat it. Meanwhile, Cory's pet gets a credit card in the mail, which Cory and William use to buy expensive stuff, until Victor tells them that someone will eventually have to pay for it.
Le principal Lawler, lassé de voir ses élèves venir en classe habillés n'importe comment, impose le port de l'uniforme. Raven, qui est opposée à cette décision, mobilise Eddie et Chelsea pour organiser une manifestation. Mais au dernier moment, ses amis lui font faux bond et Raven se retrouve collée. Cette punition lui permet d'intégrer la bande d'Alana, qui la remercie ainsi d'avoir mené la rebellion...
El instituto de Raven empieza a usar uniformes, y ella trata de rebelarse. Cory recibe una tarjeta de crédito.
Il preside Lawler è stanco dei modi di vestire degli studenti ed introduce l'obbligo della divisa: Raven aizza una rivolta, ma nessuno la segue e finisce in punizione.
O diretor quer colocar uniformes na escola mas Raven não concorda e quer um protesto só que ninguém ajuda ela, nem Chelsea e Eddie então ela se alia com Alana, Muffy e Loka, pois elas foram as únicas que concondaram a idéia de Raven.
O diretor quer colocar uniformes na escola mas Raven não concorda e quer um protesto só que ninguém ajuda ela, nem Chelsea e Eddie então ela se alia com Alana, Muffy e Loka, pois elas foram as únicas que concondaram a idéia de Raven.