盤上島の最終調整の中で訪れた“夢”の体験中に魔素風邪の兆候が現れた月湖は、朦朧とする意識の中で夢を見ていた。 しかしそれらは関わり初めであったにもかかわらず、月湖の持つ"魔法"へのポテンシャルを引き上げていく。 夢か現実かがあやふやななか、魔素“システム”の記憶を垣間見るが、それは月湖の懐かしい思い出でもあった。 時を同じく正木村月湖宅にひとつの影。“昨夜の情事”確認のため潜入した海であったが、その“痕跡はなく”拍子抜けする。 ふと周囲を見ると西南宛にGP宅配で届けられた“パンフレット”が否応なく目に入るのであった。
Tsukiko tem que se preparar para que seu corpo consiga usar magia, algo que parece simples, mas é cansativo para o corpo.
Afin de pouvoir utiliser la magie, Tsukiko a attrapé le rhume de l’élément magique. L’épreuve sera rude pour la jeune femme, si elle souhaite parvenir au bout de son initiation.
During the final adjustments of Plateau Island, Tsukimizu, experiencing a magical illness sign in a "dream" during this period, had a dream in a hazy state of consciousness. Despite the vague distinction between dreams and reality, these experiences began to elevate Tsukimizu's potential for "magic." In the midst of the blurred line between dream and reality, Tsukimizu glimpsed memories of the magical "system," which also held nostalgic moments for her.
Simultaneously, in the village of Masaki, a shadow appeared at Tsukimizu's residence. It was an investigation into the "events of the previous night" in the sea, but disappointingly, there were "no traces." Glancing around, Tsukimizu noticed a "pamphlet" delivered by GP delivery, unintentionally catching her attention.