In the longest episode of the series, Terence McKenna and spiritual teacher Ram Dass discuss a variety of themes in a beautiful coffee house, and get quite open and personal. They talk about the hallucinogen DMT, the revolution of the 60s, politics, and spirituality.
Walking through the Museum of Natural History, Terence talks with Rupert Sheldrake, author of “Morphic Resonance,” a controversial scientist whose work on a vision of the universe with its own inherent memory confronted him with traditional academia.
Walking inside the Botanical Gardens in Prague, Terence has a conversation with Dr. Kenneth Ring, author of the Omega Project, and the world’s leading expert on the near-death experience, who has been recently interested in the case of the UFOs, and the psychology of the people with alien abduction experiences.
Angeles Arrien is an anthropologist, author and workshop leader from California, a proponent of a new discipline called neo-shamanic anthropology. She and Terence discuss archetypes, shamanic cultures, and the archaic revival, a return to aboriginal models.
Alexander Shulgin, Sasha to his friends, is nothing less than the godfather of psychopharmacology. Shulgin has given his life to the study of the pharmacology of the psychedelic experience. In the last episode of the series, while walking through the Old Jewish Cemetery of Prague, Terence and Sasha talk about tryptamine experiences, the problem with how America handles the drug crisis, and how they see themselves in all of this.